Corrupt Judge Shuts Down Trump's Plan to Protect America With Border Wall

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All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?

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I disagree.

How about instead of meeting these immigrants with a wall or the military, we greet them with folks who will help them become citizens?

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Is that a serious question or are you that stupid?

Only an idiot answers a question with a question.

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No. If you see an idiot, your camera is on selfie mode!
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?

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All Mexicans who enter or stay illegally are criminals.


How come there is no plans for a wall on our northern border?

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Russians are not invading via Canada.

Lots of muslims in Canada.

Gotta watch out for those evil brown people.

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The Canadians do a fairly good job of controlling those people coming into their country because no one walks to Canada. Mexico simply does not.
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?

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All Mexicans who enter or stay illegally are criminals.


How come there is no plans for a wall on our northern border?

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Russians are not invading via Canada.

Lots of muslims in Canada.

Gotta watch out for those evil brown people.

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The Canadians do a fairly good job of controlling those people coming into their country because no one walks to Canada. Mexico simply does not.

How long have you lived in Canada?

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All Mexicans who enter or stay illegally are criminals.


How come there is no plans for a wall on our northern border?

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Russians are not invading via Canada.

Lots of muslims in Canada.

Gotta watch out for those evil brown people.

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The Canadians do a fairly good job of controlling those people coming into their country because no one walks to Canada. Mexico simply does not.

How long have you lived in Canada?

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What does that have to do with my statement, which is 100% factual?

I don't normally end my statements with "eh" now do I?
Unelected judges trying to over throw an elected president is treason. These judges have no judicial reason just political. They need to be arrested for putting Americans in harms way
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.
Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?
Meaning Billyboom LIED and yeah there will be a wall and it will have expensive toll gates meaning those traversing the border will pay for it...
I didn't know it was possible to lie while simply asking a question.
How does that work exactly?
Don't play stupid, BillyBoo
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.

The President did collude and should be indicted for obstruction. While he has the right to be President, he does NOT have the right to do whatever he wants. He does not have the power of the purse. That belongs to Congress and he can't do an end around when Congress says "No".

Furthermore, Trump signed a LAW making his dumb wall illegal. And the judge, who is upholding the law Trump signed, is not corrupt.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.
Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?
Meaning Billyboom LIED and yeah there will be a wall and it will have expensive toll gates meaning those traversing the border will pay for it...
I didn't know it was possible to lie while simply asking a question.
How does that work exactly?
Don't play stupid, BillyBoo
Answer the question.
why do Democrats / Obana-appointess / snowflakes hate this country, hate Americans, want to destroy our sovereignty, want to keep our borders unsecured, and prefer helping illegal criminals / human traffickers / sex slave traffickers / Drug Cartels / MS13 / etc...over American citizens?
I see it's going to be another all day marathon of bootlicking, partisan hackery from you. SMH

I hope you strapped on a new set of knee pads and a heavy duty Depends diaper, Tinkerbell.

Cut the taxes for all of the working class massively to say up to 30 gees above the poverty level permanently above the Trump cuts with cuts also in the other taxes like gasoline and more then we will start to believe. After all, Progs are for the peons. The never ending "rich don't pay their fair share" spews never achieve anything in their dealings for the peasants even when they have had the power to do something. p.s...that is all peasants and not the privileged peasants you support.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Even fox had a really hard time trying to spin this.

This from your link:

“In short, the position that when Congress declines the Executive’s request to appropriate funds, the Executive nonetheless may simply find a way to spend those funds “without Congress” does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic,” wrote Gilliam


The job of the three branches of government is spelled out in the constitution. Executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. When you start having one branch take over the job of the other branch, it’s no longer following the constitution.

I don’t understand why you’re kind doesn’t just spend a little time learning something. Don’t you understand how easy it is for the ignorant to be led by a dictator because they don’t know anything. And they’re trusting the word of a liar. Do a little reading and learn what separation of powers means. And then when you talk you won’t sound so stupid.
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?
he didn't say that
he said he would give mexico 1 year to clean up their act - if they didnt he would impose a tariff. that means AMERICAN TAXPAYERS pay the bills for his wall. judge or no judge .. THERE AINT GONNA BE NO DAMN WALL.
Meaning Billyboom LIED and yeah there will be a wall and it will have expensive toll gates meaning those traversing the border will pay for it.

I didn't know it was possible to lie while simply asking a question.
How does that work exactly?
Goofy Billyboom sez: I didn't know it was possible to lie while simply asking a question. How does that work exactly?

Gee, Doofus that's easy. Read your own posts! :deal: :21: :eusa_dance: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :D
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Even fox had a really hard time trying to spin this.

This from your link:

“In short, the position that when Congress declines the Executive’s request to appropriate funds, the Executive nonetheless may simply find a way to spend those funds “without Congress” does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic,” wrote Gilliam


The job of the three branches of government is spelled out in the constitution. Executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. When you start having one branch take over the job of the other branch, it’s no longer following the constitution.

