Could Bernie's ego lose the presidency and take the Senate off the table?

I don't care if think Sanders should drop out or not. If he gains more popularity and Super Delegates slide his why, then so be it.

He has the right to take this to the convention. He has a right to see it through, you don't like it? Tough, get over it.

He has the right to join Clinton on the ticket when she asks him to do so.

Get over it. :0)

The nominee has her free choice as to whom she picks as her VP. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She will not pick Bernie Sanders to be her VP. Republicans would use his radical policies and his praising of Fidel Castro to defeat her. IOW it would be about his policies not hers.

While you millennials have no clue as to who Fidel Castro was, I can assure you that the largest generation in this nation's history, baby boomers, remember him well and know what he did. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, imprisoning thousands more for life, for just speaking out against him, executing scientists and teachers, seizing private property and assets, while killing the owners, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to make it to the Florida coast. Republicans would ram that information home. Bernie Sanders is sooooo much more than your average run of the mill socialists.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

And NO he doesn't have the RIGHT to take this to the Democrat National convention. On June 7th, Hillary Clinton will be declared the official nominee of the party--by winning enough delegates. She only needs 90 more, Bernie Sanders needs 847 more. IOW--Not even close, and Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat. Candidates that lose on both sides of the isle do not give speechs at either parties Natiional Convention. The National Coventions are about the nominee who won, not the losers who lost.


"millennials ???" If you're talking to me, you're talking to the wrong person giving me that silly tag. :0) .. and I'm pretty sure I know more about Castro and Cuba then you do. It seems you don't know who Fulgencio Batista was and what Cuba was like under his rule .. what Cuba was like under the American and Mafia foot on its neck.

It seems that you don't know how poorly educated the Cuban people were before Castro .. or is it that you don't really care about how bad off the Cuban people were .. just the distorted history you've been told. If you'd like to discuss that history, be my guest.

Here's the problem .. despite Hillary winning the nomination fair and square, she's still a weak candidate and does not inspire youth. Bernie Sanders does.

More importantly, this is an opportunity to unite the party, inspire youth, and build a platform for the future away from the centrist / corporatist lock that is driving many away. It's an opportunity to get the party back to being the party of working Americans.

I think this is very likely to happen.

You're apparently not old enough to understand what the opposing party would do with any candidate that praised Fidel Castro--LOL. Prior to Fidel Castro Cuba was a thriving country with tourism everywhere. As soon as Castro took over it's citizens have lived in abject poverty, and actually still do today.

If the youth of this country cannot spot a fraud politician who has catered to them by promising them the moon and stars, and don't know it's bullshit, I don't want them anywhere near a voting booth.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News


And you think Trumpf does? You're more delusional if you think Trumpf, who probably hasn't been paying taxes and who used veterans as props to get support is worthy of the most important job in the world. Surely there are more Americans that can see through that phony than there are gullible people that believe every lie that comes out of that buffoon's mouth.

Who in the hell told you I was a Trump supporter? For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The ONLY reason they are refusing to release them is because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about. With Donald Trump we already have a clue.
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bernie Sanders, I imagine is hiding some WALL STREET investment income, that is taxed at a lower rate, or possibly some NRA donations. The NRA is typically a big donor to candidates that oppose any kind of gun control. Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times would have made a big hit with them.

Hillary Clinton has released 33 income taxes returns over the years. So tell me again who's been honest with you, and who hasn't?

Last edited:
He has the right to join Clinton on the ticket when she asks him to do so.

Get over it. :0)

The nominee has her free choice as to whom she picks as her VP. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She will not pick Bernie Sanders to be her VP. Republicans would use his radical policies and his praising of Fidel Castro to defeat her. IOW it would be about his policies not hers.

While you millennials have no clue as to who Fidel Castro was, I can assure you that the largest generation in this nation's history, baby boomers, remember him well and know what he did. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, imprisoning thousands more for life, for just speaking out against him, executing scientists and teachers, seizing private property and assets, while killing the owners, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to make it to the Florida coast. Republicans would ram that information home. Bernie Sanders is sooooo much more than your average run of the mill socialists.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

And NO he doesn't have the RIGHT to take this to the Democrat National convention. On June 7th, Hillary Clinton will be declared the official nominee of the party--by winning enough delegates. She only needs 90 more, Bernie Sanders needs 847 more. IOW--Not even close, and Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat. Candidates that lose on both sides of the isle do not give speechs at either parties Natiional Convention. The National Coventions are about the nominee who won, not the losers who lost.


