Corrupt Judge Shuts Down Trump's Plan to Protect America With Border Wall

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The invasion of illegals will stop when trump starts jailing employers like himself who keep on hire illegals.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
During national emergencies.
I wonder if the Iran Deal was a national emergency.
Obama spent trillions without congressional authorization but nobody stopped him.
All Trump wants is a few measly billion to protect us from a foreign invasion.
The hypocrisy by you folks is ginormous.
Great, show me where it says trump can spend that money...

H.R.3884 - 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act

And what "trillions" did Obama "spend" on Iran?
The invasion of illegals will stop when trump starts jailing employers like himself who keep on hire illegals.
They are not coming to work. Liberal 101 to blame the good guys-those who provide jobs. They are mostly coming here because they have been encouraged to come here for the land o plenty freebies.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
During national emergencies.
I wonder if the Iran Deal was a national emergency.
Obama spent trillions without congressional authorization but nobody stopped him.
All Trump wants is a few measly billion to protect us from a foreign invasion.
The hypocrisy by you folks is ginormous.
Great, show me where it says trump can spend that money...

H.R.3884 - 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act

And what "trillions" did Obama "spend" on Iran?
Slow down! It's only 2019, save your no borders stuff for later in your effort to get Trump elected again.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.

With all due's been "enough" for a long time now.
You see, the Constitution is only as good as the men and women willing to defend it. Otherwise, it's a worthless piece of paper.

Outside of a few here and there saying "enough is enough", I haven't seen any action. Have you?

"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for good men to do ........nothing"
Edmund Burke
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
You mean like using American warships to hunt down German submarines?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The forum's fucking moron makes one of his most moronic statements of all time.

No, fucking moron, I don't mean anything like that.

According to the Constitution, only the Congress can decide what to spend money on. All the president can do is agree or disagree with the Congress. That's why a judge has blocked this maneuver by Trump.

Now let's compare that to your fucking moronic comparison with the president "using American warships to hunt down German submarines"...

Fucking moron... the Constitution also declares the president to be Commader-in-Chief of the military, when called into service, with the power to deploy the military as he or she sees fit.
show us the express immigration clause.
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.

It's sad when a party thinks that giving people back more of their own hard earned money is "at the expense of the people."

Why is it that liberals think "the rich" are not entitled to keep their own money as much as a poor persons? Does a persons net worth determine their right to keep their own wealth?

It's sad when people think that they would be able to earn that money in a country that doesn't provide a first world infrastructure or a well-educated workforce, or that these same people don't realize that taxes are YOUR SHARE OF THE COSTS OF LIVING IN A FIRST WORLD COUNTRY.

You want hot and cold running water, protections for your personal property ownership, doctors and hospitals wh
show us the express immigration clause.
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.

It's sad when a party thinks that giving people back more of their own hard earned money is "at the expense of the people."

Why is it that liberals think "the rich" are not entitled to keep their own money as much as a poor persons? Does a persons net worth determine their right to keep their own wealth?

If you have a business, you need educated and skilled employees. Did you pay for the education of all your staff? Do you think that the government who did pay for that education, needs money to provide education.

If you transport your goods to market, you need roads, bridges, and tunnels. Did you pay to build those roads? Do you pay for the police to monitor those roads and make sure your goods aren't stolen? Do you pay for the ports, airports and other transportation hubs you need to get your good to market?

How about the electricity, water, and other utilities you use. Did you build the water treatment plant or the sewage disposal plant? If someone doesn't pay you and you have to take them to court, who do you think pays for the costs of maintaining that court system.

Companies and individuals would not be in a position to have "hard earned wealth", if not for all of services and protections that government provides. Taxes are your share of the costs of building and maintaining a first world country. There are lots of countries in the world which charge no taxes to their citizens, but they're mostly dangerous shitholes, where you need private 24 hour a day security to protect you and your family, and the ability to live "off the grid" because there is no grid.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
Ask black jesus traitor.
Thanks for admitting the Constitution does not grant a president any such power.
You look less desperate and less pointless when you don’t drop the f-bomb over a half dozen times.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
During national emergencies.
I wonder if the Iran Deal was a national emergency.
Obama spent trillions without congressional authorization but nobody stopped him.
All Trump wants is a few measly billion to protect us from a foreign invasion.
The hypocrisy by you folks is ginormous.
what national emergency?

link about the funds spent without authorization?

there is no foreign invasion; we have a naturalization clause. we should have no illegal "invasion" problems.
No foreign invasion?
Yeah.....keep telling yourself that.

it is a humanitarian issue and refugee problem we would not have on our southern border, if Ellis Island were open for business as usual.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.

