Could the LGBT community be the sleeping giant to defeat the NRA

The gays are arming up big time. Looks like the NRA won.
Problem is, they can't take their guns into their clubs with them.

Which the government should not have any say in. The club is private property. Let the free market take care of that. My guess is that if in the future there are two gay clubs in Orlando and one allows guns on the premises and one doesn't , the free market will eliminate the one that does not.
They government will not let that happen. Orlando is too leftist to loosen gun restrictions in their city.

Damn people need to educate themselves. Orlando has no laws against carrying guns. EXCEPT For concealed carry of course, but yes you can legally carry a gun in Orlando.
For some reason I mixed FL up with AZ. Can't take guns into bars here.

See, I'd rather they went exactly the opposite route. Make it MUCH tougher to obtain a CCW and then once you have one, no government restrictions on where you can carry
Could the LGBT community be the sleeping giant to defeat the NRA

That is a big NFW.
Gays with Guns: A Growing Subculture?
Gays and guns seem as likely to go together as Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey. As a culture, even under attack, we are a peaceful lot -- you catch more bees with honey, right?

"Wrong," says Gwendolyn Patton of Pink Pistols, a group that advocates gun ownership for the LGBT community. With taglines like "pick on someone your own caliber," and "armed gays don't get bashed," Patton says Pink Pistols changes the perception that gay people are easy victims.

"We teach queers to shoot, and then we teach the rest of the world we've done it," Patton told WBEZ91.5, a public radio station in Chicago. "Because then they may think twice about using (LGBT people) as a target."
The more liberals try to force gun control, the more people move away from liberalism. Liberals are the stupidest people on the planet..
I know of no gay people pushing for gun control over the shooting. Only those who like to take advantage of a tragedy for political purposes.
This is gay pride month...I suggest you keep your eyes and ears open, its gonna be very loud indeed

No it won't. Most LGBT probably don't care that much about the gun control aspect.
and i know the 2 gay couples who lived on my route owned guns and they claim more gay people than what you may think are all for owning guns....
In less than 25 hours, 1.3 miilon was raised by the gay community to help families of the Pulse shootings. Gays around the world are united in support of Orlando's fallen. Washington once again struggles with gun control legislation...only this time, gay men and women will demand that they never stop talking...because this time, they will not let up. I gotta feeling these people are gonna be around for a very long time...this after all isn't babies and gays got a way of getting shit done!!
There are more gun owners in America than faggots, good luck.
That's what the psyops. folks that set this thing up were counting on. If the fake kids at Newtown couldn't get the guns taken away, mobilize the LGBT coalition, and that will get the job done. . . or so they are hoping.

Why did they carry out a ‘mass shooting’ in a gay night club?
Orlando Mass Shooting: Another Obvious False Flag and Government Psyop

The Gay Mafia and the LGBT Movement
With this total gun control goal in mind, the POTUS et al. have decided to conscript the most powerful political force in the nation—the Gay Mafia. To the uninitiated, it ought to be clearly understood that the worldwide LGBTTTT movement was specifically created to function as the most powerful political force on the planet. In this way the continuing social engineering experiments being conducted around the globe can be greatly accelerated, and unimpeded when necessary, by the Gay Mafia.

LGBT MOVEMENT: The Most Powerful Political Force In America Today

Please be aware that no one gets the job done like the LGBTTTT wrecking crew. They will now take up the anti-gun cause like there’s no tomorrow. Their extensive MSM network now walks in lockstep and executes like clockwork, so organized and unified are their respective forces. Any resistance to their agenda will be met with ad hominem attacks about being a “HATER” or some similar absurd pejorative. Absurd or not, those despicable labels work like a charm. Much of America has been hardwired to react negatively to such highly charged negative language.


Now we know why Christina Grimmie was also shot in Orlando just one day before
It is no coincidence that a very charismatic Christian female singer was horrifically gunned down at an Orlando venue just one day ago. This coordinated and calculated shooting was just part of the very same psyop run by the same G-men.

Charismatic Christian Singer Gunned Down ‘For NO Reason’

Question: What won’t the Obama Administration do to illegally take the guns from law-abiding American citizens?