"millennials ???" If you're talking to me, you're talking to the wrong person giving me that silly tag. :0) .. and I'm pretty sure I know more about Castro and Cuba then you do. It seems you don't know who Fulgencio Batista was and what Cuba was like under his rule .. what Cuba was like under the American and Mafia foot on its neck.

It seems that you don't know how poorly educated the Cuban people were before Castro .. or is it that you don't really care about how bad off the Cuban people were .. just the distorted history you've been told. If you'd like to discuss that history, be my guest.

Here's the problem .. despite Hillary winning the nomination fair and square, she's still a weak candidate and does not inspire youth. Bernie Sanders does.

More importantly, this is an opportunity to unite the party, inspire youth, and build a platform for the future away from the centrist / corporatist lock that is driving many away. It's an opportunity to get the party back to being the party of working Americans.

I think this is very likely to happen.

You're apparently not old enough to understand what the opposing party would do with any candidate that praised Fidel Castro--LOL. Prior to Fidel Castro Cuba was a thriving country with tourism everywhere. As soon as Castro took over it's citizens have lived in abject poverty, and actually still do today.

If the youth of this country cannot spot a fraud politician who has catered to them by promising them the moon and stars, and don't know it's bullshit, I don't want them anywhere near a voting booth.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News


And you think Trumpf does? You're more delusional if you think Trumpf, who probably hasn't been paying taxes and who used veterans as props to get support is worthy of the most important job in the world. Surely there are more Americans that can see through that phony than there are gullible people that believe every lie that comes out of that buffoon's mouth.

Who in the hell told you I was a Trump supporter? For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The ONLY reason they are refusing to release them is because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about. With Donald Trump we already have a clue.
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bernie Sanders, I imagine is hiding some WALL STREET investment income, that is taxed at a lower rate, or possibly some NRA donations. The NRA is typically a big donor to candidates that oppose any kind of gun control. Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times would have made a big hit with them.

Hillary Clinton has release 33 income taxes returns over the years. So tell me again who's been honest with you, and who hasn't?


I was going by your link "Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things" - so, sorry for the misunderstanding....I don't think Bernie is going to be the nominee, so it probably doesn't matter now whether or not he releases them. But Trumpf....that's another thing. There are so many things going against him and even though his supporters are too mindless to care, surely there is enough sensible people in America that can see through that phony.
The nominee has her free choice as to whom she picks as her VP. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She will not pick Bernie Sanders to be her VP. Republicans would use his radical policies and his praising of Fidel Castro to defeat her. IOW it would be about his policies not hers.

While you millennials have no clue as to who Fidel Castro was, I can assure you that the largest generation in this nation's history, baby boomers, remember him well and know what he did. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, imprisoning thousands more for life, for just speaking out against him, executing scientists and teachers, seizing private property and assets, while killing the owners, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to make it to the Florida coast. Republicans would ram that information home. Bernie Sanders is sooooo much more than your average run of the mill socialists.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

And NO he doesn't have the RIGHT to take this to the Democrat National convention. On June 7th, Hillary Clinton will be declared the official nominee of the party--by winning enough delegates. She only needs 90 more, Bernie Sanders needs 847 more. IOW--Not even close, and Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat. Candidates that lose on both sides of the isle do not give speechs at either parties Natiional Convention. The National Coventions are about the nominee who won, not the losers who lost.


"millennials ???" If you're talking to me, you're talking to the wrong person giving me that silly tag. :0) .. and I'm pretty sure I know more about Castro and Cuba then you do. It seems you don't know who Fulgencio Batista was and what Cuba was like under his rule .. what Cuba was like under the American and Mafia foot on its neck.

It seems that you don't know how poorly educated the Cuban people were before Castro .. or is it that you don't really care about how bad off the Cuban people were .. just the distorted history you've been told. If you'd like to discuss that history, be my guest.

