Cornell University will drop “English department name


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Got to love AA and as DR S says , “ liberalism is a mental illness “

Cornell and the ivy’s are nothing more than indoctrination center of the Vacuous imbeciles

Soon AA will have Engineering Dept dumb down the curriculum
Nice to see bridges collapse and planes falling out of the sky

And this is why the WASP Establishment is in free fall collapse.
When you place unqualified morons in high places you get this

Only the hard sciences are safe but soon low IQ peons will be designing your cars and planes with “ Lego sets “
It is all about politicizing the educational system with an agenda. This is done through the manipulation of the language.

Imagine if I designed your airplanes lol
You would be falling out of the sky
With the advance of programming, I think anyone with a half decent IQ could design an airplane using models for testing and design.

But would they be 'top rank' designs? Of course not and that is how great powers become decrepit, corrupt, and decline.
Got to love AA and as DR S says , “ liberalism is a mental illness “

Cornell and the ivy’s are nothing more than indoctrination center of the Vacuous imbeciles

Soon AA will have Engineering Dept dumb down the curriculum
Nice to see bridges collapse and planes falling out of the sky

And Department Chair Caroline Levine's rethinking of the University's "everyday practices around racism” , regarding the #1 racism in America ? (ie race-based Affirmative Action)

Nope. Not one minute of rethinking attached to that.
In the article, one faculty member of color said it was amazing how easily the Euro American faculty agreed with their suggestion for a name change.

Actually, 2020 has proved one thing: Influential Euro Americans are so full of "guilt" that they will agree to anything that is "requested" by the new soon-to-be majority.

And yet some people keep insisting that the United States of America has a bright future.

In the article, one faculty member of color said it was amazing how easily the Euro American faculty agreed with their suggestion for a name change.

Actually, 2020 has proved one thing: Influential Euro Americans are so full of "guilt" that they will agree to anything that is "requested" by the new soon-to-be majority.

And yet some people keep insisting that the United States of America has a bright future.

Full of guilt for taking part of the long established slave trade established by negroes in Africa?

More like full of shit.

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