Why Is Securing Our Border Controversial? Because Many Dems View Themselves as "Citizens of the World" and See America as Illegitimate

Many people truly don't understand why securing our border is the least bit controversial. They logically think that controlling your border is a fundamental part of being a sovereign country, that you really don't have a country if people can enter your country whenever they want, without permission, and with minimal accountability after they enter. Imagine "owning" a home but being unable to control who entered your home and how long they stayed.

Most average people do not understand that a growing number of liberal Democrats don't think of themselves as Americans but as "citizens of the world." They do not understand that more and more Democrats view America as an illegitimate country that was stolen from others and does not deserve to exist, and that therefore has no right to keep anyone from crossing its professed borders. That is literally how a growing number of liberal Democrats think.

Do you have a front door because you hate everyone who lives outside your residence? No, you have a front door because you want to control who enters your home. If you technically own a home but cannot control who enters your home and how long they stay, you don't actually own the home but are paying the bill while others occupy what is supposed to be your home.
That's bullshit. There's no such thing as universal citizenship.

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