Here's the problem .. despite Hillary winning the nomination fair and square, she's still a weak candidate and does not inspire youth. Bernie Sanders does.

More importantly, this is an opportunity to unite the party, inspire youth, and build a platform for the future away from the centrist / corporatist lock that is driving many away. It's an opportunity to get the party back to being the party of working Americans.

I think this is very likely to happen.

You're apparently not old enough to understand what the opposing party would do with any candidate that praised Fidel Castro--LOL. Prior to Fidel Castro Cuba was a thriving country with tourism everywhere. As soon as Castro took over it's citizens have lived in abject poverty, and actually still do today.

If the youth of this country cannot spot a fraud politician who has catered to them by promising them the moon and stars, and don't know it's bullshit, I don't want them anywhere near a voting booth.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News


And you think Trumpf does? You're more delusional if you think Trumpf, who probably hasn't been paying taxes and who used veterans as props to get support is worthy of the most important job in the world. Surely there are more Americans that can see through that phony than there are gullible people that believe every lie that comes out of that buffoon's mouth.

Who in the hell told you I was a Trump supporter? For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The ONLY reason they are refusing to release them is because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about. With Donald Trump we already have a clue.
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bernie Sanders, I imagine is hiding some WALL STREET investment income, that is taxed at a lower rate, or possibly some NRA donations. The NRA is typically a big donor to candidates that oppose any kind of gun control. Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times would have made a big hit with them.

Hillary Clinton has release 33 income taxes returns over the years. So tell me again who's been honest with you, and who hasn't?


I was going by your link "Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things" - so, sorry for the misunderstanding....I don't think Bernie is going to be the nominee, so it probably doesn't matter now whether or not he releases them. But Trumpf....that's another thing. There are so many things going against him and even though his supporters are too mindless to care, surely there is enough sensible people in America that can see through that phony.

I imagine after the Hillary Clinton Landslide win, the Republican party will be looking at getting some Republican Super delegates of their own. There's just too many candidates, like Bernie Sanders, who purposefully exploit the political ignorance of the American public for donations and support. Donald Trump being another one of them.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

The Democrat Party has handled Bernie Sanders with kid gloves, because they don't want to tick off his supporters. They haven't really vetted him, everyone knows he's lost, but the gloves would have come off with Donald Trump v Bernie Sanders--and Trump would have snapped that finger of his off in the first debate.

"millennials ???" If you're talking to me, you're talking to the wrong person giving me that silly tag. :0) .. and I'm pretty sure I know more about Castro and Cuba then you do. It seems you don't know who Fulgencio Batista was and what Cuba was like under his rule .. what Cuba was like under the American and Mafia foot on its neck.

It seems that you don't know how poorly educated the Cuban people were before Castro .. or is it that you don't really care about how bad off the Cuban people were .. just the distorted history you've been told. If you'd like to discuss that history, be my guest.

Here's the problem .. despite Hillary winning the nomination fair and square, she's still a weak candidate and does not inspire youth. Bernie Sanders does.

More importantly, this is an opportunity to unite the party, inspire youth, and build a platform for the future away from the centrist / corporatist lock that is driving many away. It's an opportunity to get the party back to being the party of working Americans.

I think this is very likely to happen.

You're apparently not old enough to understand what the opposing party would do with any candidate that praised Fidel Castro--LOL. Prior to Fidel Castro Cuba was a thriving country with tourism everywhere. As soon as Castro took over it's citizens have lived in abject poverty, and actually still do today.

If the youth of this country cannot spot a fraud politician who has catered to them by promising them the moon and stars, and don't know it's bullshit, I don't want them anywhere near a voting booth.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News


And you think Trumpf does? You're more delusional if you think Trumpf, who probably hasn't been paying taxes and who used veterans as props to get support is worthy of the most important job in the world. Surely there are more Americans that can see through that phony than there are gullible people that believe every lie that comes out of that buffoon's mouth.

Who in the hell told you I was a Trump supporter? For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The ONLY reason they are refusing to release them is because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about. With Donald Trump we already have a clue.
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bernie Sanders, I imagine is hiding some WALL STREET investment income, that is taxed at a lower rate, or possibly some NRA donations. The NRA is typically a big donor to candidates that oppose any kind of gun control. Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times would have made a big hit with them.

