corrupt nfl refs

It’s fun to watch you melt down on a daily basis

You claim you haven’t watched in years, yet here you are bitching and whining about something you “gave up on years ago”

Tomorrow you can go back to ranting about leftists and marxists.

Sleep well you miserable turd.
Melt down in your dreams trollboy, :itsok: the ones having meltdowns are bengal fans like you whining t with your absurd outlandish claims and babble with no evidence the refs gave the rams this game when it’s just the opposite thst they did everything in the world to try and give this game to the bungles and still could not win yet you don’t want to talk about their meltdowns in the end trollboy :rofl: Go ahead be a stupid fuck and try and prove I have watched a Super Bowl sense the cheatriots Seahawks game trollboy,good luck on that one dumbass.

Meltdowns,keep dreaming trollboy,I’m laughing my ass off you stupid fucks with your outlandish absurd ridiculous cliams the refs gave the rams this game when everybody on the planet not a bengals fans Sunday saw how the refs did everything on the planet to try and give the bungles the game yet they still could not cash in,I’m the one having fun watching your Hail Marys you throw with those wild cliams. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you trollboy remind me of the morons who laughed at me when I predicted two years before it happened,the rams would come bsck to LA and when you all told me I was an idiot for making that prediction you alll went into meltdown mode getting angry when I was proven right and could not own up to admitting you were all wrong saying they were not coming back. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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The complaint about refs will never end.
Having said that, yes touchy calls gave the Rams the game.
What people want is consistence. Even consistently bad. At least the teams know how to play, and can adjust their play to how the refs are calling it.
What makes it irritating to downright infuriating is inconsistent calls. And last night, was that.
Watching the Rams get three holding/interference calls in a row on 1st/goal - I am not sure I have ever seen that before.
The first call was completely legit. The second one... yeah...but not that bad, being 1st down could have let it go. The third one... FFS... there would be 25 passing interference calls every game if you called it that touchy. They literally gave the TD to Rams.
Touchy calls gave the rams the game,oh really,like the non call personal foul grabbing of the face mask by the bungles wide receiver throwing jalen Ramsey to the ground giving the bungles the go ahead touchdown the rams had to battle back to come from behind and overcome,THAT horrible touchy call thst gave the Rams the game, :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: you bungles fans in your babble of alleged calls that gave the rams the game want to talk about every play that transpired except for that one horrible non call personal foul penalty the refs would not make why is thst.

such butthurt.:itsok:
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Melt down in your dreams trollboy, :itsok: the ones having meltdowns are bengal fans like you whining t with your absurd outlandish claims and babble with no evidence the refs gave the rams this game when it’s just the opposite thst they did everything in the world to try and give this game to the bungles and still could not win yet you don’t want to talk about their meltdowns in the end trollboy :rofl: Go ahead be a stupid fuck and try and prove I have watched a Super Bowl sense the cheatriots Seahawks game trollboy,good luck on that one dumbass.

Meltdowns,keep dreaming trollboy,I’m laughing my ass off you stupid fucks with your outlandish absurd ridiculous cliams the refs gave the rams this game when everybody on the planet not a bengals fans Sunday saw how the refs did everything on the planet to try and give the bungles the game yet they still could not cash in,I’m the one having fun watching your Hail Marys you throw with those wild cliams. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you trollboy remind me of the morons who laughed at me when I predicted two years before it happened,the rams would come bsck to LA and when you all told me I was an idiot for making that prediction you alll went into meltdown mode getting angry when I was proven right and could not own up to admitting you were all wrong saying they were not coming back. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

major meltdown confirmed

I didn’t give a rats ass who would win this game and never mentioned the refs at all.

your failures make me laugh.
so fun to watch the meltdown from you.
butthurt trollboy winco coming back fir more ass beatings from me I see. :itsok: you love these ass beatings you get from me I see,.:rofl:you sure are incapable of opening your mouth without farting stinking up the room. :rofl:
Let the butthurt flow bengals fan,keep living in your fantasy’s thst you trollboy bengal whiners are not the ones going into meltdown mode and whining thst this game was somehow given to the rams by the fefs while I have fun laughing my ass off over your fantasy’s and babble thst I am the one going into meltdown mode instead of you bengal fan butthurt sore loser whiners. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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