Could A Republican Gain In `10, Help Obama in `12?

According to my very main man, Charles Krauthammer, it well could.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


"Obama’s transformational agenda is a play in two acts.

"Act One is over. The stimulus, Obamacare, financial reform have exhausted his first-term mandate. It will bear no more heavy lifting. And the Democrats will pay the price for ideological overreaching by losing one or both houses, whether de facto or de jure. The rest of the first term will be spent consolidating these gains (writing the regulations, for example) and preparing for Act Two.

"For Obama to fulfill the remainder of his agenda, he’ll need to win a second term. And here’s the kicker. As Krauthammer sees it, letting the Republicans win control of either or both houses this November might actually benefit Obama (and Democrats) in the following 2012 election.

"If Democrats lose control of one or both houses, Obama will probably have an easier time in 2012, just as Bill Clinton used Newt Gingrich and the Republicans as the foil for his 1996 reelection campaign."

Charles Krauthammer | Obama | November - Sarah Palin | Mediaite
Any thing is possible, however I don't think this is the strategy. Too many things can change in two years. Look at the last election. Both candidates had there agenda planned. Then we had the financial crisis and the collapse of the stock market which changed everything.

Yes.....and it all happened just at the perfect moment didn't it???

What a coincidence. :eusa_angel:
True, Obama and his administration have no boundaries. They are corrupt and will stop at nothing for power and control. As Obama said in an April video: "It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women, who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again."

We'll see. I plan to step back from politics somewhat. It has been too consuming for too long, and no gain in sight for the liberties America holds so dear. We are outnumbered, I am afraid...


He's right. Those are all the demographics he won. It wasn't white men who helped him win in 2008.

Young people, moderates and independents have deserted him already. Hispanics will be next. He's going to be left with the only ones he cares about...militant progressives. The big Dems will desert him before it's over. Most of them already have. He's left with the thug buddies he dragged to DC with him. When he's gone, they'll get booted.
From mudwhistle:

[B"]If they give specifics the MSM gets busy tearing it down. The Democrats have a target to attack....all the while they're fucking things up themselves.

Nope....they don't need that right now because honesty and truth no longer matter."[/B]

Snip from a George Washington speech: "I don’t believe it’s possible for a free society to thrive in the absence of values."

Hear! Hear!
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True, Obama and his administration have no boundaries. They are corrupt and will stop at nothing for power and control. As Obama said in an April video: "It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women, who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again."

We'll see. I plan to step back from politics somewhat. It has been too consuming for too long, and no gain in sight for the liberties America holds so dear. We are outnumbered, I am afraid...


He's right. Those are all the demographics he won. It wasn't white men who helped him win in 2008.

Young people, moderates and independents have deserted him already. Hispanics will be next. He's going to be left with the only ones he cares about...militant progressives. The big Dems will desert him before it's over. Most of them already have. He's left with the thug buddies he dragged to DC with him. When he's gone, they'll get booted.

I wish I were that confident. The Dims will rig this campaign in so many ways, it may just keep the Republicans/Independents/Libertarians constantly on the defensive. I hope they have a good game plan in the works. They will need one.

He's right. Those are all the demographics he won. It wasn't white men who helped him win in 2008.

Young people, moderates and independents have deserted him already. Hispanics will be next. He's going to be left with the only ones he cares about...militant progressives. The big Dems will desert him before it's over. Most of them already have. He's left with the thug buddies he dragged to DC with him. When he's gone, they'll get booted.

I wish I were that confident. The Dims will rig this campaign in so many ways, it may just keep the Republicans/Independents/Libertarians constantly on the defensive. I hope they have a good game plan in the works. They will need one.

Obama figures he'll have another 30 million Hispanic votes by 2012.

He's not worrying about it till after the mid-term election.
Republicans in Congress worst nightmare is taking back the House and Senate. Then they would actually have to stop talking and get shit done. And what happens when none of their ideas work? Obama can easily just point and say he was right all along. And he would be.

They'll avoid that by an attempt to impeach him, thereby tying up the country's business for yet another two years.
A Republican controlled Congress would be a nightmare

I give them three months before they start impeachment proceedings on some trumped up nonsesne

What is Ken Starr up to these days?