Answer: There is absolutely nothing they won’t do to grab the guns before his term ends.

Therefore, one can only expect a sharp uptick in mass shootings and assassinations by firearms just like those in Orlando this weekend
Insanity anyone?
Would be a libtard.
I know of no gay people pushing for gun control over the shooting. Only those who like to take advantage of a tragedy for political purposes.
This is gay pride month...I suggest you keep your eyes and ears open, its gonna be very loud indeed

No it won't. Most LGBT probably don't care that much about the gun control aspect.
and i know the 2 gay couples who lived on my route owned guns and they claim more gay people than what you may think are all for owning guns....
They just don't want anyone else to.
I know of no gay people pushing for gun control over the shooting. Only those who like to take advantage of a tragedy for political purposes.
This is gay pride month...I suggest you keep your eyes and ears open, its gonna be very loud indeed

No it won't. Most LGBT probably don't care that much about the gun control aspect.
and i know the 2 gay couples who lived on my route owned guns and they claim more gay people than what you may think are all for owning guns....
They just don't want anyone else to.
not these people....
In less than 25 hours, 1.3 miilon was raised by the gay community to help families of the Pulse shootings. Gays around the world are united in support of Orlando's fallen. Washington once again struggles with gun control legislation...only this time, gay men and women will demand that they never stop talking...because this time, they will not let up. I gotta feeling these people are gonna be around for a very long time...this after all isn't babies and gays got a way of getting shit done!!

Stupid fucking twat sock account. You think they'll line up behind the ISIS supporting Democrats?
That's what the psyops. folks that set this thing up were counting on. If the fake kids at Newtown couldn't get the guns taken away, mobilize the LGBT coalition, and that will get the job done. . . or so they are hoping.

Why did they carry out a ‘mass shooting’ in a gay night club?
Orlando Mass Shooting: Another Obvious False Flag and Government Psyop

The Gay Mafia and the LGBT Movement
With this total gun control goal in mind, the POTUS et al. have decided to conscript the most powerful political force in the nation—the Gay Mafia. To the uninitiated, it ought to be clearly understood that the worldwide LGBTTTT movement was specifically created to function as the most powerful political force on the planet. In this way the continuing social engineering experiments being conducted around the globe can be greatly accelerated, and unimpeded when necessary, by the Gay Mafia.

LGBT MOVEMENT: The Most Powerful Political Force In America Today

Please be aware that no one gets the job done like the LGBTTTT wrecking crew. They will now take up the anti-gun cause like there’s no tomorrow. Their extensive MSM network now walks in lockstep and executes like clockwork, so organized and unified are their respective forces. Any resistance to their agenda will be met with ad hominem attacks about being a “HATER” or some similar absurd pejorative. Absurd or not, those despicable labels work like a charm. Much of America has been hardwired to react negatively to such highly charged negative language.


Now we know why Christina Grimmie was also shot in Orlando just one day before
It is no coincidence that a very charismatic Christian female singer was horrifically gunned down at an Orlando venue just one day ago. This coordinated and calculated shooting was just part of the very same psyop run by the same G-men.

Charismatic Christian Singer Gunned Down ‘For NO Reason’

Question: What won’t the Obama Administration do to illegally take the guns from law-abiding American citizens?

Answer: There is absolutely nothing they won’t do to grab the guns before his term ends.

Therefore, one can only expect a sharp uptick in mass shootings and assassinations by firearms just like those in Orlando this weekend

Do humanity a favor and throw yourself off the nearest tall building.
In less than 25 hours, 1.3 miilon was raised by the gay community to help families of the Pulse shootings. Gays around the world are united in support of Orlando's fallen. Washington once again struggles with gun control legislation...only this time, gay men and women will demand that they never stop talking...because this time, they will not let up. I gotta feeling these people are gonna be around for a very long time...this after all isn't babies and gays got a way of getting shit done!!

