Zone1 Jesus Tempted By The Devil / Satan

There are several passages of Scripture that prove that Satan is a real and present danger. He beguiled Eve in the Garden at the time of man's creation (some claiming and believing that he was the father of Cain). He tempted the Old Testament Patriarch, Job, and caused great affliction. He deceived King David. And he sifted Peter like wheat. He was (and is) so bold that he even tempted Jesus Christ after Christ's 40 days of fasting.

How do we, as Christians, protect ourselves from Satan? Firstly, we learn from Jesus, Himself. As Satan tempted Him with great riches and power, Christ rebuked him using the “written” Word of God. Three times, Christ said, “it is written.” Secondly, we put our faith in Christ and don the full gospel armor. Christ is our shield and our buckler. Thirdly, we understand the nature of Satan, that great serpent the devil. He's called a liar, a murderer, a thief, and a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. But he's also a master deceiver who can appear as “an angel of light.”

James 4 tells us to “resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

You take those stories literally?
Not yet. Jesus is in no hurry to vanquish. There is opportunity for all to turn from rebellion to God, in repentance being restored to God through faith, made possible with being in Jesus who is Christ. Those who attack the people of God as they come to Christ with willingness to fight against God in war with no repentance possibly coming then are ultimately going to be vanquished, as Jesus Christ returns.

What do you think happened in 70 AD?

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