Hillary Clinton has release 33 income taxes returns over the years. So tell me again who's been honest with you, and who hasn't?


I was going by your link "Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things" - so, sorry for the misunderstanding....I don't think Bernie is going to be the nominee, so it probably doesn't matter now whether or not he releases them. But Trumpf....that's another thing. There are so many things going against him and even though his supporters are too mindless to care, surely there is enough sensible people in America that can see through that phony.

I imagine after the Hillary Clinton Landslide win, the Republican party will be looking at getting some Republican Super delegates of their own. There's just too many candidates, like Bernie Sanders, who purposefully exploit the political ignorance of the American public for donations and support. Donald Trump being another one of them.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

The Democrat Party has handled Bernie Sanders with kid gloves, because they don't want to tick off his supporters. They haven't really vetted him, everyone knows he's lost, but the gloves would have come off with Donald Trump v Bernie Sanders--and Trump would have snapped that finger of his off in the first debate.


Many of Bernie's supporters claim they will vote for Trumpf if Hillary is the nominee....shows they really aren't interested in the party's platform - the idea they would support Trump's idiocy is disheartening.
You're apparently not old enough to understand what the opposing party would do with any candidate that praised Fidel Castro--LOL. Prior to Fidel Castro Cuba was a thriving country with tourism everywhere. As soon as Castro took over it's citizens have lived in abject poverty, and actually still do today.

If the youth of this country cannot spot a fraud politician who has catered to them by promising them the moon and stars, and don't know it's bullshit, I don't want them anywhere near a voting booth.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News


And you think Trumpf does? You're more delusional if you think Trumpf, who probably hasn't been paying taxes and who used veterans as props to get support is worthy of the most important job in the world. Surely there are more Americans that can see through that phony than there are gullible people that believe every lie that comes out of that buffoon's mouth.

Who in the hell told you I was a Trump supporter? For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The ONLY reason they are refusing to release them is because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about. With Donald Trump we already have a clue.
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bernie Sanders, I imagine is hiding some WALL STREET investment income, that is taxed at a lower rate, or possibly some NRA donations. The NRA is typically a big donor to candidates that oppose any kind of gun control. Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times would have made a big hit with them.

Hillary Clinton has release 33 income taxes returns over the years. So tell me again who's been honest with you, and who hasn't?


I was going by your link "Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things" - so, sorry for the misunderstanding....I don't think Bernie is going to be the nominee, so it probably doesn't matter now whether or not he releases them. But Trumpf....that's another thing. There are so many things going against him and even though his supporters are too mindless to care, surely there is enough sensible people in America that can see through that phony.

I imagine after the Hillary Clinton Landslide win, the Republican party will be looking at getting some Republican Super delegates of their own. There's just too many candidates, like Bernie Sanders, who purposefully exploit the political ignorance of the American public for donations and support. Donald Trump being another one of them.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

The Democrat Party has handled Bernie Sanders with kid gloves, because they don't want to tick off his supporters. They haven't really vetted him, everyone knows he's lost, but the gloves would have come off with Donald Trump v Bernie Sanders--and Trump would have snapped that finger of his off in the first debate.


Many of Bernie's supporters claim they will vote for Trumpf if Hillary is the nominee....shows they really aren't interested in the party's platform - the idea they would support Trump's idiocy is disheartening.

Right now Sanders supporters are pissed. I believe 1 in 5 stated they would vote for Trump. I am not certain why, as Sanders and Trump are polar opposite in ideology of one another. So I think it's more out of having a temper tantrum than anything else. But frankly, Trump is going to need all the support he can get anyway.

Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her. Add in that half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton just to keep Trump out of the Oval office.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans - SaintPetersBlog
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

Then the Hispanic factor. 23 million Latino's are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. Trump and his supporters have chased them off. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needed at least 40% of this block. This year it's 46%, and Trump is polling at an Historic Negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: More than 80 percent of Hispanics view Donald Trump unfavorably

The writing is already on the wall. Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea. In fact, with these numbers Republicans will lose the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.

