Could Gov. Sarah Palin Beat VP Joe Biden For The Presidency In 2016? Why Yes She Can


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Joe Biden has just attacked the Clinton Administration sparking speculation of him running for president. If Hillary doesn't run and Biden does, Sarah Palin would clearly defeat Biden for the oval office. She has a phenomenal outstanding policy record when she was governor of Alaska accomplishing more than her predecessors during her 965 day tenior. She is a viscious campaigner who would expose Bidens terrible record in the Senate and as Vice President. She would expose all of his shortcomings. She would make a fine patriotic president.

Biden Attacks Clinton Administration On Income Inequality | The Daily Caller

Vice President Joe Biden reportedly attacked the Clinton administration’s record on economic inequality during a closed-door Democratic fundraiser in South Carolina on Friday, prompting renewed speculation that the former Democratic senator will run against Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016.

CNN’s Peter Hamby was told by three separate sources at the fundraiser that Biden explained how rising inequality — now a frequent trope among Democratic politicians — in fact began during the later years of Bill Clinton’s presidency.
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Patriotism, honest, a good record, and good looks would all put her in. She would also beat Hillary if the debates were fair.
Why are Conservatives so fixated on Sarah Palin? She is a national punchline. She quit her job. She went on reality television. She is a gaffe machine.

Is it her looks? Is that what makes her so 'qualified' in Conservative eyes? Is it her stupidity? Is that why so many Conservatives identify so strongly with her? She is so easily dismissed.

Now, Li'l Ricky Santorum. There's your man, Conservatives. Rock ribbed, inflexible, uncompromising and dumb as a shovel. So many traits for the right wing base to support!
Someone tell us which states Palin could win that Romney didn't win in 2012,

and why.
Joe Biden has just attacked the Clinton Administration sparking speculation of him running for president. If Hillary doesn't run and Biden does, Sarah Palin would clearly defeat Biden for the oval office. She has a phenomenal outstanding policy record when she was governor of Alaska accomplishing more than her predecessors during her 965 day tenior. She is a viscious campaigner who would expose Bidens terrible record in the Senate and as Vice President. She would expose all of his shortcomings. She would make a fine patriotic president.

Biden Attacks Clinton Administration On Income Inequality | The Daily Caller

Vice President Joe Biden reportedly attacked the Clinton administration’s record on economic inequality during a closed-door Democratic fundraiser in South Carolina on Friday, prompting renewed speculation that the former Democratic senator will run against Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016.

CNN’s Peter Hamby was told by three separate sources at the fundraiser that Biden explained how rising inequality — now a frequent trope among Democratic politicians — in fact began during the later years of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

She already lost debating him for vp. She didn't even finish her term as gov, people don't like quitters.
The best chance the Republicans have in 2016 will be with a moderate conservative (who will inevitably be hated by the Right) who can win PURPLE states back from the Democrats.

You don't win purple states with red. You win them with a better shade of purple than your opponent.

Color me absolutely correct on this one!!!!!! lol
Oh I think experienced and effective Veep vs. a governing dropout who worships KGB commie Putin...
U can't be serious

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Joe Biden has just attacked the Clinton Administration sparking speculation of him running for president. If Hillary doesn't run and Biden does, Sarah Palin would clearly defeat Biden for the oval office. She has a phenomenal outstanding policy record when she was governor of Alaska accomplishing more than her predecessors during her 965 day tenior. She is a viscious campaigner who would expose Bidens terrible record in the Senate and as Vice President. She would expose all of his shortcomings. She would make a fine patriotic president.

Biden Attacks Clinton Administration On Income Inequality | The Daily Caller

Vice President Joe Biden reportedly attacked the Clinton administration’s record on economic inequality during a closed-door Democratic fundraiser in South Carolina on Friday, prompting renewed speculation that the former Democratic senator will run against Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016.

