Could Iraq recognize Israel?


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
Arab and Kurdish leaders met in northern Iraq to call for recognition of Israel. The Iraqi government has condemned the meeting. The government is weak however. Let us see what happens. I am excited about recognition from Iraq being a possibility in future.
Recognize or don't big difference.
Do Iraqis offer or can guarantee anything?

They're anyway to flood Jordan, then we talk...
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Can you got to Baghdad, Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra as Jew without hiding what you are ?
If yes, they'll recognize you.
If no, everytjing is just some short-lived backroom deals or PR-tours or some phantasy on TV-shows packaged as international-analysis.
So, you are basing your assumption of Iraq recognizing Israel on attitudes in KRG regarding Israel.
Although KRG held its independence referendum in 2017 Israel didn't recognize them as an independent state.
What exactly are we discussing? KRG recognizing Israel without Israel recognizing KRG and thinking KRG equals Baghdad/Iraq ?

The Iraqi military took 40% of KRG's so-called territory and its sole income (Kirkuk oil) making KRG more dependent on Baghdad budget than before independence referendum.
Try travelling to Baghdad, Basra, Tikrit where the 85% of the rest of Iraq lives instead of Erbil and see what happens !
Where that guy travels was militarily subdued in 2017 and contains less than 15% of Iraq's population.

The referendum led to a military conflict with the Iraqi central government, in which the KRG lost 40 percent of its territory and its main source of revenue,[13] the Kirkuk oil fields. Following the referendum, Masoud Barzani resigned as president.

And Israelis are even less, "I You want it, it ain't a legend"
who said these things are up to popular opinion?

The Islamist lean towards complete domination
is energy down the drain. Israelis already got the best of them.
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And Israeli are even less, "I You want it, it ain't a legend"
who said these things are up to popular opinion?

The Islamist lean towards complete domination
is energy down the drain. Israelis already got the best of Iraqis.

Any agreements that aren't supported by popular opinion are short-lived if they even materialize.
Any agreements that aren't supported by popular opinion are short-lived if they even materialize.

Nonesense, in the Islamic world, popular opinion means nothing,
and only worth if you succeed act on it once in a lifetime of a dictator.

How many decades is "short lived"?
All you can do is talk trash online, your leaders
are Zionist puppies at the end of every Khutbah feces fling,
and you know it better than any of the EU impotents to boost your little egos.
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Nonesense, in the Islamic world, popular opinion means nothing,
and only worth if you succeed act on it once in a lifetime of a dictator.

How many decades is "short lived"?
All you can do is talk trash online, your leaders
are Zionist puppies at the end of every Khutbah feces fling.

Past wisdom.
Every street Arab-Joe's opinion matters. USA did everything in 20th century that these opinions don't matter by supporting so-called Arab Monarchies quasi Dictatorship-regimes. With USA declining and retreating the future doesn't belong to the opressors anymore.
Past wisdom.
Every street Arab-Joe's opinion matters. USA did everything in 20th century that these opinions don't matter by supporting so-called Arab Monarchies quasi Dictatorship-regimes. With USA declining and retreating the future doesn't belong to the opressors anymore.

When your victory is to claim the sun going down...
quiet pathetic don't you think?

'Every Arab-Joe's opinion' doesn't matter, not even you,
they pretend to care while enjoying Vodka in the 'great satan'.
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When your victory is to claim the sun going down...
quiet pathetic don't you think?

If everything is fine for you, then why USA has to increase military-aid spending towards Israel continually ?

Your system is coming to an end, and all those poodles like Arab dictatorships in the US-Superpower system will vanish in the process.
Off course, Arab-Joe opinion matters, so far you haven't heard them.

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Why should I even listen to you ?
All your American assumptions and predictions be it Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Lebanon etc. where just wishfull-thinking.

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