And you think Trumpf does? You're more delusional if you think Trumpf, who probably hasn't been paying taxes and who used veterans as props to get support is worthy of the most important job in the world. Surely there are more Americans that can see through that phony than there are gullible people that believe every lie that comes out of that buffoon's mouth.

Who in the hell told you I was a Trump supporter? For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The ONLY reason they are refusing to release them is because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about. With Donald Trump we already have a clue.
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bernie Sanders, I imagine is hiding some WALL STREET investment income, that is taxed at a lower rate, or possibly some NRA donations. The NRA is typically a big donor to candidates that oppose any kind of gun control. Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times would have made a big hit with them.

Hillary Clinton has release 33 income taxes returns over the years. So tell me again who's been honest with you, and who hasn't?


I was going by your link "Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things" - so, sorry for the misunderstanding....I don't think Bernie is going to be the nominee, so it probably doesn't matter now whether or not he releases them. But Trumpf....that's another thing. There are so many things going against him and even though his supporters are too mindless to care, surely there is enough sensible people in America that can see through that phony.

I imagine after the Hillary Clinton Landslide win, the Republican party will be looking at getting some Republican Super delegates of their own. There's just too many candidates, like Bernie Sanders, who purposefully exploit the political ignorance of the American public for donations and support. Donald Trump being another one of them.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

The Democrat Party has handled Bernie Sanders with kid gloves, because they don't want to tick off his supporters. They haven't really vetted him, everyone knows he's lost, but the gloves would have come off with Donald Trump v Bernie Sanders--and Trump would have snapped that finger of his off in the first debate.


Many of Bernie's supporters claim they will vote for Trumpf if Hillary is the nominee....shows they really aren't interested in the party's platform - the idea they would support Trump's idiocy is disheartening.

Right now Sanders supporters are pissed. I believe 1 in 5 stated they would vote for Trump. I am not certain why, as Sanders and Trump are polar opposite in ideology of one another. So I think it's more out of having a temper tantrum than anything else. But frankly, Trump is going to need all the support he can get anyway.

Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her. Add in that half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton just to keep Trump out of the Oval office.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans - SaintPetersBlog
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

Then the Hispanic factor. 23 million Latino's are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. Trump and his supporters have chased them off. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needed at least 40% of this block. This year it's 46%, and Trump is polling at an Historic Negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: More than 80 percent of Hispanics view Donald Trump unfavorably

The writing is already on the wall. Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea. In fact, with these numbers Republicans will lose the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.


When you have Republicans going against their own couldn't be good for them. Trump thinks that his nasty approach to campaign against Hillary by bringing up old dirt on Bill is going to make more people like him.....only the ones that are already glued to him think it's appropriate. He doesn't like that he's being pummeled about his refusal to release his tax returns, but there's a lot that he's hiding - one that brags so much about what he makes, I think he's been lying about that and his gullible supporters eat it up.
Who in the hell told you I was a Trump supporter? For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. They are none other than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The ONLY reason they are refusing to release them is because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about. With Donald Trump we already have a clue.
Officials Question Donald Trump’s Use of Tax Loopholes

Bernie Sanders, I imagine is hiding some WALL STREET investment income, that is taxed at a lower rate, or possibly some NRA donations. The NRA is typically a big donor to candidates that oppose any kind of gun control. Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times would have made a big hit with them.

Hillary Clinton has release 33 income taxes returns over the years. So tell me again who's been honest with you, and who hasn't?


I was going by your link "Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things" - so, sorry for the misunderstanding....I don't think Bernie is going to be the nominee, so it probably doesn't matter now whether or not he releases them. But Trumpf....that's another thing. There are so many things going against him and even though his supporters are too mindless to care, surely there is enough sensible people in America that can see through that phony.

I imagine after the Hillary Clinton Landslide win, the Republican party will be looking at getting some Republican Super delegates of their own. There's just too many candidates, like Bernie Sanders, who purposefully exploit the political ignorance of the American public for donations and support. Donald Trump being another one of them.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

The Democrat Party has handled Bernie Sanders with kid gloves, because they don't want to tick off his supporters. They haven't really vetted him, everyone knows he's lost, but the gloves would have come off with Donald Trump v Bernie Sanders--and Trump would have snapped that finger of his off in the first debate.


