The wolf is at the door, and America is LEADERLESS.

China and Russia sent JOINT air attack planes to our Alaskan borders that were intercepted by our fighters. Russia is sending ADDITIONAL warships to Cuba. They see America weaker than it has ever been. The Afghanistan defeat, our wide open border tells our enemies "COME AND GET US, NOW'S THE TIME!" And who do the Democrats put up to lead the country? A brain damaged feeble old man and a cackling school girl. We need Trump as our President NOW.
They did the same during Obama, Bush and Trump, ok, carry on yer freak out.
That AI image is full of flaws.

  • left hands lacks a finger
  • right hand is a cancer
  • right foot is incredibly long
  • bum jacket
  • tire holes are asymmetric
  • left tires behind right ones
  • bus lacks entrance
  • bus driver is an alien
  • the windows are unrealistic
  • Harris is little girl-sized
  • necklace is absurd
  • hairstyle is strange
She has a nice body,eh.
This shit happens all the time.

Were you peeing your pants when it happned in 2018

and 2019

China and Russia think we have no leadership (we don't) we have a demented old man who has been proven Dementia Man and then we have a whore named Kamala. That is what China and Russia see and it won't amaze me if they strike and kill some of us. :)
Maybe you Aholes can stage another assassination?
Staged is right. Did you see how much that fake assassination plot helped Trump for a couple days? We stole the spotlight when we announced Joe was dropping out.

In fact, how much do you think the assassination plot factored into the decision? I have to be honest, I felt even worse about Joe's chances after Trump got shot. Every Republicans was running around saying "it's over".

So Biden had to drop out. We needed to control the narrative.
Staged is right. Did you see how much that fake assassination plot helped Trump for a couple days? We stole the spotlight when we announced Joe was dropping out.

In fact, how much do you think the assassination plot factored into the decision? I have to be honest, I felt even worse about Joe's chances after Trump got shot. Every Republicans was running around saying "it's over".

So Biden had to drop out. We needed to control the narrative.'s always about controlling the God Damned narrative.

You need to keep spreading your bull shit narrative because you can't run anything efficiently.

Our enemies want to keep your Dummycraps in office so they can continue to sabotage our country from within.

Who needs Russian or Chinese spies when you have lunatic Democrats in the White House.
You respect votes that come from Republican districts. When it's a black district you do every trick to suppress their votes.

Slowing down the mail knowing big cities have trouble getting their votes in on time after the polls close at 8pm

2. Slowing down the mail

3. Under manning democratic precincts

4. Hanging chads

5 Butterfly ballots

6. Move voting off campus to make it harder for young people to vote.
In what way is moving voting off-campus making it harder for young people to vote?

Only thing it's doing is making it harder for commies to cheat.'s always about controlling the God Damned narrative.

You need to keep spreading your bull shit narrative because you can't run anything efficiently.

Our enemies want to keep your Dummycraps in office so they can continue to sabotage our country from within.

Who needs Russian or Chinese spies when you have lunatic Democrats in the White House.
Like I said, I live in Michigan so I saw the GOP waged war against our most valuable workers. Blue collar union workers. Specifically UAW. They made America great. They brought up all our wages. You Republicans invented NAFTA and waged war against the unions. AND, you were the ones who originally said illegals were only here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. And you asked if I wanted to pay $2 for an apple.

You didn't realize or care that they were taking jobs Americans would do.

So for decades, the rich/corporations have been ripping the American middle class off of billions of dollars every year by hiring illegals. BILLIONS.

I would keep going but I know you'll just argue. You clearly don't get it. Either you're a Ben Carson who does something that pays a lot, or you're a hypocrite like so many teachers and police who are in unions but vote GOP.

Bottom line. The GOP waged war on workers starting around 1978. Jack Welch of GE was the first corporation to break the social contract with workers. Right to work laws. Bottom line, to me it's obvious the GOP fucked with the middle class to make their rich constituents richer. Be honest. Companies were very profitable in the 90's. The only way to increase profits then was to fuck with workers. Send their jobs to Mexico and China. And boy did Republican sell us on it. You want the cheap shit from china right? Of course back then I said no. Today, it's a global economy. Too late to put the genie back in the bottle and don't forget, you're the one who let her out.
In what way is moving voting off-campus making it harder for young people to vote?

Only thing it's doing is making it harder for commies to cheat.
Are you really so fucking stupid you have to ask? Oh I forgot, if you're a Republican, you're probably uneducated which means you never experienced college.

Trust me, when I was in college, no way I would walk off campus to go vote. It's so fucking obvious. You're the first dummy who ever asked me such a stupid question.

Do you know the excuse Republicans gave? It was for "safety". They didn't want non students coming to the library to vote. But guess what???? Those non students come to us the library all the time.

Anyways, I'm not going to type anymore. I get the feeling you're just playing stupid when you asked that very stupid question.
Like I said, I live in Michigan so I saw the GOP waged war against our most valuable workers. Blue collar union workers. Specifically UAW. They made America great. They brought up all our wages. You Republicans invented NAFTA and waged war against the unions. AND, you were the ones who originally said illegals were only here doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. And you asked if I wanted to pay $2 for an apple.

You didn't realize or care that they were taking jobs Americans would do.

So for decades, the rich/corporations have been ripping the American middle class off of billions of dollars every year by hiring illegals. BILLIONS.

I would keep going but I know you'll just argue. You clearly don't get it. Either you're a Ben Carson who does something that pays a lot, or you're a hypocrite like so many teachers and police who are in unions but vote GOP.

Bottom line. The GOP waged war on workers starting around 1978. Jack Welch of GE was the first corporation to break the social contract with workers. Right to work laws. Bottom line, to me it's obvious the GOP fucked with the middle class to make their rich constituents richer. Be honest. Companies were very profitable in the 90's. The only way to increase profits then was to fuck with workers. Send their jobs to Mexico and China. And boy did Republican sell us on it. You want the cheap shit from china right? Of course back then I said no. Today, it's a global economy. Too late to put the genie back in the bottle and don't forget, you're the one who let her out.
The GOP doesn't wage war, you suck fuck.

You Democrats are the folks that started calling other Americans the enemy. See Barrack Obama quotes.
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Biden called in sick just when we needed leadership and indications are that he will remain sick for the duration. The amazing thing is that the mainstream media doesn't seem to care.

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