Corker: Trump will be remembered for "the debasement of our nation"

Of course you implied if people are still complaining about trump because of the election, and not his behavior since entering was a stupid thing to say, and I'm sure you are very proud of yourself.
implied or not your claim was that it was stupid to say...implying that whoever said it is the stupid one and on this we both agree...

...and then there is this:

the claim you embarrassingly pretend is only implied but is actually made and of course incorrectly attributed to me by you.
"JakeStarkey, post: 18429615, member: 20412"]So embarrassed for the country, particularly the nitwits and cowards and enemies of it who voted for Trump.

to which I correctly replied:
you sound like you're over the election, no kidding

to which you got caught embarrassingly saying:
as if people are still complaining about trump because of the election,

Now normally I would be merciful in suggesting you give up on your feeble attempt to save face, but this looks as though it is going to be a slam dunk for me so please do not take the left wing surrender position that seems to be so vogue lately
No attempt to save face spout this same garbage quite are the one protesting "too much"...please, talk some more....
you don't sound sound upset at all, no's that?
Well, I am somewhat upset at the global embarrassment who is our President. I mean, we all knew he was a classless pig, devoid of any discernible morals or ethics. But , I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. I did not see that one coming.

lol...admit it now...I brought out the very best in you and your education...[if you had not gotten a liberal education you would have had the name of both candidates in that post]
"A liberal education"...I.e., an education.
implied or not your claim was that it was stupid to say...implying that whoever said it is the stupid one and on this we both agree...

...and then there is this:

the claim you embarrassingly pretend is only implied but is actually made and of course incorrectly attributed to me by you.
to which I correctly replied:
to which you got caught embarrassingly saying:
Now normally I would be merciful in suggesting you give up on your feeble attempt to save face, but this looks as though it is going to be a slam dunk for me so please do not take the left wing surrender position that seems to be so vogue lately
No attempt to save face spout this same garbage quite are the one protesting "too much"...please, talk some more....
you don't sound sound upset at all, no's that?
Well, I am somewhat upset at the global embarrassment who is our President. I mean, we all knew he was a classless pig, devoid of any discernible morals or ethics. But , I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. I did not see that one coming.

lol...admit it now...I brought out the very best in you and your education...[if you had not gotten a liberal education you would have had the name of both candidates in that post]
"A liberal education"...I.e., an education.
ok, yours is not an oxymoron
What are Trump's virtues? What in his character, his comportment, his disposition makes him admirable?

Jeff Flake was the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party. But today he is a shameful RINO purged from his party by the new normal Trumpian. Why? What in his character, his comportment, his disposition is so egregious and repulsive?

What makes Trump great, a role model, an admirable man?

I've asked this question before. Mainly the Trumpians answer "He ain't Hillary!" As if that and that alone could suffice. Given the havoc Trump wreaks, is his support based on a 'lesser of two evils' scale? Should Americans respect a man who shows so little respect for others? Has his prophesy of being a master deal maker worked out? Can he continue to alienate those from whom he needs support to advance his agenda? Is Trump working hard to unite the country, or his adopted party?

If a Democrat pulled shenanigans on the low level and massive scale Trump has, would you Trumpians be as supportive? Have you abandoned political principles for low brow public behavior? If so, how firmly attached to political principles were you in the first place?

My take on this is to initially blame Sarah Palin, the 'gateway idiot' as the John the Baptist for the new political lunacy. Without her serving as a political outsider with a message of utter simplicity and the ignorance of a neophyte, we would never accepted the lunacy of Trump. Trump began as a birther. The low road, the divisive, the non-sensical. He parlayed this division and suspicion into a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. And we suffer the embarrassment of his antics today. Can we survive his antics for another three years?

When will Trump and the Trumpians finally suffer their comeuppance? Rest assured it will come and at the hands of Trump himself. Such characters carry a torch that throws much heat but little light. And that heat is always fatal.
Last edited:
What are Trump's virtues? What in his character, his comportment, his,disposition makes him admirable?

Jeff Flake was the Tea Party before there was a tea party. But today he is a shameful RINO purged from his party by the new normal Trumpian. Why? What in his character, his comportment, his disposition is so egregious and repulsive?

What makes Trump great, a role model, an admirable man?

I've asked this question before. Mainly the Rrumpians answer "He ain't Hillary!" As if that and that alone could suffice. Given the havoc Trump wreaks, oil his support based on a 'lesser of two evils' scale? Should Americans respect a man who shows so little respect for others? Has his prophesy of being a master deal maker worked out? Can he continue to alienate those from whom he needs support to advance his agenda? Is Trump working hard to unite the country, or his adopted party?

If a Democrat pulled shenanigans on the low level and massive scale Trump has, would you Trumpians be as supportive? Have you abandoned political principles for low brow public behavior? If so, how firmly attached to political principles were you in the first place?

My take on this is to initially blame Sarah Palin, the 'gateway idiot' as the John the Baptist for the new political lunacy. Without her serving as a political outsider with a message of utter simplicity and the ignorance of a neophyte, we would never accepted the lunacy of Trump. Trump began as a birther. The low road, the divisive, the non-sensical. He parlayed this division and suspicion into a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. And we suffer the embarrassment of his antics today. Can we survive his antics for another three years?