I thought the same thing! Should have kept reading and I wouldn't have jumped in.
According to my very main man, Charles Krauthammer, it well could.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


"Obama’s transformational agenda is a play in two acts.

"Act One is over. The stimulus, Obamacare, financial reform have exhausted his first-term mandate. It will bear no more heavy lifting. And the Democrats will pay the price for ideological overreaching by losing one or both houses, whether de facto or de jure. The rest of the first term will be spent consolidating these gains (writing the regulations, for example) and preparing for Act Two.

"For Obama to fulfill the remainder of his agenda, he’ll need to win a second term. And here’s the kicker. As Krauthammer sees it, letting the Republicans win control of either or both houses this November might actually benefit Obama (and Democrats) in the following 2012 election.

"If Democrats lose control of one or both houses, Obama will probably have an easier time in 2012, just as Bill Clinton used Newt Gingrich and the Republicans as the foil for his 1996 reelection campaign."

Charles Krauthammer | Obama | November - Sarah Palin | Mediaite
Any thing is possible, however I don't think this is the strategy. Too many things can change in two years. Look at the last election. Both candidates had there agenda planned. Then we had the financial crisis and the collapse of the stock market which changed everything.

Yes.....and it all happened just at the perfect moment didn't it???

What a coincidence. :eusa_angel:

I guess it did, since McCain seemed blithely unaware of it.
True, Obama and his administration have no boundaries. They are corrupt and will stop at nothing for power and control. As Obama said in an April video: "It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women, who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again."

We'll see. I plan to step back from politics somewhat. It has been too consuming for too long, and no gain in sight for the liberties America holds so dear. We are outnumbered, I am afraid...


He's right. Those are all the demographics he won. It wasn't white men who helped him win in 2008.

Young people, moderates and independents have deserted him already. Hispanics will be next. He's going to be left with the only ones he cares about...militant progressives. The big Dems will desert him before it's over. Most of them already have. He's left with the thug buddies he dragged to DC with him. When he's gone, they'll get booted.

"Militant progressives"??? We have secret armies I'm unaware of? :eusa_eh:
From mudwhistle:

[B"]If they give specifics the MSM gets busy tearing it down. The Democrats have a target to attack....all the while they're fucking things up themselves.

Nope....they don't need that right now because honesty and truth no longer matter."[/B]

Snip from a George Washington speech: "I don’t believe it’s possible for a free society to thrive in the absence of values."

Hear! Hear!

Well, in the 200 years since he uttered those words, by now he must have done so many turns in his grave, I wonder if the casket is still intact. Anybody checked inside his tomb lately?

He's right. Those are all the demographics he won. It wasn't white men who helped him win in 2008.

Young people, moderates and independents have deserted him already. Hispanics will be next. He's going to be left with the only ones he cares about...militant progressives. The big Dems will desert him before it's over. Most of them already have. He's left with the thug buddies he dragged to DC with him. When he's gone, they'll get booted.

I wish I were that confident. The Dims will rig this campaign in so many ways, it may just keep the Republicans/Independents/Libertarians constantly on the defensive. I hope they have a good game plan in the works. They will need one.

Yeah, I think the "dims" need to hire Ken Blackwell just to make sure we win Ohio.
I doubt young people come out for the mid terms in anywhere near the numbers they did in 08. That said, Obama sold them out and without serious effort they won't be there for him in 12.

see lack of progress in war's (they fight them), and incarceration for cannibis
ever been to a frat party devoid of da ghanja?
Nobody knows what the 2012 election will be like. Whether or not Obama is liked today nor how any of the potential GOP candidates are viewed today have little bearing on how the nation will feel about these people in 2 years. Anyone who says otherwise is just revealing their own personal bias.
Republicans in Congress worst nightmare is taking back the House and Senate. Then they would actually have to stop talking and get shit done. And what happens when none of their ideas work? Obama can easily just point and say he was right all along. And he would be.

They'll avoid that by an attempt to impeach him, thereby tying up the country's business for yet another two years.

You two throwing a pity party? :lol::lol:
According to my very main man, Charles Krauthammer, it well could.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


"Obama’s transformational agenda is a play in two acts.

