cost of con shutdown $26 billion

now they worry over cost

they could care less what this fascist government entitlement, ObamaNoCare has cost us taxpayers to just SET UP and it doesn't even WORK, hire 16,000 new gestapo to make sure you are paying your fine if you aren't bowing to Obama's wishes and buying your expensive insurance...

what a joke you people are

go get your ObamaCare and leave the rest of us alone

ObamaCare hasn't cost you a dime.

I think you're wrong - it has. My insurance premiums went up this year, and the one of the reasons cited was the implementation of Obamacare and the additional out of pocket costs my company had to pay to the Federal Gov't.

They went up by much more than a dime per paycheck...
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It was reported this morning, that the cost of the GOP shutdown was $26 billion. The cons would rather waste that kind of money than to give it to healthcare for the American people. And they're going to do it all again in 90 days. The next time they will be more determined to take us over the cliff. Al Qaeda dreams of doing this much damage to the U.S..

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

So much for the GOP's "do no harm" policy.


2014 is going to hurt. But they did it to themselves.

Who's been doing more harm, hazlnuts? What's $6 trillion compared to $24 billion?

Liberals and math don't mix. So focused on the miniscule damage this shutdown caused, all while ignoring the massive damage the Obama presidency has caused. Hazlnuts, you are such a prima donna.
now they worry over cost

they could care less what this fascist government entitlement, ObamaNoCare has cost us taxpayers to just SET UP and it doesn't even WORK, hire 16,000 new gestapo to make sure you are paying your fine if you aren't bowing to Obama's wishes and buying your expensive insurance...

what a joke you people are

go get your ObamaCare and leave the rest of us alone

ObamaCare hasn't cost you a dime.

I think you're wrong - it has. My insurance premiums went up this year, and the one of the reasons cited was the implementation of Obamacare and the additional out of pocket costs my company had to pay to the Federal Gov't.

They went up by much more than a dime per paycheck...

Mine went up 20 percent directly attributed to ocare.
It was reported this morning, that the cost of the GOP shutdown was $26 billion. The cons would rather waste that kind of money than to give it to healthcare for the American people. And they're going to do it all again in 90 days. The next time they will be more determined to take us over the cliff. Al Qaeda dreams of doing this much damage to the U.S..

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

So much for the GOP's "do no harm" policy.


2014 is going to hurt. But they did it to themselves.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
It was not a total waste. Think of it, Cruz is better known today than before the shutdown, and even Palin made some points. We learned that maybe shutting down the government may not be the best idea in the world; we also learned that Republicans have not yet found the magic key to removing Obama from the presidency. Could we have learned that in a cheaper manner, maybe but learning can be expensive.

The American people, rightfully, are learning to be wary of Cruz and Palin and the rest of reactionary far right.
now they worry over cost

they could care less what this fascist government entitlement, ObamaNoCare has cost us taxpayers to just SET UP and it doesn't even WORK, hire 16,000 new gestapo to make sure you are paying your fine if you aren't bowing to Obama's wishes and buying your expensive insurance...

what a joke you people are

go get your ObamaCare and leave the rest of us alone

ObamaCare hasn't cost you a dime.

Actually.. with the subsidies and the cost to run the government side bloated program, it does..

Now.. go fuck yourself

Not to mention that health Insurance companies have been jacking up their prices in anticipation of Obama Care implementation. So yes one way or the other Obama car has already cost people money.
Gotta love the hypocrisy of the right wingers, it's sooo funny. The national debt is $17 trillion, and the last three con POTUS's added $10 trillion of it. They only whine about it, when the left is cleaning up their mess. Cons are totally insane morons, and they have exposed themselves like a streaker running down Broadway. Three out of four Americans blame the cons for this mess, and the cons plan on doing it all again in three months, with the 2014 elections only a year away. They're gift wrapping the election.
Just one question about costs of the shutdown:

What would have been cheaper (i.e. cost less): Leave open air parks and monuments alone or pay liberal teat sucking, corrupt, freeloading creeps to put up barricades?
Twenty-six billion here, twenty-six billion there and it can start to add up to real money.
FJO and hangover are both right.

We are going to have to craft a moderate solution to our budget challenges.
Gotta love the hypocrisy of the right wingers, it's sooo funny. The national debt is $17 trillion, and the last three con POTUS's added $10 trillion of it. They only whine about it, when the left is cleaning up their mess. Cons are totally insane morons, and they have exposed themselves like a streaker running down Broadway. Three out of four Americans blame the cons for this mess, and the cons plan on doing it all again in three months, with the 2014 elections only a year away. They're gift wrapping the election.


That first sentence is a bald faced lie!

