Could i pull off the role of a nazi officer in a movie?

Would it be believable or i look too off even for the average "movie consumer who doesnt know much about nationalities, ethnicities, races" (too dark for example)?

Of course. Do you even know how hard it was to find a Gentile in Hollywood in the 60's?

Yes I do .. do you? ... sorry if I pointed out an irony that triggers your hatreds ... I promised Mortimer I wouldn't tease him so much ... soooooooooo ....

If John Banner can pull off a believable Nazi, so can Mortimer ... Werner Klemperer (Col. Klink) was half Jew ...
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Yes I do .. do you? ... sorry if I pointed out an irony that triggers your hatreds ... I promised Mortimer I wouldn't tease him so much ... soooooooooo ....

If John Banner can pull off a believable Nazi, so can Mortimer ... Werner Klemperer (Col. Klink) was half Jew ...
Yes but many Jews, look quite aryan even if they are jews, for example scarlett johanson, sarah michelle gellar, do you really think i look like the image of a nazi? I think im too dark, and some features are off like big black eyes etc. thats why i ask. Sgt. Schulz has blue eyes if i remember correctly?
Yes but many Jews, look quite aryan even if they are jews, for example scarlett johanson, sarah michelle gellar, do you really think i look like the image of a nazi? I think im too dark, and some features are off like big black eyes etc. thats why i ask. Sgt. Schulz has blue eyes if i remember correctly?
You have too many chins.

Yes but many Jews, look quite aryan even if they are jews, for example scarlett johanson, sarah michelle gellar, do you really think i look like the image of a nazi? I think im too dark, and some features are off like big black eyes etc. thats why i ask. Sgt. Schulz has blue eyes if i remember correctly?

Nah ... you're the spitting image of a death camp guard ... every time I see your eyes I thank God above I'm Dutch ...

I think you could easily pass as Austrian ... I think more important is which hand you use a fork with ...
Nah ... you're the spitting image of a death camp guard ... every time I see your eyes I thank God above I'm Dutch ...

I think you could easily pass as Austrian ... I think more important is which hand you use a fork with ...
To some i really can pass and to some i cant. But many said i can pass, and some said can nearly pass (like a old grandfather in hospital where i had back surgery). But only now as adult, as kid and teenager i had more remarks regarding my alien look.

Possiblities why i get much less comments regarding "my alien look":

  • I look different then as kid? (Eventhough I dont think so)
  • It got more diverse and accepting of differences then 30 years ago
  • I changed my attitude, now i say im asian, and say im colored, i dont get offended either when someone says im muslim, i actually think highly of islam, and act as muslim sometimes (and now that i do that it causes the oppossite that people say "but listen you are not a colored person or you arent really a brown person) - when i said im a serb, people said "no you dont look like one you are persian, egyptian, indian".... Do you think that is a psychological effect somehow which triggers in one direction and vice versa?
  • I dont go as much anymore into truly native crowds, i meet native people individuals but not as many anymore as at school for example, where there are really many natives, so there isnt as much opportunity for people making remarks about my alien look?
You look like a whitie ...
im not sure, but not even every "white person" can pass as german/austrian for example many people from southern and eastern europe are visible as "foreigners" there is a italian-german for example his name is giovanni zarella and i do not think he passes in germany as germany, he probably does get told if he is italian or something giovanni zarrella - Google Search

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