cost of con shutdown $26 billion

FJO and hangover are both right.

We are going to have to craft a moderate solution to our budget challenges.

yep. Looks like calmer (non-extremist) heads might prevail.
Gov't reopens after Congress ends 16-day shutdown
"We believe there is common ground," said Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.

The group met just hours after President Barack Obama signed into law a hard-fought measure ending the partial 16-day government shutdown and avoiding a potential federal default that administration officials had warned could have begun Thursday.

As part of their pact, the two sides agreed to try to reach a budget deal on spending levels and possible deficit reduction, an agreement that has been difficult for the two parties to clinch in the past. The bargainers are to report by Dec. 15.

Thats something the House bill didn't address.
cost of con shutdown $26 billion
Someone want to explain this to me?
If it cost us $26 Billion to lay off 400,000 people, approximately $1.4 Billion a day for 18 days,
How much does it cost us to have the full compliment of government workers back at work?
Something does not sound quite correct here. Seems that If I layoff the workers and close the department, it should cost less than keeping them open.
cost of con shutdown $26 billion
Someone want to explain this to me?
If it cost us $26 Billion to lay off 400,000 people, approximately $1.4 Billion a day for 18 days,
How much does it cost us to have the full compliment of government workers back at work?
Something does not sound quite correct here. Seems that If I layoff the workers and close the department, it should cost less than keeping them open.

LOL...those workers are still going to be paid, Desperado. They just got a vacation with pay.

The whole "shut down" thing is a joke. They closed things to make the American people feel pain...while the government took a little vacation time on our dime. Now we're back and it's business as usual.
The "cost" that is being calculated is what Standard & Poors believes isn't being spent in the economy by consumers because of uncertainty with government.
The "cost" that is being calculated is what Standard & Poors believes isn't being spent in the economy by consumers because of uncertainty with government.

Ok Thanks I was not sure how that number was settled on. Basically it not even a real number just a best guess by some bankers.
I agree with you previous post too. The political parties made out like the bandits that they are will the US citizens get screwed again.
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The "cost" that is being calculated is what Standard & Poors believes isn't being spent in the economy by consumers because of uncertainty with government.

Ok Thanks I was not sure how that number was settled on. Basically it not even a real number just a best guess by some bankers.
I agree with you previous post too. The political parties made out like the bandits that they are will the US citizens get screwed again.

I wish that I could get "furloughed" for 16 days with pay! God, it's tough working for the government! I can't believe that the main stream media actually did pieces on the hardship that the shut down was causing for Federal workers. That's one of the most laughable things ever. Most of them probably spent the two weeks playing a little golf or catching up on projects around the house.
It was reported this morning, that the cost of the GOP shutdown was $26 billion. The cons would rather waste that kind of money than to give it to healthcare for the American people. And they're going to do it all again in 90 days. The next time they will be more determined to take us over the cliff. Al Qaeda dreams of doing this much damage to the U.S..

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

and it couldn't be at a worse time, coming out of the great recession, as the President indicated.
The "cost" that is being calculated is what Standard & Poors believes isn't being spent in the economy by consumers because of uncertainty with government.

Ok Thanks I was not sure how that number was settled on. Basically it not even a real number just a best guess by some bankers.
I agree with you previous post too. The political parties made out like the bandits that they are will the US citizens get screwed again.

I wish that I could get "furloughed" for 16 days with pay! God, it's tough working for the government! I can't believe that the main stream media actually did pieces on the hardship that the shut down was causing for Federal workers. That's one of the most laughable things ever. Most of them probably spent the two weeks playing a little golf or catching up on projects around the house.

I had a couple of friends who went flyfishing on national forest land in NM.
Ok Thanks I was not sure how that number was settled on. Basically it not even a real number just a best guess by some bankers.
I agree with you previous post too. The political parties made out like the bandits that they are will the US citizens get screwed again.

I wish that I could get "furloughed" for 16 days with pay! God, it's tough working for the government! I can't believe that the main stream media actually did pieces on the hardship that the shut down was causing for Federal workers. That's one of the most laughable things ever. Most of them probably spent the two weeks playing a little golf or catching up on projects around the house.

I had a couple of friends who went flyfishing on national forest land in NM.

I'll bet your friends were PRAYING that the shutdown lasted just a little bit longer...

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