Many of Bernie's supporters claim they will vote for Trumpf if Hillary is the nominee....shows they really aren't interested in the party's platform - the idea they would support Trump's idiocy is disheartening.

Right now Sanders supporters are pissed. I believe 1 in 5 stated they would vote for Trump. I am not certain why, as Sanders and Trump are polar opposite in ideology of one another. So I think it's more out of having a temper tantrum than anything else. But frankly, Trump is going to need all the support he can get anyway.

Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nation's history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her. Add in that half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton just to keep Trump out of the Oval office.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans - SaintPetersBlog
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

Then the Hispanic factor. 23 million Latino's are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. Trump and his supporters have chased them off. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan, needed at least 40% of this block. This year it's 46%, and Trump is polling at an Historic Negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: More than 80 percent of Hispanics view Donald Trump unfavorably

The writing is already on the wall. Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea. In fact, with these numbers Republicans will lose the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.


When you have Republicans going against their own couldn't be good for them. Trump thinks that his nasty approach to campaign against Hillary by bringing up old dirt on Bill is going to make more people like him.....only the ones that are already glued to him think it's appropriate. He doesn't like that he's being pummeled about his refusal to release his tax returns, but there's a lot that he's hiding - one that brags so much about what he makes, I think he's been lying about that and his gullible supporters eat it up.

Yeah, he's a real problem for Republicans. You're right, I imagine that the Republicans in the house and Senate will probably be casting a vote for Hillary Clinton, as they can't stand him. It's the Tea Party aka the anti-Establishment groupie that has done this, and it's definitely going to be a disaster.

Prior to President Hoover, blacks used to be solidly in the Republican column, all the way back to Lincoln. Now you have the fastest growing population in this country, Hispanics that has turned it's back on the Republican party and they won't be coming back. The next Republican President may not even be born yet.

Republicans already have a sour history with women from 2012. It was women that secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. And with the 1st woman Presidential nominee, they certainly aren't going to be looking at a male chimpanzee for POTUS.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So regardless of National polling data which as turned into a world wide train wreck, and something that no one should pay any attention too, Hillary Clinton already has this one in the bag.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Here is a great reason to ignore the polls. This is the Washington ABC poll that shows Trump beating Hillary Clinton by two points. Now if you read the internals on this, you'll notice something that is MISSING:

Trump groups in ABC/Post poll:

Men: Trump 56-34%
Inds: Trump 48-35%
No grad: Trump 52-38%
Whites: Trump 57-33%

BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

No women were polled. Of course the pollsters will not tell you that, it's just to get Trump supporters all excited over nothing. There is no way to tell if they polled 10 or 100 men. They didn't list their sample participation size, as most do, which are extremely low. I have seen National polling data with 736 participants that is supposed to reflect the opinions of 170 million + voters in this country. They're a joke.

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I LOVE watching the DemoRATS take each other apart....and the MSM thinks Trump is the circus side show!...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When you have Republicans going against their own couldn't be good for them. Trump thinks that his nasty approach to campaign against Hillary by bringing up old dirt on Bill is going to make more people like him.....only the ones that are already glued to him think it's appropriate. He doesn't like that he's being pummeled about his refusal to release his tax returns, but there's a lot that he's hiding - one that brags so much about what he makes, I think he's been lying about that and his gullible supporters eat it up.

What could his tax returns show, that he doesn't pay very much tax? Well gee, who pays more tax than the government wants?

I think if anything, Trump may not be the most charitable in the world. So what would that tell us? Probably a lot less than what Hillary made speeches to Wall Street about. That would tell us who she's in bed with when it comes to having power. But she's not releasing those either.
When you have Republicans going against their own couldn't be good for them. Trump thinks that his nasty approach to campaign against Hillary by bringing up old dirt on Bill is going to make more people like him.....only the ones that are already glued to him think it's appropriate. He doesn't like that he's being pummeled about his refusal to release his tax returns, but there's a lot that he's hiding - one that brags so much about what he makes, I think he's been lying about that and his gullible supporters eat it up.