"Act One is over. The stimulus, Obamacare, financial reform have exhausted his first-term mandate. It will bear no more heavy lifting. And the Democrats will pay the price for ideological overreaching by losing one or both houses, whether de facto or de jure. The rest of the first term will be spent consolidating these gains (writing the regulations, for example) and preparing for Act Two.

"For Obama to fulfill the remainder of his agenda, he’ll need to win a second term. And here’s the kicker. As Krauthammer sees it, letting the Republicans win control of either or both houses this November might actually benefit Obama (and Democrats) in the following 2012 election.

"If Democrats lose control of one or both houses, Obama will probably have an easier time in 2012, just as Bill Clinton used Newt Gingrich and the Republicans as the foil for his 1996 reelection campaign."

Charles Krauthammer | Obama | November - Sarah Palin | Mediaite

I've been saying that for a while. I see a rerun of '94-96!

He's right. Those are all the demographics he won. It wasn't white men who helped him win in 2008.

Young people, moderates and independents have deserted him already. Hispanics will be next. He's going to be left with the only ones he cares about...militant progressives. The big Dems will desert him before it's over. Most of them already have. He's left with the thug buddies he dragged to DC with him. When he's gone, they'll get booted.

I wish I were that confident. The Dims will rig this campaign in so many ways, it may just keep the Republicans/Independents/Libertarians constantly on the defensive. I hope they have a good game plan in the works. They will need one.

I totally agree.

If the GOP happens to gain enough seats to make a difference they better have a super good playbook and they better be ready to use it.

If not, the pendulum will swing towards the Dems again.
According to my very main man, Charles Krauthammer, it well could.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


"Obama’s transformational agenda is a play in two acts.

"Act One is over. The stimulus, Obamacare, financial reform have exhausted his first-term mandate. It will bear no more heavy lifting. And the Democrats will pay the price for ideological overreaching by losing one or both houses, whether de facto or de jure. The rest of the first term will be spent consolidating these gains (writing the regulations, for example) and preparing for Act Two.

"For Obama to fulfill the remainder of his agenda, he’ll need to win a second term. And here’s the kicker. As Krauthammer sees it, letting the Republicans win control of either or both houses this November might actually benefit Obama (and Democrats) in the following 2012 election.

"If Democrats lose control of one or both houses, Obama will probably have an easier time in 2012, just as Bill Clinton used Newt Gingrich and the Republicans as the foil for his 1996 reelection campaign."

Charles Krauthammer | Obama | November - Sarah Palin | Mediaite

I've been saying that for a while. I see a rerun of '94-96!

But there was a huge platform: The Contract With America. If there's to be a repeat, the pubs better get busy with a new one. There's only 3 months left to go.
According to my very main man, Charles Krauthammer, it well could.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


"Obama’s transformational agenda is a play in two acts.

"Act One is over. The stimulus, Obamacare, financial reform have exhausted his first-term mandate. It will bear no more heavy lifting. And the Democrats will pay the price for ideological overreaching by losing one or both houses, whether de facto or de jure. The rest of the first term will be spent consolidating these gains (writing the regulations, for example) and preparing for Act Two.

"For Obama to fulfill the remainder of his agenda, he’ll need to win a second term. And here’s the kicker. As Krauthammer sees it, letting the Republicans win control of either or both houses this November might actually benefit Obama (and Democrats) in the following 2012 election.

"If Democrats lose control of one or both houses, Obama will probably have an easier time in 2012, just as Bill Clinton used Newt Gingrich and the Republicans as the foil for his 1996 reelection campaign."

Charles Krauthammer | Obama | November - Sarah Palin | Mediaite

I was JUST going to post this article as I read it last night.

I went to google for it and this thread showed up as my second result :)

Its a good read and makes a lot of sense. One of those "careful what you wish for" moments.
Republicans in Congress worst nightmare is taking back the House and Senate. Then they would actually have to stop talking and get shit done. And what happens when none of their ideas work? Obama can easily just point and say he was right all along. And he would be.

So if things continue to get worse you will agree with Obama in blaming the Republicans. If things improve you will agree with Obama in taking credit.

Interesting game you are playing - heads Obama wins, tails the Republicans lose.

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