Corrupt Democrats Are Not 'News'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Corrupt Democrats Are Not 'News'
Corrupt Democrats Are Not 'News'
When seeking to demonstrate the degree to which the "objective" news media act like Democratic partisans, the best place to start is scandals, as in "Have you heard all about the latest Republican scandal?" versus "What Democrat scandal?" On Aug. 8, Republican congressman Chris Collins of the Buffalo, New York, suburbs was indicted for insider trading and lying to the FBI. ABC, CBS and NBC played this story to the hilt, with 18 minutes and 24 seconds of coverage in just the first 24 hours, according to the Media Research Center. CBS devoted the most coverage, pounding away for 7 minutes
and 6 seconds. ABC came in second, offering 5 minutes and 41 seconds....

Think of this, and then feel free to laugh at NBC's Chuck Todd, who said on Sunday's "Meet the Press" that charges of a liberal bias in the media are an old Roger Ailes tactic "not based in much fact." Although as each day goes by, we see the bias and corrupt of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left Democrats and the media. Yep, 65 million of us - - all tricked by Roger Ailes..
The media has really become the Ministry of Propaganda and the Executive Branch has about as much control over it as the DOJ and FBI. It doesn't matter what party is in office, the Ministry works exclusively for the left and they barely try to conceal it. It's truly amazing how blind many people are. People see what they want to see and the truth so rarely "feels good" enough for them.
In recent years, I've become convinced that our media is not only part of the problem, they ARE the problem. This is how our "Free Press" has chosen to use its constitutionally protected status. There's no doubt that the MSM overall has become the 'Fifth Column' of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left.
Their corruption is in large part what they don't report....I'm amazed to discover there are no stand up people working for CNN...NBC...ABC...CBS...ESPN...PBS...NY Times...etc etc etc....not one has spoken out against the misleading news networks....
Political "corruption" is generally and usually defined as selling one's votes or influence for personal gain.

Democrat "corruption" is a little different. Democrat corruption is purchasing votes (and one's own political wellbeing) with the money of taxpayers. "Free" food, housing, money, health care, education...and all of it will be paid for by "someone else." Won't cost YOU anything. Despite the fact that the Federal government is prohibited by the Tenth Amendment from providing any of that.

Now there's corruption for you, and the Media literally never calls them out on it.
Their corruption is in large part what they don't report....I'm amazed to discover there are no stand up people working for CNN...NBC...ABC...CBS...ESPN...PBS...NY Times...etc etc etc....not one has spoken out against the misleading news networks....

I stopped reading the NY Slimes in the 80 's after my Cockatiel passed. The cost became too much and I no longer need a cage liner. As far as the rest of the LSM goes before I believe anything the make claims too, I double and triple check them.
Their corruption is in large part what they don't report....I'm amazed to discover there are no stand up people working for CNN...NBC...ABC...CBS...ESPN...PBS...NY Times...etc etc etc....not one has spoken out against the misleading news networks....

A good example is the CNN reporting that Lanny Davis may spurious claims that Trump knew before hand about the Russian meeting. He then withdrew the statement yet CNN has not retracted their reporting while others have done so in the same matter.

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