West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters
In less than 25 hours, 1.3 miilon was raised by the gay community to help families of the Pulse shootings. Gays around the world are united in support of Orlando's fallen. Washington once again struggles with gun control legislation...only this time, gay men and women will demand that they never stop talking...because this time, they will not let up. I gotta feeling these people are gonna be around for a very long time...this after all isn't babies and gays got a way of getting shit done!!
I bet more gays will get guns and NRA membership numbers than ever before
So your assuming that all gay people are Liberals and want to subvert the 2nd Amendment ? I'm curious as to what Liberals call gay people who don't toe the Party line ? Those on the left have derogatory names for Black people who don't follow the dogma.
In less than 25 hours, 1.3 miilon was raised by the gay community to help families of the Pulse shootings. Gays around the world are united in support of Orlando's fallen. Washington once again struggles with gun control legislation...only this time, gay men and women will demand that they never stop talking...because this time, they will not let up. I gotta feeling these people are gonna be around for a very long time...this after all isn't babies and gays got a way of getting shit done!!

Based on the flags popping up all over gay communities I would say it's probably going to go the other way.

That's what the psyops. folks that set this thing up were counting on. If the fake kids at Newtown couldn't get the guns taken away, mobilize the LGBT coalition, and that will get the job done. . . or so they are hoping.

Why did they carry out a ‘mass shooting’ in a gay night club?
Orlando Mass Shooting: Another Obvious False Flag and Government Psyop

The Gay Mafia and the LGBT Movement
With this total gun control goal in mind, the POTUS et al. have decided to conscript the most powerful political force in the nation—the Gay Mafia. To the uninitiated, it ought to be clearly understood that the worldwide LGBTTTT movement was specifically created to function as the most powerful political force on the planet. In this way the continuing social engineering experiments being conducted around the globe can be greatly accelerated, and unimpeded when necessary, by the Gay Mafia.

LGBT MOVEMENT: The Most Powerful Political Force In America Today

Please be aware that no one gets the job done like the LGBTTTT wrecking crew. They will now take up the anti-gun cause like there’s no tomorrow. Their extensive MSM network now walks in lockstep and executes like clockwork, so organized and unified are their respective forces. Any resistance to their agenda will be met with ad hominem attacks about being a “HATER” or some similar absurd pejorative. Absurd or not, those despicable labels work like a charm. Much of America has been hardwired to react negatively to such highly charged negative language.


Now we know why Christina Grimmie was also shot in Orlando just one day before
It is no coincidence that a very charismatic Christian female singer was horrifically gunned down at an Orlando venue just one day ago. This coordinated and calculated shooting was just part of the very same psyop run by the same G-men.

Charismatic Christian Singer Gunned Down ‘For NO Reason’

Question: What won’t the Obama Administration do to illegally take the guns from law-abiding American citizens?

Answer: There is absolutely nothing they won’t do to grab the guns before his term ends.

Therefore, one can only expect a sharp uptick in mass shootings and assassinations by firearms just like those in Orlando this weekend
Insanity anyone?

Faggots and sexually confused gender identity freaks are insane. Anyone that would choose to be attracted to the same sex or believe they're a different sex than born has mental problems.
That's what the psyops. folks that set this thing up were counting on. If the fake kids at Newtown couldn't get the guns taken away, mobilize the LGBT coalition, and that will get the job done. . . or so they are hoping.

Why did they carry out a ‘mass shooting’ in a gay night club?
Orlando Mass Shooting: Another Obvious False Flag and Government Psyop

The Gay Mafia and the LGBT Movement
With this total gun control goal in mind, the POTUS et al. have decided to conscript the most powerful political force in the nation—the Gay Mafia. To the uninitiated, it ought to be clearly understood that the worldwide LGBTTTT movement was specifically created to function as the most powerful political force on the planet. In this way the continuing social engineering experiments being conducted around the globe can be greatly accelerated, and unimpeded when necessary, by the Gay Mafia.

LGBT MOVEMENT: The Most Powerful Political Force In America Today

Please be aware that no one gets the job done like the LGBTTTT wrecking crew. They will now take up the anti-gun cause like there’s no tomorrow. Their extensive MSM network now walks in lockstep and executes like clockwork, so organized and unified are their respective forces. Any resistance to their agenda will be met with ad hominem attacks about being a “HATER” or some similar absurd pejorative. Absurd or not, those despicable labels work like a charm. Much of America has been hardwired to react negatively to such highly charged negative language.