When will Trump and the Trumpians finally suffer their comeuppance? Rest assured it ,will come and at the hands of Trump himself. Such characters carry a torch that throws much heat but little light. And that heat is always fatal.
I think the single most compelling trait possessed by Trump which draws them to him is that he is wholly ignorant of anything he opens his mouth about, and what spills out is the first reaction that fizzles into his colon.

In other words, he talks about complicated issues the way they would. They identify with him.
What are Trump's virtues? What in his character, his comportment, his,disposition makes him admirable?

Jeff Flake was the Tea Party before there was a tea party. But today he is a shameful RINO purged from his party by the new normal Trumpian. Why? What in his character, his comportment, his disposition is so egregious and repulsive?

What makes Trump great, a role model, an admirable man?

I've asked this question before. Mainly the Rrumpians answer "He ain't Hillary!" As if that and that alone could suffice. Given the havoc Trump wreaks, oil his support based on a 'lesser of two evils' scale? Should Americans respect a man who shows so little respect for others? Has his prophesy of being a master deal maker worked out? Can he continue to alienate those from whom he needs support to advance his agenda? Is Trump working hard to unite the country, or his adopted party?

If a Democrat pulled shenanigans on the low level and massive scale Trump has, would you Trumpians be as supportive? Have you abandoned political principles for low brow public behavior? If so, how firmly attached to political principles were you in the first place?

My take on this is to initially blame Sarah Palin, the 'gateway idiot' as the John the Baptist for the new political lunacy. Without her serving as a political outsider with a message of utter simplicity and the ignorance of a neophyte, we would never accepted the lunacy of Trump. Trump began as a birther. The low road, the divisive, the non-sensical. He parlayed this division and suspicion into a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. And we suffer the embarrassment of his antics today. Can we survive his antics for another three years?

When will Trump and the Trumpians finally suffer their comeuppance? Rest assured it ,will come and at the hands of Trump himself. Such characters carry a torch that throws much heat but little light. And that heat is always fatal.
I think the single most compelling trait possessed by Trump which draws them to him is that he is wholly ignorant of anything he opens his mouth about, and what spills out is the first reaction that fizzles into his colon.

In other words, he talks about complicated issues the way they would. They identify with him.
Why has America embraced ignorance today? Would' we have wanted a non-cosmopolitan leader before now? Why wasn't Lou Costello elected?
What are Trump's virtues? What in his character, his comportment, his,disposition makes him admirable?

Jeff Flake was the Tea Party before there was a tea party. But today he is a shameful RINO purged from his party by the new normal Trumpian. Why? What in his character, his comportment, his disposition is so egregious and repulsive?

What makes Trump great, a role model, an admirable man?

I've asked this question before. Mainly the Rrumpians answer "He ain't Hillary!" As if that and that alone could suffice. Given the havoc Trump wreaks, oil his support based on a 'lesser of two evils' scale? Should Americans respect a man who shows so little respect for others? Has his prophesy of being a master deal maker worked out? Can he continue to alienate those from whom he needs support to advance his agenda? Is Trump working hard to unite the country, or his adopted party?

If a Democrat pulled shenanigans on the low level and massive scale Trump has, would you Trumpians be as supportive? Have you abandoned political principles for low brow public behavior? If so, how firmly attached to political principles were you in the first place?

My take on this is to initially blame Sarah Palin, the 'gateway idiot' as the John the Baptist for the new political lunacy. Without her serving as a political outsider with a message of utter simplicity and the ignorance of a neophyte, we would never accepted the lunacy of Trump. Trump began as a birther. The low road, the divisive, the non-sensical. He parlayed this division and suspicion into a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. And we suffer the embarrassment of his antics today. Can we survive his antics for another three years?

When will Trump and the Trumpians finally suffer their comeuppance? Rest assured it ,will come and at the hands of Trump himself. Such characters carry a torch that throws much heat but little light. And that heat is always fatal.
I think the single most compelling trait possessed by Trump which draws them to him is that he is wholly ignorant of anything he opens his mouth about, and what spills out is the first reaction that fizzles into his colon.

In other words, he talks about complicated issues the way they would. They identify with him.
Why has America embraced ignorance today? Would' we have wanted a non-cosmopolitan leader before now? Why wasn't Lou Costello elected?
Fine question! Probably as an over-reaction to Presdient Blackenstein. Just as, after the incompetence of Bush, all Obama had to do to win was to retain a heartbeat.
so true, glad I didn't say may take a while but there is a chance you too will get over it, gotta tell ya though, you sound as though trump numbered ya up pretty good.
Of course you implied if people are still complaining about trump because of the election, and not his behavior since entering was a stupid thing to say, and I'm sure you are very proud of yourself.
implied or not your claim was that it was stupid to say...implying that whoever said it is the stupid one and on this we both agree...