CNN’s Peter Hamby was told by three separate sources at the fundraiser that Biden explained how rising inequality — now a frequent trope among Democratic politicians — in fact began during the later years of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

She already lost debating him for vp. She didn't even finish her term as gov, people don't like quitters.
Palin stepping down gracefully is irrelevant. She had a good reason to do it and did it for the Alaskan people. Also she never lost the debate with Biden.
Joe Biden has just attacked the Clinton Administration sparking speculation of him running for president. If Hillary doesn't run and Biden does, Sarah Palin would clearly defeat Biden for the oval office. She has a phenomenal outstanding policy record when she was governor of Alaska accomplishing more than her predecessors during her 965 day tenior. She is a viscious campaigner who would expose Bidens terrible record in the Senate and as Vice President. She would expose all of his shortcomings. She would make a fine patriotic president.

Biden Attacks Clinton Administration On Income Inequality | The Daily Caller

Vice President Joe Biden reportedly attacked the Clinton administration’s record on economic inequality during a closed-door Democratic fundraiser in South Carolina on Friday, prompting renewed speculation that the former Democratic senator will run against Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016.

CNN’s Peter Hamby was told by three separate sources at the fundraiser that Biden explained how rising inequality — now a frequent trope among Democratic politicians — in fact began during the later years of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

She already lost debating him for vp. She didn't even finish her term as gov, people don't like quitters.
Palin stepping down gracefully is irrelevant. She had a good reason to do it and did it for the Alaskan people. Also she never lost the debate with Biden.

So she could start a reality tv show?

She did lose.
United States vice-presidential debate, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Patriotism, honest, a good record, and good looks would all put her in. She would also beat Hillary if the debates were fair.

Openly admiring KGB commie Putin while endlessly denigrating our own American prez "Patriotism"?
I think not.
Quitting her responsibilities in governorship for personal fame and fortune "a good record"...
Endless lies and hyperbolies ("death panels" etc.)..."Honest"?
C'mon ...
As far as "good looks", even that is questionable...and rather dubious as the sole qualification for presidency.
...And ignoramus Palin "beating" an intelligent and articulate lawyer, senator and SOS "if debates were fair"...?
Please! Tell me ur not serious...
(Just out of curiosity...what do u think would make a Sarah/Hillary debate "fair"?)

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Palin wouldn't even win Alaska


Sarah Palin continues to be so unpopular in her home state that she trails Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical contest for President there. Only 39% of voters in Alaska have a favorable opinion of her to 55% who see her in a negative light, and she trails Clinton 44/43 in a head to head. Palin does worse in her home state than any of the other potential Republican candidates we tested. Jeb Bush is the strongest, leading Clinton by 8 at 47/39, followed by Rand Paul who leads her by 6 at 47/41, and Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee who both lead her by 4 points at 43/39 and 45/41 respectively

Alaska Miscellany - Public Policy Polling
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I don't really care who wins this hypothetical, I dont think either should be President.
Joe Biden has just attacked the Clinton Administration sparking speculation of him running for president. If Hillary doesn't run and Biden does, Sarah Palin would clearly defeat Biden for the oval office. She has a phenomenal outstanding policy record when she was governor of Alaska accomplishing more than her predecessors during her 965 day tenior. She is a viscious campaigner who would expose Bidens terrible record in the Senate and as Vice President. She would expose all of his shortcomings. She would make a fine patriotic president.

Biden Attacks Clinton Administration On Income Inequality | The Daily Caller

Vice President Joe Biden reportedly attacked the Clinton administration’s record on economic inequality during a closed-door Democratic fundraiser in South Carolina on Friday, prompting renewed speculation that the former Democratic senator will run against Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016.

CNN’s Peter Hamby was told by three separate sources at the fundraiser that Biden explained how rising inequality — now a frequent trope among Democratic politicians — in fact began during the later years of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

The only place she might win is in your trailer park, steve
Why are Conservatives so fixated on Sarah Palin? She is a national punchline. She quit her job. She went on reality television. She is a gaffe machine.

Is it her looks? Is that what makes her so 'qualified' in Conservative eyes? Is it her stupidity? Is that why so many Conservatives identify so strongly with her? She is so easily dismissed.

Now, Li'l Ricky Santorum. There's your man, Conservatives. Rock ribbed, inflexible, uncompromising and dumb as a shovel. So many traits for the right wing base to support!

Gotta good chuckle.

The left always tries to convince Republicans to run the candidate that would get the fewest possible votes. Their tame media plays along but this time the public may have seen through it. Still, nobody ever lost money betting on the gullibility of The American Voter.

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