Clinton from 1993-2001 added $1,419 trillion to the deficit.

Then Bush added $5.3 trillion

Obama to date has added $6,061 trillion all by himself!
ObamaCare hasn't cost you a dime.

Actually.. with the subsidies and the cost to run the government side bloated program, it does..

Now.. go fuck yourself

Not to mention that health Insurance companies have been jacking up their prices in anticipation of Obama Care implementation. So yes one way or the other Obama car has already cost people money.

Health Insurance companies have been jacking up their rates every year long before Obama came around.
Gotta love the hypocrisy of the right wingers, it's sooo funny. The national debt is $17 trillion, and the last three con POTUS's added $10 trillion of it. They only whine about it, when the left is cleaning up their mess. Cons are totally insane morons, and they have exposed themselves like a streaker running down Broadway. Three out of four Americans blame the cons for this mess, and the cons plan on doing it all again in three months, with the 2014 elections only a year away. They're gift wrapping the election.


That first sentence is a bald faced lie!

Clinton from 1993-2001 added $1,419 trillion to the deficit.

Then Bush added $5.3 trillion

Obama to date has added $6,061 trillion all by himself!

The numbers, their accuracy or invalidity may be in question, but the bald face hypocrisy of this president is not in question. He may (No, he WILL be) remembered as the most unprepared, unqualified, bullish, hypocritical, dishonest and affirmative action driven (half) black president who managed to convince 90% of grade 2 dropouts to vote for him for a free phone and food stamps, the president who will talk to Muslim tyrants but refuses to negotiate with Republicans, a president who is convinced that he is King, and who is convinced that the sheep will forgive him for everything, because the blacks were once slaves, although, as spawn of recent immigrant from Kenya, he has absolutely nothing in common with slavery.

This so-called president is hell-bent to "fundamentally transform" America, totally determined to make electricity cost "necessarily sky rocket", kill the jobs of thousands of honest, decent and hard-working coal miners, give unearned benefits to free loaders, denigrate and name call members of the opposition party as high-jackers, anarchists, terrorists (even though he refused to call the war on terror a war on terror and a terrorist attack as "work place violence), endorsed the calling by his Senate and House minions all Republicans as "domestic violators" and liars and worse.

That is what happens when you send a petulant, ignorant, self-aggrandized, egotistical and immature boy to do a man's job.

Once may have been an innocent mistake, wrapped up in the false glory of electing the first (half) black President.

Twice, it is the sign of irreversible (well hopefully not irreversible|) idiocy of the free phone, food stamp and racist crowd, gleefully supported by the slobbering Obama lovers in the liberal press.
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It was reported this morning, that the cost of the GOP shutdown was $26 billion. The cons would rather waste that kind of money than to give it to healthcare for the American people. And they're going to do it all again in 90 days. The next time they will be more determined to take us over the cliff. Al Qaeda dreams of doing this much damage to the U.S..

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

I'm guessing that the mentality is...

"Better to burn-off a couple of dozen billion fighting it, than to blow two trillion sustaining it."

Or some-such thinking.

There are times when I wonder if they're right.
That's 35 billion more per month then science gets in a year. :doubt:

What an ignorant comment.

Science is performed in the private sector - it's not a given that it is only funded by the government.

Most scientific research is funded by the government.

No.. not most

And I am still waiting for where the government was granted power to willy nilly hand out money for scientific 'research'..

We know you like millions going to the research into cow farts and other things that have no real use.. don't mean that mommy government has to throw money at it
Gotta love the hypocrisy of the right wingers, it's sooo funny. The national debt is $17 trillion, and the last three con POTUS's added $10 trillion of it. They only whine about it, when the left is cleaning up their mess. Cons are totally insane morons, and they have exposed themselves like a streaker running down Broadway. Three out of four Americans blame the cons for this mess, and the cons plan on doing it all again in three months, with the 2014 elections only a year away. They're gift wrapping the election.

yep. Paid, Democratic consultants couldn't have achieved better results ;)
It was reported this morning, that the cost of the GOP shutdown was $26 billion. The cons would rather waste that kind of money than to give it to healthcare for the American people. And they're going to do it all again in 90 days. The next time they will be more determined to take us over the cliff. Al Qaeda dreams of doing this much damage to the U.S..

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

Did you read the article, Hangover? The gist of it is that because of a lack of consumer confidence in our government, people aren't spending money. We have a serious leadership issue. Did you by any chance catch the President's speech from the White House this morning? Did you notice that once again he launched an attack against the Republicans? Why at a time when reaching a compromise is DESPERATELY needed would he do that? This situation isn't going to change until we have a President who does what is best for America...rather than what is best for the Democratic Party.

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