...could Don Trump pick Liz Cheney as his VP?....

I mean by that title, there are a multitude of talking-points to be gathered by picking Liz Cheney, namely:

  • A woman that appeals to women voters, most especially suburban women.
  • An experienced lawyer.
  • A former legislator who knows and can finesse...'The Swamp'.
  • Also, and not unimportant, a former legislator who owns a voting record that is very supportive of Trump's initiatives (more supportive even than Gym Jordan's or K.McCarthy's)
  • A politician with strong ties to the 'legacy version' of the GOP....so he could pick up that demographic, which is currently either leaning 'independent'.....or sit out 2024.
  • Also not unimportant, it would surprise, confound, and befuddle the Democrats.
  • True, she is older than, and less pretty than......Noem, or Taylor Greene. But she ain't unattractive either. Great head of blonde hair which has an appeal in some 'white nativist' quarters.
  • Also true, she doesn't possess the admirable energy and youth of Ramswamy....but she brings measured assured demeanor.
So even with the drawbacks of 'prettiness', and 'energy' she nonetheless does bring gravitas, experience, street-smarts, and the right gender to the Trump/Cheney ticket.

Oh hell yeah
I think she would take the V.P position within 5 minutes of being asked. Maybe give it the old "I'm not going to call him up the same day I get his phone number" routine to appear too interested, but she would take that offer very quickly.
I mean by that title, there are a multitude of talking-points to be gathered by picking Liz Cheney, namely:

  • A woman that appeals to women voters, most especially suburban women.
  • An experienced lawyer.
  • A former legislator who knows and can finesse...'The Swamp'.
  • Also, and not unimportant, a former legislator who owns a voting record that is very supportive of Trump's initiatives (more supportive even than Gym Jordan's or K.McCarthy's)
  • A politician with strong ties to the 'legacy version' of the GOP....so he could pick up that demographic, which is currently either leaning 'independent'.....or sit out 2024.
  • Also not unimportant, it would surprise, confound, and befuddle the Democrats.
  • True, she is older than, and less pretty than......Noem, or Taylor Greene. But she ain't unattractive either. Great head of blonde hair which has an appeal in some 'white nativist' quarters.
  • Also true, she doesn't possess the admirable energy and youth of Ramswamy....but she brings measured assured demeanor.
So even with the drawbacks of 'prettiness', and 'energy' she nonetheless does bring gravitas, experience, street-smarts, and the right gender to the Trump/Cheney ticket.

with the added benefit that he could have his proud boys hang her for saying mean things about him.
Leave the two of them alone in the oval office, and neither one of them may be able to walk out under their own power.
That wouldn't work. The people who like Liz also despise Trump. If Trump picked her it would be like organizing a coup against himself. No Liz, for anything. MAGA
Well, I read with interest the many responses.
No offense, but none were really persuasive.

Oh sure, I get it ---that there currently seems to be some rub between the two people, but......but politics does make strange bedfellows.

Liz did a star-turn in the co-Chair seat on the J6 Committee and impressed many many people who previously thought she rode on her Dad's coattails. As anyone who watched several of the hearings surely noted ---she was focused, organized, well-prepared, succinct. And.....there was no grand-standing by her, or for that matter, any of the Committee members. In short, Liz showed she has game.

With her manifest abilities.....she could dramatically up the talent and competency level of the Prez/VP team.

I mean by that title, there are a multitude of talking-points to be gathered by picking Liz Cheney, namely:

  • A woman that appeals to women voters, most especially suburban women.
  • An experienced lawyer.
  • A former legislator who knows and can finesse...'The Swamp'.
  • Also, and not unimportant, a former legislator who owns a voting record that is very supportive of Trump's initiatives (more supportive even than Gym Jordan's or K.McCarthy's)
  • A politician with strong ties to the 'legacy version' of the GOP....so he could pick up that demographic, which is currently either leaning 'independent'.....or sit out 2024.
  • Also not unimportant, it would surprise, confound, and befuddle the Democrats.
  • True, she is older than, and less pretty than......Noem, or Taylor Greene. But she ain't unattractive either. Great head of blonde hair which has an appeal in some 'white nativist' quarters.
  • Also true, she doesn't possess the admirable energy and youth of Ramswamy....but she brings measured assured demeanor.
So even with the drawbacks of 'prettiness', and 'energy' she nonetheless does bring gravitas, experience, street-smarts, and the right gender to the Trump/Cheney ticket.


No, he should choose Joe Biden as VP... imagine that.
"Possibly the most unpopular person in the United States today."