What could his tax returns show, that he doesn't pay very much tax? Well gee, who pays more tax than the government wants?
Geez, you don't get it. People making as much money as he makes paying less than some middle-class person doesn't concern you? Just goes to show that the Republican party is the party for the rich....and how middle-class Republicans coddle the rich to their detriment is just plain ignorant.

I think if anything, Trump may not be the most charitable in the world. So what would that tell us? Probably a lot less than what Hillary made speeches to Wall Street about. That would tell us who she's in bed with when it comes to having power. But she's not releasing those either.

That he's not the most charitable is not would also point out what we already know....he's a pathological liar. He's been bragging about how much he gives and now we have the truth with his Veterans fund raiser! He's only interested in his own profit.....not someone that anybody with any sense would want as leader of the free world. Hillary has released her tax returns.....all previous presumptive candidates have, too. The fact that Trump doesn;t want to appears to be a serious problem for him (I know his supporters don't care, but they're not the only ones voting).
When you have Republicans going against their own couldn't be good for them. Trump thinks that his nasty approach to campaign against Hillary by bringing up old dirt on Bill is going to make more people like him.....only the ones that are already glued to him think it's appropriate. He doesn't like that he's being pummeled about his refusal to release his tax returns, but there's a lot that he's hiding - one that brags so much about what he makes, I think he's been lying about that and his gullible supporters eat it up.

What could his tax returns show, that he doesn't pay very much tax? Well gee, who pays more tax than the government wants?
Geez, you don't get it. People making as much money as he makes paying less than some middle-class person doesn't concern you? Just goes to show that the Republican party is the party for the rich....and how middle-class Republicans coddle the rich to their detriment is just plain ignorant.

I think if anything, Trump may not be the most charitable in the world. So what would that tell us? Probably a lot less than what Hillary made speeches to Wall Street about. That would tell us who she's in bed with when it comes to having power. But she's not releasing those either.

That he's not the most charitable is not would also point out what we already know....he's a pathological liar. He's been bragging about how much he gives and now we have the truth with his Veterans fund raiser! He's only interested in his own profit.....not someone that anybody with any sense would want as leader of the free world. Hillary has released her tax returns.....all previous presumptive candidates have, too. The fact that Trump doesn;t want to appears to be a serious problem for him (I know his supporters don't care, but they're not the only ones voting).
Geez, you don't get it. People making as much money as he makes paying less than some middle-class person doesn't concern you? Just goes to show that the Republican party is the party for the rich....and how middle-class Republicans coddle the rich to their detriment is just plain ignorant.

Hey, your party had total control of our federal government the first year or so after DumBama was elected. Why didn't they do something about Trump paying less taxes than the middle-class?

Everybody avoids taxes they don't have to pay. John Kerry docked his boat out of state to avoid paying taxes. Saved him and his poor wife a half-mil a year. Buffett is still fighting the IRS to avoid paying his fair share.

Sharpton still owes the feds and state over 4 million in taxes. Geithner only caught up paying his fair share when he got a government job from DumBama. John Edwards ran his little business as an S-corp. That allowed him to avoid paying payroll taxes.

As for Bill and Hillary, they made their life off of taxpayer dollars. They knew well ahead of time that their financial situations may be looked into from time to time so unlike Trump, they were able to plan well in advance.

That he's not the most charitable is not would also point out what we already know....he's a pathological liar. He's been bragging about how much he gives and now we have the truth with his Veterans fund raiser! He's only interested in his own profit.....not someone that anybody with any sense would want as leader of the free world. Hillary has released her tax returns.....all previous presumptive candidates have, too. The fact that Trump doesn;t want to appears to be a serious problem for him (I know his supporters don't care, but they're not the only ones voting).

Trump said he will release them after his IRS audit. So tell me, why doesn't DumBama tell his IRS to speed things up? They certainly had no problem targeting conservative entities for refusing tax exemptions simply because they were conservative.
On the left, I think they have more worries about Bernie running as an Independent. He and his supporters are expressing outrage at the nomination process claiming that it's rigged.

Of course until Cruz dropped out, there was the same outrage on the right as well. But that's been calmed down quite a bit.