I don’t understand why you’re kind doesn’t just spend a little time learning something. Don’t you understand how easy it is for the ignorant to be led by a dictator because they don’t know anything. And they’re trusting the word of a liar. Do a little reading and learn what separation of powers means. And then when you talk you won’t sound so stupid.
What's right is right. The traitors who set up President Trump and all the coordinators to get it out to the public (about 300 Democrats) should be tried for treason, convicted, and eliminated by private firing squad, injection, gas chamber, or electrocution, whichever way they choose to go. Traitors ascertained this nation would not make an agreement with Kim Jong Un who is raring to go to nuke anybody he doesn't like. You goddamn sons of bitches lied your asses off 24-goddam-7 to get rid of President Trump because he beat snotty nosed spoiled brat Hillary who's gotten away with treason against America for so long, it's time to put her away to a final resting place so she can never again sell off 20% of America's uranium reserves held in Wyoming to Putin who will see to it Iran gets it and blasts away at Israel and the United States and anybody else who stands up to the sons of bitches. Got it you sorry creature?
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
The Constitution allows the President to route military spending. The Democrats are impeding on Presidential Power with illegal maneuvers.
show us the express immigration clause.
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson I mean, Delilah.
sometimes, we have to just plow with the cow we are with.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are a waste of money and we have no general warfare clause.
All Mexicans are criminals and drug lords?

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Usual elementary school response from liberal cocksucker.
women are welcome to practice with me, just for fun!
You better watch out. Them Democrat gals know how to abort male genitalia. :muahaha:
i don't mind being a boy and a friend at the same time; women are welcome to practice with me until they get, really really good.
Wow your post has incorrect statements.

Your title is incorrect. Nor do you give any proof of what your title claims.

Then there's the posse comitatus act that prevents our military from any sort of policing or law enforcement inside the US.

He's the president but it doesn't give him any right to violate our laws.

Just because a judge rules against trump's illegal use of our tax dollars and military doesn't mean that judge is corrupt.

Your whole post including the title reads like it's was composed by a child who is stamping their feet and throwing a hissy fit because you didn't get your way.

Too bad. This is reality. Grow up and deal with it.
You haven't been paying attention to the Deep State's method of attacks. I have, and I stand by what I think.

So I guess your made up "deep state" is more important to you than our constitution and laws?

So anyone who doesn't tow the far right radical extremist political line is corrupt?

How about you post some proof of your claims?

How is that judge corrupt and what did that judge do that was corrupt or illegal?
I saw posters exercising deep state in another forum years ago. That's how personally know the deep state is out there, and Hillary Clinton aided and abetted it to get what you see playing out, because she's not just another "it takes a village" socialist person, she's a communist who would stop at nothing to get power. Right now, she's up for trying to unseat an American President. Have y'all figured out how to break her out yet? I mean, you're all so good at "an insurance policy." How'd that work out fer ya?

every insecure moron on the planet needs a boogy man in their life - yours can be the deep state.

now go freak out about nothing ...
You are mistaken. Your champions are enemies of the Constitution, and they have judges in their pocket who misinterpret the Constitution's allowance of a POTUS to do his job, and it's in his oath, which he not only takes seriously, he fills it as faithfully as the best of the Presidents.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless; show us the express immigration clause.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
The Constitution allows the President to route military spending. The Democrats are impeding on Presidential Power with illegal maneuvers.
show us the express immigration clause.
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.
The Constitution allows the President to route military spending. The Democrats are impeding on Presidential Power with illegal maneuvers.
show us the express immigration clause.
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.
Robin Hood mentality is for the fucking retarded
he didn't say that

he said he would give mexico 1 year to clean up their act - if they didnt he would impose a tariff.

that means AMERICAN TAXPAYERS pay the bills for his wall.

judge or no judge ..


You are mistaken.

how is that NATIONAL EMERGENCY thingie workin' out for ya ........

Laugh now. Wait until Democrats using the Deep State are behind bars for treason. Then and only then will you understand your mistake.
With the Obama and Clinton connections to the Outfit in Chicago what make you think any of the deep state felons will live long enough to stand trial?
Because murder is against the law. Once we clean house on the evil traitors Obama set up to serve himself and his crony Hillary, and the extent of the damages of selling off 20% of America's uranium supply to the Russians has been, since it will eventually be turned into nukes headed back this way, let a conservative jury decide. The liberals had their way with President Trump to the point of perilizing the entire continent, it's time for the chickens to come home to roost. Try them and make certain the head of the snake comes off, which is a former corrupt president named Barack Obama, a former First Lady who decided if she couldn't have the American Presidency, nobody would, and she set both barrels of her shooting equipment President Trump's way. That's treason, that's high treason, and high treason is best dealt with by death, because she is incorrigible to the point of sneaking around the world, breaking the law, destroying the Constitution and the entire west coast to nukes from North Korea.
Please pardon my rant, but as the Ecclesiastics said, there is a time for casting away stones. Now's the time.
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