“In short, the position that when Congress declines the Executive’s request to appropriate funds, the Executive nonetheless may simply find a way to spend those funds “without Congress” does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic,”

That is a correct ruling.
Are you in favor of an open border, Don't Taz Me Bro?

I love this binary thinking that anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly jump onboard the trump wall is for open borders. :cuckoo:
show us the express immigration clause.
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.

It's sad when a party thinks that giving people back more of their own hard earned money is "at the expense of the people."

Why is it that liberals think "the rich" are not entitled to keep their own money as much as a poor persons? Does a persons net worth determine their right to keep their own wealth?
it is even sadder when the right wing believes in socialized wealth redistribution on a national basis; but, allege to be Capitalists.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Our President does the right thing by defending the American public from asswipes from abroad. You're plowing with the wrong cow, Samson.
He's not defending shit. In fact, he wants to spitefully let them in and send them to various cities around the country.
He's been defending the office of the Presidency from the day he was elected when Democrats announced their plan to impeach him.

And he will go on defending the Presidency. I support President Trump, and I do so now, after fighting both evil people in Congress and evil people in the Press corps who do not love the United States of America near as much as President Trump.
tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the People.

It's sad when a party thinks that giving people back more of their own hard earned money is "at the expense of the people."

Why is it that liberals think "the rich" are not entitled to keep their own money as much as a poor persons? Does a persons net worth determine their right to keep their own wealth?
Using the rich as a scapegoat is an old communist tactic to gain power over the masses.
why can we not help the Poor since we have a Statue of Liberty and the Richest can get richer under our form of Capitalism.
The invasion of illegals will stop when trump starts jailing employers like himself who keep on hire illegals.
Employers are Capitalists who can usually afford to hire attorneys.

This is a Constitutional issue because there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
This isn't about Demmie bullshitting all over the President whom they have targeted for a take out since he announced his run for President. When they carried it over to his administration's protective powers both in the Constitution and the President's Oath of Office, that is when we knew they were following somebody else's Constution and not the United States Constitution.

May each and every single Democrat in Congress who has gone with the pack spend three years in the solitary confinement for having tried to put President Trump's power on the shitter for trying to stop the financial burdens illegal immigrants have forcefully tried to inflict on the American taxpayer through rogue Democrat's trying to destroy Donald Trump and Republicans on every front in underhanded ways.
All that just to avoid answering my question? I graciously accept your concession.
The President did the right thing. You're asking me to do the Supreme Court's job. I am only qualified to defend the President from hound dogs like you who go along with the false accusations the Democrats have been throwing against President Trump because he won the office of President, and all their efforts on recruiting illegal aliens to vote Democrat failed.

People are going to prison in the near future for taking aim at President Trump and preventing him from keeping his oath of office. They're not the President. Neither is this hateful Democrat judge who couldn't find his ass with a search warrant.

Rightards have been saying people are going to prison over that for two years now.

Any... day... now..............
Rightards have change in one way. We would watch your cities vaporize. We are like you more and more.
Oh? What cities are going to be vaporized; and by whom?
The invasion of illegals will stop when trump starts jailing employers like himself who keep on hire illegals.
We will file that under "Sanctuary States and Cities Providing Freebies to Illegals by Democrats"
Upgrade Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure to solve this problem, right wingers; promote the general welfare at every opportunity, like Good patriots to our republic and supreme law of the land.
F bombers are conclusively admitting” I am frustrated and can’t make my point without driving it home with profanity which emotionally satisfies me and certainly slays my opposition”
The invasion of illegals will stop when trump starts jailing employers like himself who keep on hire illegals.
We will file that under "Sanctuary States and Cities Providing Freebies to Illegals by Democrats"
Upgrade Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure to solve this problem, right wingers; promote the general welfare at every opportunity, like Good patriots to our republic and supreme law of the land.
We promote the general welfare of Americans and are not the international portal of public relations. Many if you have no real idea of what federal government function is nor the duties of responsible people.
This news is great for criminals and drug lords, bad for America, imho.

Judge temporarily blocks Trump's border wall construction plans

This President did not collude, and did not obstruct. He has the right to be the President, his use of the military is QUITE constitutional, and no other branch of government can use minor creeps to obstruct him with a rogue political party's has-beens.

Enough is enough.
Really? Where does the Constitution say the president can spend money on things the Congress does not approve?
Ask black jesus traitor.
Thanks for admitting the Constitution does not grant a president any such power.
You must be seriously insane, I didn't say anything of the sort. Oh, I get it, you're lying again.
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