Sanders running as an Independent (which he actually is) would guarantee a President Trump.
Bernie isn't stupid. He knows a third party run would be a disasterous idea. If he had any confidence in such an idea, he would have run as an independent from the beginning.

Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

Is Sander's "favorability rating" high because what he's proposing is so great...or is it high because Hillary is scared to attack him on it...and Trump loves having him running against Clinton and so he won't slam him for his pie in the sky promises either?

it really doesn't matter what his favorable are.... she has almost 3 million more votes than he does.
On the left, I think they have more worries about Bernie running as an Independent. He and his supporters are expressing outrage at the nomination process claiming that it's rigged.

Of course until Cruz dropped out, there was the same outrage on the right as well. But that's been calmed down quite a bit.

Sanders running as an Independent (which he actually is) would guarantee a President Trump.
Bernie isn't stupid. He knows a third party run would be a disasterous idea. If he had any confidence in such an idea, he would have run as an independent from the beginning.

Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

Is Sander's "favorability rating" high because what he's proposing is so great...or is it high because Hillary is scared to attack him on it...and Trump loves having him running against Clinton and so he won't slam him for his pie in the sky promises either?

it really doesn't matter what his favorable are.... she has almost 3 million more votes than he does.

What "matters", Jillian is whether how Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have stacked the deck with the Democratic Party's race will effect whether or not Bernie Sander's supporters turn out in November and pull a lever with Hillary's name on it. If those primarily young voters feel like they've been screwed over...they may very well just stay home.
Bernie isn't stupid. He knows a third party run would be a disasterous idea. If he had any confidence in such an idea, he would have run as an independent from the beginning.

Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

Is Sander's "favorability rating" high because what he's proposing is so great...or is it high because Hillary is scared to attack him on it...and Trump loves having him running against Clinton and so he won't slam him for his pie in the sky promises either?

it really doesn't matter what his favorable are.... she has almost 3 million more votes than he does.

What "matters", Jillian is whether how Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have stacked the deck with the Democratic Party's race will effect whether or not Bernie Sander's supporters turn out in November and pull a lever with Hillary's name on it. If those primarily young voters feel like they've been screwed over...they may very well just stay home.

they haven't.

but thanks for caring
Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

Is Sander's "favorability rating" high because what he's proposing is so great...or is it high because Hillary is scared to attack him on it...and Trump loves having him running against Clinton and so he won't slam him for his pie in the sky promises either?

it really doesn't matter what his favorable are.... she has almost 3 million more votes than he does.

What "matters", Jillian is whether how Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have stacked the deck with the Democratic Party's race will effect whether or not Bernie Sander's supporters turn out in November and pull a lever with Hillary's name on it. If those primarily young voters feel like they've been screwed over...they may very well just stay home.

they haven't.

but thanks for caring

Well, I'm glad that you're speaking for Bernie Sanders supporters nationwide, Jillian! It must be an awesome responsibility!
For a guy down millions of votes, he sure does want a lot.

Hey Bernie, what happened to all those kids going to that college your wife torched? Were the reimbursed? No? Thought so.
Jane Sanders served as president of Burlington College in Vermont from 2004 to 2011. When she took over, the tiny school had just a few hundred students and was based out of a small building in Burlington, but Sanders dreamed of much greater things.

Finally, last week, Burlington College reached the end of its rope. Administrators were informed their line of credit would not be renewed, while the The New England Association of Schools and Colleges was expected to revoked its accreditation because of its financial state. Seeing no way forward, the board of trustees voted Friday to end academic operations May 27.

In a statement, Burlington College Dean of Operations Coralee Holm bluntly said the college failed due to “the crushing weight of the debt incurred by the purchase of the Archdiocese property” made by Sanders.

Yet in the summer of 2011, just a few months after the school received its big loan, an audit of the college’s finances showed only $1.3 million in short- and long-term financial commitments, suggesting about half of the school’s supposedly guaranteed pledges had simply vanished. If Sanders or others at Burlington College misrepresented the school’s financial situation, it could represent a case of fraud.

Bernie Sanders’s Wife Just Destroyed An Entire College

I hope the talent for business doesn't run in the family.

And now Bernie is bringing the Democratic Party to it's knees if he doesn't get his way.

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