Could Trump be the first US President to do jail time

As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Wow, I'd love to see ONE piece of evidence. So far the only people who will be indicted are the shrilary and her sycophants, and of course, your hero, the obummer.
If you are asking me for one piece of evidence you do not read or watch television. God help you.

Opinion isn't evidence, silly person. Learn the difference.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Wow, I'd love to see ONE piece of evidence. So far the only people who will be indicted are the shrilary and her sycophants, and of course, your hero, the obummer.
If you are asking me for one piece of evidence you do not read or watch television. God help you.

Opinion isn't evidence, silly person. Learn the difference.
It is my humble opinion but we will see what hard evidence Mueller provides you goofy person.
Plus the Donald has a half dozen other cases pending against him concerning some of his lady friends and based on business conflicts.
His family must be so proud of him, just like you goofy person.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Wow, I'd love to see ONE piece of evidence. So far the only people who will be indicted are the shrilary and her sycophants, and of course, your hero, the obummer.
If you are asking me for one piece of evidence you do not read or watch television. God help you.

Opinion isn't evidence, silly person. Learn the difference.
It is my humble opinion but we will see what hard evidence Mueller provides you goofy person.
Plus the Donald has a half dozen other cases pending against him concerning some of his lady friends and based on business conflicts.
His family must be so proud of him, just like you goofy person.

He has none. Bupkus, squadoosh, zero. Big whoop on the girlfriends. Rich people do that. Men and women alike. It's not shocking. Clinton makes trump look like a piker in that area anyway. And, it ain't illegal so have fun pissing up the rope some more.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Wow, I'd love to see ONE piece of evidence. So far the only people who will be indicted are the shrilary and her sycophants, and of course, your hero, the obummer.
If you are asking me for one piece of evidence you do not read or watch television. God help you.

Opinion isn't evidence, silly person. Learn the difference.
It is my humble opinion but we will see what hard evidence Mueller provides you goofy person.
Plus the Donald has a half dozen other cases pending against him concerning some of his lady friends and based on business conflicts.
His family must be so proud of him, just like you goofy person.

So you have no evidence and desperately hope Mueller provides some? If you had even a dollop of common sense you'd realize that there hasn't been any evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russians to affect our election. The only evidence of "collusion" between a US political campaign and Russians to affect our election...and it's absolutely cut and what Hillary Clinton and the DNC did when they paid Russians huge sums of money to put out a fake dossier on Donald Trump before the election!
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

No, because someone will scratch his back.... Probably Pence.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Wow, I'd love to see ONE piece of evidence. So far the only people who will be indicted are the shrilary and her sycophants, and of course, your hero, the obummer.
And that Special Counsel...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now.....ruh roooooh...any day now....any day now....
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
Eighty percent of LIB college snowflakes actually believe that if somehow President Trump should leave office then Hillary Clinton would become the President.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
From your keyboard to God's ears!
And god’s laughing his ass off! Thanks
God finds no humour in Donald Trump's presidency. Could Trump be the antiChrist.
Did GOD tell you that or did Rachel Madcow?
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
From your keyboard to God's ears!
And god’s laughing his ass off! Thanks
God finds no humour in Donald Trump's presidency. Could Trump be the antiChrist.

Thanks for letting us know that the Fuddhead is now the spokes-model for God.
God has spoken to me and told me that he (God) is not speaking to Pence. Pence needs to realize it is the devil.
I have also been told that people like you are very mixed up and very anti-Godlike but you can change your ways. Gos can help you.
Is like "Gos" God's brother or something? You REALLY need to lay of the hard drugs pal. 'GOD' wouldn't be impressed.
Clearly the OP is a racist and hates white people. Probably self-loathing. Should not own a gun.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

No ... If President Trump is ever sent to jail ... He will not be President.

If you mean people that were or were going to be President spending time in jail ...
President Jackson spent time in a British prison prior to his being President.

Not sure which is more asanine. That you say these things or you might actually believe them.
NY state has a shitload of it's OWN material regarding Trump's practices that it is amassing, not to mention Mueller is likely both acquiring and sending back materials from/to the state.

I wouldn't be so sure he couldn't be indicted there as well! We're patient.
how would you know? are you in the investigation? :21::21::777::auiqs.jpg:

Do you know fking stupid you sound?
There is nearly zero chance that Trump will do any jail time.

Nearly zero? But there's a chance...

same chance as any other president that served. name one removed.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

You idiot

the only so called President, who can do and should do jail time if there is any justice in this Barry Soetoro

On what basis. And why do you find it so difficult to use his real name?

But you're physically ill because of how we feel about your president? Too damn funny.

You are the one who is too damn funny. Libturds always are.

Were you only able to read the last three words? I am so sorry to hear that. Allow me to repeat myself:

On what basis. And why do you find it so difficult to use his real name?

But you're physically ill because of how we feel about your president?
huh, with all the trump bashing you're really making this statement? dudette,
If Hillary and Obama didn't go to jail, ain't nobody going to jail.
You've been trying to Rezko and Benghazi the two of them for so long, the country treats it the same way as your yelling Obamacare was unconstitutional.
cause there is evidence and we learned the Strok set it up to let them off. Dude, we got that evidence. Now please, post one piece of evidence on the trump campaign colluding. still waiting after 24 months.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

You idiot

the only so called President, who can do and should do jail time if there is any justice in this Barry Soetoro
You and your kind congregate on web sites like this and feel your thoughts are mainstream. You are all on the wrong side history and the wrong side of God. The only question is wil you realize it it before it is too late.
Our thoughts are mainstream and got trump elected. how'd you do? hahahahahahaha
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

You mean the lack of evidence of collusion! Jesus you morons needs to get a shred of honesty and integrity!

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