Correlation between atheism and statism

Taxation is moral and acceptable and appropriate when the legislature elected by We the People approve it.

LL, the concept that a govt should do nothing more than a person can do morally is reprehensible: it devolves responsibility on the individual a la caveman. When we live in communities, we need Rule of Law by We the People.
Nobody is asking for rule of law to be eliminated man when has anyone ever said that lol?

It is HILARIOUS that you think "developing responsibility" is a negative quality.
You can see the logica of "devolving responsibility to the individual" is not the same as "devolving responsibility" to state and local governments?

Are you unable to comprehend simply points?

Nobody is asking for rule of law to be eliminated man when has anyone ever said that lol?

It is HILARIOUS that you think "developing responsibility" is a negative quality.
See it's just a fundamental difference in desire. You want government to take care of people, I want people to take care of themselves. One involves force and violence, the other does not.
Government reserves the right to use forceful compliance with moral law.

The individual has no such right.

Make an argument, LL, other than your beliefs, and I will be glad to discuss it with you.
Arguments are all based on belief. You can't argue over an agreed upon fact lol. THE SKY IS ORANGE NO FUCK YOU ITS GREEN.
You can have a premise, then you have to support it with logic, data, facts, evidence, analysis.

Do you understand that?

Your belief is not proof. The premise is not proof.
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I have noticed over the years that atheists tend to gravitate towards socialism/statism/communism etc. and those of faith tend to be for limited government and be more conservative. We even see Mr. socialist himself, Karl Marx, refer to religion as an opiate. We also have examples of statists, like in the former USSR, Cuba, China etc., where religion has been condemned and those of faith persecuted or even killed for their faith. In addition, Europe, which is mostly socialist, has one of the largest, if not the largest, percentage of atheists.

Am I the only one who sees this and is there a reason why?

This is my theory, we are all burdened with an inner voice calling us to act in a moral fashion, and those that we look up to in authority are the ones who help shape our morality. So this authority could be the state, or the church, or our parents, or our peers etc. However, we are all influenced by the state whether we admit to it or not. Case in point is slavery in the US back in the 1800's. When it was legalized, people by in large said it was "OK". However, centuries after it being outlawed the general consensus is that it is immoral and evil. It is clear evidence that we are lemmings. So those that place the state above God naturally gravitate like sheep towards it. As the scriptures say, we are all sheep, and it shows historically. All that is required is choosing a shepherd I suppose, so choose carefully.

Only a sheep would wonder why an atheist doesn't want to be a sheep.
You can't think logically but now you are the spelling police. OK.

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