Well, I'm not so sure.
I listened to her speak yesterday for an hour in the Town Hall program in Sarasota.
Oh sure, she carries a valid earnest brief against Don Trump....but what came across was her grasp of the facts and detail. She exuded a knowledgeable competency. As frankly, she did during the J6 Hearings.

And as far as "unpopular"....well, remember, this was in deep Red Republican Sarasota with it affluent oldsters. Home of the Cyber Ninjas. Home of the State GOP Chairman (recently fired for raping a woman); and that Chairman's embattled school board-member wife, who is fighting attempts to remove her because of her Mom's for Liberty railing against homosexuals while having trysts with a female lover.) In short, Sarasota is very Republican with all their characteristic hypocrisy issues.
And yet.......and yet, Liz Cheney got a loud and enthusiastic reception and standing ovation from the thousands in the sold-out audience.

So there is that. The woman has game. Has chops. Has gravitas.

She'd immeasurably add welcome competency to any Trump administration.

Just sayin'.

Well, I'm not so sure.
I listened to her speak yesterday for an hour in the Town Hall program in Sarasota.
Oh sure, she carries a valid earnest brief against Don Trump....but what came across was her grasp of the facts and detail. She exuded a knowledgeable competency. As frankly, she did during the J6 Hearings.

And as far as "unpopular"....well, remember, this was in deep Red Republican Sarasota with it affluent oldsters. Home of the Cyber Ninjas. Home of the State GOP Chairman (recently fired for raping a woman); and that Chairman's embattled school board-member wife, who is fighting attempts to remove her because of her Mom's for Liberty railing against homosexuals while having trysts with a female lover.) In short, Sarasota is very Republican with all their characteristic hypocrisy issues.
And yet.......and yet, Liz Cheney got a loud and enthusiastic reception and standing ovation from the thousands in the sold-out audience.

So there is that. The woman has game. Has chops. Has gravitas.

She'd immeasurably add welcome competency to any Trump administration.

Just sayin'.
Liz Cheneyv has no political life left.
I mean by that title, there are a multitude of talking-points to be gathered by picking Liz Cheney, namely:

  • A woman that appeals to women voters, most especially suburban women.
  • An experienced lawyer.
  • A former legislator who knows and can finesse...'The Swamp'.
  • Also, and not unimportant, a former legislator who owns a voting record that is very supportive of Trump's initiatives (more supportive even than Gym Jordan's or K.McCarthy's)
  • A politician with strong ties to the 'legacy version' of the GOP....so he could pick up that demographic, which is currently either leaning 'independent'.....or sit out 2024.
  • Also not unimportant, it would surprise, confound, and befuddle the Democrats.
  • True, she is older than, and less pretty than......Noem, or Taylor Greene. But she ain't unattractive either. Great head of blonde hair which has an appeal in some 'white nativist' quarters.
  • Also true, she doesn't possess the admirable energy and youth of Ramswamy....but she brings measured assured demeanor.
So even with the drawbacks of 'prettiness', and 'energy' she nonetheless does bring gravitas, experience, street-smarts, and the right gender to the Trump/Cheney ticket.

Man, you got ahold of some good smack.
Man, you got ahold of some good smack.
PUKE !!!!!

No, really folks, you are missing the point. Boxed in by your fears. Not open to potentialities and the future.
Liz Cheney has gravitas. And courage.

Well, obviously, she think's Don Trump, without guardrails, is a danger to America. Duh!
So, my inspiration after listening to her speak in person in a Townhall Lecture this week was that Cheney was the kind of political heavyweight who has a strong principled personality to offer ....insist....on those guardrails. Not to mention, she brings a ginormous rollodex of long term contacts and productive relationships.

A win-win. Trump gets sage strong counsel. America has someone who can hip-check Trump's worst instincts.

And Republicans get a solid prospect for possible POTUS positioning in the future.

What could go wrong?

No, really folks, you are missing the point. Boxed in by your fears. Not open to potentialities and the future.
Liz Cheney has gravitas. And courage.

Well, obviously, she think's Don Trump, without guardrails, is a danger to America. Duh!
So, my inspiration after listening to her speak in person in a Townhall Lecture this week was that Cheney was the kind of political heavyweight who has a strong principled personality to offer ....insist....on those guardrails. Not to mention, she brings a ginormous rollodex of long term contacts and productive relationships.

A win-win. Trump gets sage strong counsel. America has someone who can hip-check Trump's worst instincts.

And Republicans get a solid prospect for possible POTUS positioning in the future.

What could go wrong?
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