Corker: Trump will be remembered for "the debasement of our nation"

You know, Trump has been spiraling down the crazy tunnel ever since he said that he could shoot someone on 5th ave and not lose any votes.

But, people let it slide, they were thinking that someone outside of the beltway would be the best choice, because they didn't know politics and people were getting sick of politics because of the partisan gridlock in DC.

Then, the tape about him saying to grab women by the pussy came out, and everyone said that it was an old tape, Trump couldn't possibly be that crass.

He attacked a Gold Star family, said McCain wasn't a war hero, and people still thought he'd be a good president, so they elected him.

Then, he starts with all the EO's, and doesn't get much else done except a SCOTUS appointment that the GOP stole from Obama. No significant legislation has been passed yet.

But, after his latest fight with the NFL and the Gold Star widow and the congress woman, people are starting to see Trump for the crass bully that he is, and are starting to withdraw their support, even in his own party.

Gonna be interesting to see how much longer Trump can keep the crazy chaos up.
Corker is correct, of course.

But far too many Republicans and others on the right will continue to support this disaster of a president because he’ll sign into law failed, wrongheaded Republican legislation and appoint to the Federal courts bigoted, reactionary judges – and justices – who will uphold that failed, wrongheaded legislation.
Corker is correct, of course.

But far too many Republicans and others on the right will continue to support this disaster of a president because he’ll sign into law failed, wrongheaded Republican legislation and appoint to the Federal courts bigoted, reactionary judges – and justices – who will uphold that failed, wrongheaded legislation.
November 8, 2017. Scream at the sky.
Corker and Flake and all the other losertarians are retiring before they can get primaried.

So they are posing as principled heroes when they are in fact just suck as Establishment whores who cant sell their bullshit any more.

Yawn, turn the damned page already.
They're not Fascistic enough.
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Corker will not be remembered at all.

Of course not, because the hundreds of congresspeople about to similarly throw Trump under the bus after November, 2018 is what will be remembered. There wont be any need to remember individuals. What will be remembered is what a failure and embarrassment Trump was.
So embarrassed for the country, particularly the nitwits and cowards and enemies of it who voted for Trump.
you sound like you're over the election, no kidding
What a stupid thing to if the election itself is somehow more important than the actual presidential term....duh
so true, glad I didn't say may take a while but there is a chance you too will get over it, gotta tell ya though, you sound as though trump numbered ya up pretty good.
75% of America supports Corker's evaluation of Trump.

He is the worst President in our history and has been in office less than a year.

And the shrilary is a lock for POTUS according to those same polls.........oh.....wait a sec....shit.

The alt right and trumpbots can only look back because there is nothing to look forward to.

How wrong you are clown boy, how wrong you are.

Enjoy the ride.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 10/5 - 10/23 -- 39.5 55.4 -15.9
Gallup 10/21 - 10/23 1500 A 36 58 -22
Rasmussen Reports 10/19 - 10/23 1500 LV 43 56 -13
Marist 10/15 - 10/17 928 RV 38 54 -16
Reuters/Ipsos 10/13 - 10/17 1678 A 38 58 -20
Economist/YouGov 10/15 - 10/16 1326 RV 41 54 -13
CNN 10/12 - 10/15 RV 38 57 -19
Emerson 10/12 - 10/14 820 RV 44 50 -6
Quinnipiac 10/5 - 10/10 1482 RV 38 56 -18
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval!

McConnell and Ryan still think they can get the treasonous fat senile old orange clown to aid them in more tax breaks for the rich. Of course, he will do that, and immediately throw them under the bus. Or sooner than that, should they not be able to pass the rich man's tax bill. So, we will have the GOP, one way or the other, going into the 2018 election badly fractured. Bannon will badly fracture the party, and the clown will go along.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 10/5 - 10/23 -- 39.5 55.4 -15.9
Gallup 10/21 - 10/23 1500 A 36 58 -22
Rasmussen Reports 10/19 - 10/23 1500 LV 43 56 -13
Marist 10/15 - 10/17 928 RV 38 54 -16
Reuters/Ipsos 10/13 - 10/17 1678 A 38 58 -20
Economist/YouGov 10/15 - 10/16 1326 RV 41 54 -13
CNN 10/12 - 10/15 RV 38 57 -19
Emerson 10/12 - 10/14 820 RV 44 50 -6
Quinnipiac 10/5 - 10/10 1482 RV 38 56 -18
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval!

McConnell and Ryan still think they can get the treasonous fat senile old orange clown to aid them in more tax breaks for the rich. Of course, he will do that, and immediately throw them under the bus. Or sooner than that, should they not be able to pass the rich man's tax bill. So, we will have the GOP, one way or the other, going into the 2018 election badly fractured. Bannon will badly fracture the party, and the clown will go along.

Wow. Look at that. The polls say the shrilary is a LOCK for POTUS. Who knew!
75% of America supports Corker's evaluation of Trump.
He is the worst President in our history and has been in office less than a year.

Jake! Is that You?!?!? Yep! It's Jakey

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