Zone1 The Ephod, according to Jewish teaching.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
With the coronation of Charles III today, and my belief that the British Throne is the ancient "Throne of David" (British Israelism), I wanted to do some research into the jewels that adorn the crowns that the King of England will wear. I suspected that the jewels found on the Ephod of the high priests of ancient Israel would be the principal gems found on those crowns. To my surprise the crowns are encrusted with hundreds of gems of various sizes, values, and origins. It immediately became clear that this reflected the fact that not only was the Monarch of England sovereign over the British people but historically over many gentile peoples as well representing the once far-flung empire, thus the many representative gems.

This led me to a search of the topic and this video of a Jewish teacher (Rabbi?) giving a lecture on the Ephod and its various meanings. As interesting and detailed as this lecture was, I was struck by what seemed to me to be the underlying theme, which was this, that all of the ancient tribes of Israel, although clearly distinct from one another both in their history and prophecy, are now combined and manifested only, solely, an exclusively in the Jewish people. A theme that seemed to me to be the principal one of the lecture. Jewish reader comments are certainly welcome.

lol forget Chabad and all those counterfeit Jews. They're just a continuation of the Babylonian scam artists, and have no real connection with Judaism from before Ezra. They don't even have any genetic connection to the tribes of Israel. The last great Jewish Prophet, and a descendant of David, ended their racial purity scam some 2,000 years ago.
British Israelism was a great parlor game about 25 years ago.
lol forget Chabad and all those counterfeit Jews. They're just a continuation of the Babylonian scam artists, and have no real connection with Judaism from before Ezra. They don't even have any genetic connection to the tribes of Israel. The last great Jewish Prophet, and a descendant of David, ended their racial purity scam some 2,000 years ago.
  1. Revelation 2:9
    I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
  2. Revelation 3:9
    Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
This said the Jews of the state of Israel, and Jews of the Diaspora are fulfilling prophecies concerning them to the letter.
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  1. Revelation 2:9
    I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
  2. Revelation 3:9
    Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
I don’t get this. You invited comments from Jews about the Ephod thing - I never heard of it - and then you post a couple of the most anti-Jew verses from the Christian Bible. is that how you welcome us - by showing how the NT taught that negative shit about Jews?
I don’t get this. You invited comments from Jews about the Ephod thing - I never heard of it - and then you post a couple of the most anti-Jew verses from the Christian Bible. is that how you welcome us - by showing how the NT taught that negative shit about Jews?
Can you address the OP?

You don't know what the ephod is? Curious.
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Can you address the OP?

You don't know what the ephod is? Curious.
No. You turned me off by quoting antisemitic verses from the Christian Bible.

Nope….six years of Hebrew School and nine years of Sunday School, and no teacher ever brought it up, as I recall.
No. You turned me off by quoting antisemitic verses from the Christian Bible.

Nope….six years of Hebrew School and nine years of Sunday School, and no teacher ever brought it up, as I recall.
Those verses refer to some who are/were pretending to be Jews. How is that antisemitic? Herod was a "Jew", but he was an Edomite.
Those verses refer to some who are/were pretending to be Jews. How is that antisemitic? Herod was a "Jew", but he was an Edomite.
Something to be aware of: It is very hard to find online information that is strictly Jewish. It is kind of disturbing how many Christian sites pose as Jewish. A site of true Jewish faith will never talk about the New Testament or Christ.
Something to be aware of: It is very hard to find online information that is strictly Jewish. It is kind of disturbing how many Christian sites pose as Jewish. A site of true Jewish faith will never talk about the New Testament or Christ.
The one I posted is a Jewish as they get.
Something to be aware of: It is very hard to find online information that is strictly Jewish. It is kind of disturbing how many Christian sites pose as Jewish. A site of true Jewish faith will never talk about the New Testament or Christ.

Jesus didn't endorse theri Master Race and Temple scam; he was a reformer who taught a return to the Judaism of Moses and the written Torah. This was a direct threat to the Babylonians' descendants and their control of the Temple racket, and he even predicted its fall. That is why they have such an obsessive hatred for Da Evul Xians; so many Jews converted they lost a lot of easy money and status is all. Christians are as Jewish as Abraham.

Most of the 'Diaspora' Jews are Christians.
No. You turned me off by quoting antisemitic verses from the Christian Bible.

Nope….six years of Hebrew School and nine years of Sunday School, and no teacher ever brought it up, as I recall.
Probably because a careful study will reveal an inconvenient truth, that the unity of Israel that Rabbi Moishe spoke of is invested in the tribe of Joseph, not the tribe of Judah.
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Jesus didn't endorse theri Master Race and Temple scam; he was a reformer who taught a return to the Judaism of Moses and the written Torah. This was a direct threat to the Babylonians' descendants and their control of the Temple racket, and he even predicted its fall. That is why they have such an obsessive hatred for Da Evul Xians; so many Jews converted they lost a lot of easy money and status is all. Christians are as Jewish as Abraham.

Most of the 'Diaspora' Jews are Christians.
Jesus obviously had issues with the high priests (Annas and Caiaphas) of his day. Not one of the Jews I have known held the idea that they were a Master Race. They basically noted they were a chosen people that served a purpose for God. Jews do not have an obsessive hatred of Christians. Most true people of faith, be they Jews, Christians, or Muslims, practice their faith quietly,
Jesus obviously had issues with the high priests (Annas and Caiaphas) of his day. Not one of the Jews I have known held the idea that they were a Master Race. They basically noted they were a chosen people that served a purpose for God. Jews do not have an obsessive hatred of Christians. Most true people of faith, be they Jews, Christians, or Muslims, practice their faith quietly,

You haven't been paying attention. You think all Jews are alike; they aren't. IDF officers are resigning in droves, because they do not want any part of Netanyahu's endorsement of Israeli rightwingers and Hasedi being made officers. They are war crimes just waiting ot happen, and left wing media will no longer have to fake atrocities, they will be real ones. Many Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox are extremely racist. Jewish demographics in the U.S. are far different than in Israel; their rightwing nutjobs are almost 50% of the population there. They are also out-breeding moderate Jews in the U.S.. They are also mostly parastic deadbeats.

... and a lot more. The story is the same in Israel. Your buddy Lisa has a thread bragging about how these racist losers will be dominant here by 2050.

Netanyahu and others fawned over this assclown when he died in 2010.

And don't claim 'they're just a tiny minority'. They aren't.
You haven't been paying attention. You think all Jews are alike;
I have been paying attention. Every person is unique and it is an obvious given no one--not even Jews--are alike. This is not the same as groups of unique persons having things in common.

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