Now we know why Christina Grimmie was also shot in Orlando just one day before
It is no coincidence that a very charismatic Christian female singer was horrifically gunned down at an Orlando venue just one day ago. This coordinated and calculated shooting was just part of the very same psyop run by the same G-men.

Charismatic Christian Singer Gunned Down ‘For NO Reason’

Question: What won’t the Obama Administration do to illegally take the guns from law-abiding American citizens?

Answer: There is absolutely nothing they won’t do to grab the guns before his term ends.

Therefore, one can only expect a sharp uptick in mass shootings and assassinations by firearms just like those in Orlando this weekend
Insanity anyone?

Faggots and sexually confused gender identity freaks are insane. Anyone that would choose to be attracted to the same sex or believe they're a different sex than born has mental problems.

Of COURSE they have mental problems.
Which is why Coyote naturally assumed that the guy who shot the Orlando fags was a fag himself, and thus insane.

But, as we know now, he' was just a muslim who was funded by other muslims to kill a bunch of people who have done nothing but welcome them and their human trafficking into their community. Not mentally ill at all, Just a well fed, well paid, border hopping muslim.

Most likely the muslim isn't even a fag, but just chose to pretend to be one in order to infiltrate their filthy community.

Maybe THAT made him a little crazy, but muslims don't think he's crazy at all. They think he's AWESOME.
That's what the psyops. folks that set this thing up were counting on. If the fake kids at Newtown couldn't get the guns taken away, mobilize the LGBT coalition, and that will get the job done. . . or so they are hoping.

Why did they carry out a ‘mass shooting’ in a gay night club?
Orlando Mass Shooting: Another Obvious False Flag and Government Psyop

The Gay Mafia and the LGBT Movement
With this total gun control goal in mind, the POTUS et al. have decided to conscript the most powerful political force in the nation—the Gay Mafia. To the uninitiated, it ought to be clearly understood that the worldwide LGBTTTT movement was specifically created to function as the most powerful political force on the planet. In this way the continuing social engineering experiments being conducted around the globe can be greatly accelerated, and unimpeded when necessary, by the Gay Mafia.

LGBT MOVEMENT: The Most Powerful Political Force In America Today

Please be aware that no one gets the job done like the LGBTTTT wrecking crew. They will now take up the anti-gun cause like there’s no tomorrow. Their extensive MSM network now walks in lockstep and executes like clockwork, so organized and unified are their respective forces. Any resistance to their agenda will be met with ad hominem attacks about being a “HATER” or some similar absurd pejorative. Absurd or not, those despicable labels work like a charm. Much of America has been hardwired to react negatively to such highly charged negative language.


Now we know why Christina Grimmie was also shot in Orlando just one day before
It is no coincidence that a very charismatic Christian female singer was horrifically gunned down at an Orlando venue just one day ago. This coordinated and calculated shooting was just part of the very same psyop run by the same G-men.

Charismatic Christian Singer Gunned Down ‘For NO Reason’

Question: What won’t the Obama Administration do to illegally take the guns from law-abiding American citizens?

Answer: There is absolutely nothing they won’t do to grab the guns before his term ends.

Therefore, one can only expect a sharp uptick in mass shootings and assassinations by firearms just like those in Orlando this weekend

Do humanity a favor and throw yourself off the nearest tall building.
Nah, Obama is leaving that up to the Muslim' who hat Gays. You could be next, and Obama wouldn't shed a tear.

WATCH: ISIS Throws 2 ‘Gay Men’ Off Roof & Stones Them
A new video purportedly released by the Islamic State shows two men accused of homosexuality being thrown from a building and stoned by a crowd once they hit the ground.
Blog: Obama allowing ISIS terrorists into America?
Given the incompetence that is pervasive in this administration, the deliberate nonenforcement of our immigration laws, the broad outreach to the Muslim world -- leading to a massive expansion of the Muslim population in America, especially Muslims from terror-inflicted nations -- and the dismissal of threats from radical Islam, what will Obama and his policies and proxies in Congress bring us next?

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