...and then there is this:

the claim you embarrassingly pretend is only implied but is actually made and of course incorrectly attributed to me by you.
"JakeStarkey, post: 18429615, member: 20412"]So embarrassed for the country, particularly the nitwits and cowards and enemies of it who voted for Trump.

to which I correctly replied:
you sound like you're over the election, no kidding

to which you got caught embarrassingly saying:
as if people are still complaining about trump because of the election,

Now normally I would be merciful in suggesting you give up on your feeble attempt to save face, but this looks as though it is going to be a slam dunk for me so please do not take the left wing surrender position that seems to be so vogue lately
No attempt to save face spout this same garbage quite are the one protesting "too much"...please, talk some more....
you don't sound sound upset at all, no's that?
Well, I am somewhat upset at the global embarrassment who is our President. I mean, we all knew he was a classless pig, devoid of any discernible morals or ethics. But , I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. I did not see that one coming.
/----/ "I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. " And all it took to beat the smartest woman in the world was a utterly stupid guy. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You can keep looking backwards, cellblock2429, because Trump has not repealed and replaced ACA, his EOs are throwing millions of health care rolls, there is no wall, millions have not been deported, Muslims and foreigners still come to America from "Banned" countries, and he attacks Gold Star families and widows.
Most Congressional Republicans have a deal with the Devil regarding Trump

We will put up with your crap if you sign what we send up

It is only after they are leaving office that they come clean on how they really feel
Most Congressional Republicans have a deal with the Devil regarding Trump

We will put up with your crap if you sign what we send up

It is only after they are leaving office that they come clean on how they really feel

Yep, and Corker even hinted that there may be more rats to desert the sinking ship in the near future.
Of course you implied if people are still complaining about trump because of the election, and not his behavior since entering was a stupid thing to say, and I'm sure you are very proud of yourself.
implied or not your claim was that it was stupid to say...implying that whoever said it is the stupid one and on this we both agree...

...and then there is this:

the claim you embarrassingly pretend is only implied but is actually made and of course incorrectly attributed to me by you.
"JakeStarkey, post: 18429615, member: 20412"]So embarrassed for the country, particularly the nitwits and cowards and enemies of it who voted for Trump.

to which I correctly replied:
you sound like you're over the election, no kidding

to which you got caught embarrassingly saying:
as if people are still complaining about trump because of the election,

Now normally I would be merciful in suggesting you give up on your feeble attempt to save face, but this looks as though it is going to be a slam dunk for me so please do not take the left wing surrender position that seems to be so vogue lately
No attempt to save face spout this same garbage quite are the one protesting "too much"...please, talk some more....
you don't sound sound upset at all, no's that?
Well, I am somewhat upset at the global embarrassment who is our President. I mean, we all knew he was a classless pig, devoid of any discernible morals or ethics. But , I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. I did not see that one coming.
/----/ "I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. " And all it took to beat the smartest woman in the world was a utterly stupid guy. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
View attachment 156607
That's more of a comment on the stupidity of Americans than the intelligence of his opponents.
implied or not your claim was that it was stupid to say...implying that whoever said it is the stupid one and on this we both agree...

...and then there is this:

the claim you embarrassingly pretend is only implied but is actually made and of course incorrectly attributed to me by you.
to which I correctly replied:
to which you got caught embarrassingly saying:
Now normally I would be merciful in suggesting you give up on your feeble attempt to save face, but this looks as though it is going to be a slam dunk for me so please do not take the left wing surrender position that seems to be so vogue lately
No attempt to save face spout this same garbage quite are the one protesting "too much"...please, talk some more....
you don't sound sound upset at all, no's that?
Well, I am somewhat upset at the global embarrassment who is our President. I mean, we all knew he was a classless pig, devoid of any discernible morals or ethics. But , I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. I did not see that one coming.
/----/ "I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. " And all it took to beat the smartest woman in the world was a utterly stupid guy. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
View attachment 156607
That's more of a comment on the stupidity of Americans than the intelligence of his opponents.
/—-/ Hey dummy, I’m talking about her incompetence as a candidate
you don't sound sound upset at all, no's that?
Well, I am somewhat upset at the global embarrassment who is our President. I mean, we all knew he was a classless pig, devoid of any discernible morals or ethics. But , I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. I did not see that one coming.
/----/ "I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. " And all it took to beat the smartest woman in the world was a utterly stupid guy. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
View attachment 156607
That's more of a comment on the stupidity of Americans than the intelligence of his opponents.
/—-/ Hey dummy, I’m talking about her incompetence as a candidate
I know, but you're a cackling fool and you're wrong. So....
/—-/ so it was brilliant for Hildabeast to not campaign in the 3 states she took for granted handing the win to Trump. OK
Well, I am somewhat upset at the global embarrassment who is our President. I mean, we all knew he was a classless pig, devoid of any discernible morals or ethics. But , I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. I did not see that one coming.
/----/ "I admit, I am truly surprised by how utterly stupid Trump is. " And all it took to beat the smartest woman in the world was a utterly stupid guy. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
View attachment 156607
That's more of a comment on the stupidity of Americans than the intelligence of his opponents.
/—-/ Hey dummy, I’m talking about her incompetence as a candidate
I know, but you're a cackling fool and you're wrong. So....
/—-/ so it was brilliant for Hildabeast to not campaign in the 3 states she took for granted handing the win to Trump. OK
You're not following.

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