Could we have expanded on US ‘Socialism’ had we not been invaded by millions of thirdworlders?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Everybody knows the basket of free shit is only so big...Just think Lefties, if you stood by your countrymen, those people you count on, you may have even more free weed to smoke from that basement in mama’s house.
Why don’t you give us an example of this so called “socialism “?
Why don’t you give us an example of this so called “socialism “?

Oh fuck this is fun...Let’s dumb this way down...
Would the basket of free shit have more free shit in it if fewer people were extracting free shit from the free shit basket?
(I feel like the Cat In The Hat...trying to get a message across to second graders.)
Why don’t you give us an example of this so called “socialism “?

We must needs assume he means stuff like
  • Medicare
  • HUD
  • The Department of Education
  • Farm subsidies
  • Corporate subsidies
  • EPA
  • VA
  • CDC
  • National Weather Service
  • National highways
  • Public parks
  • Public museums right up to the Smithsonian
  • Local public roads, the sidewalks on their sides and the public transit systems
  • public libraries
  • FAA
  • FCC
  • NIST
  • FTC
  • fire departments
  • FDA
  • public utility projects and subsidies
  • flood and forest control
  • National parks
  • the entire communication structure from the first telegraphs to the internet itself....
EEBIL EEBIL stuff. Fuggin' commies, kill 'em all :death:
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Everybody knows the basket of free shit is only so big...Just think Lefties, if you stood by your countrymen, those people you count on, you may have even more free weed to smoke from that basement in mama’s house.

Obviously importing more and more low skilled/high birthrate immigrants into the nation is only going to strain the capacity of federal assistance programs so that people who really need help, will get less and less. But lefties have proven time and time again that they're incapable of logical assessments and only act on impulsive emotions.
Everybody knows the basket of free shit is only so big...Just think Lefties, if you stood by your countrymen, those people you count on, you may have even more free weed to smoke from that basement in mama’s house.
In other words, social programs are good as long as those "darkies" don't benefit -- this is nothing new

All of that "socialist this" and "socialist that" talk is just shit people say when they think "Darkies" are benefitting from the same social programs they themselves feel they "DESERVE"
Everybody knows the basket of free shit is only so big...Just think Lefties, if you stood by your countrymen, those people you count on, you may have even more free weed to smoke from that basement in mama’s house.
In other words, social programs are good as long as those "darkies" don't benefit -- this is nothing new

All of that "socialist this" and "socialist that" talk is just shit people say when they think "Darkies" are benefitting from the same social programs they themselves feel they "DESERVE"

Even if the immigrants were crackers from poland, allowing millions of them to flood the nation will strain the capabilities of federal assistance programs and forever put a nail in the coffin of ideas the left supposedly holds dear like universal healthcare.
Everybody knows the basket of free shit is only so big...Just think Lefties, if you stood by your countrymen, those people you count on, you may have even more free weed to smoke from that basement in mama’s house.

Obviously importing more and more low skilled/high birthrate immigrants into the nation is only going to strain the capacity of federal assistance programs so that people who really need help, will get less and less. But lefties have proven time and time again that they're incapable of logical assessments and only act on impulsive emotions.

Obviously you don’t know how immigration works . When you immigrate you are not eligible for needs based programs . You need a sponsor who is financially responsible for you. Usually family aka. Chain immigration.

And those “low skilled” immigrants are some of the hardest workers we have . Ana there’s also high skilled immigrants .

Check the history of America . You always need that hard working immigrant class to prop up the rest of the economy. Their kids move up the economic ladder.
Why don’t you give us an example of this so called “socialism “?

We must needs assume he means stuff like
  • Medicare
  • HUD
  • The Department of Education
  • Farm subsidies
  • Corporate subsidies
  • EPA
  • VA
  • CDC
  • National Weather Service
  • National highways
  • Public parks
  • Public museums right up to the Smithsonian
  • Local public roads, the sidewalks on their sides and the public transit systems
  • public libraries
  • FAA
  • FCC
  • NIST
  • FTC
  • fire departments
  • FDA
  • public utility projects and subsidies
  • flood and forest control
  • National parks
  • the entire communication structure from the first telegraphs to the internet itself....
EEBIL EEBIL stuff. Fuggin' commies, kill 'em all :death:

F’n mooching war widows ruining our country!
It’s a shame that the Brokedick Loser is being denied the good life because Father Goverment is taking all his shit and giving it away to undesirables.

Actually, it’s not a shame at all but quite funny watching him whine like a little girl.
Why don’t you give us an example of this so called “socialism “?

Oh fuck this is fun...Let’s dumb this way down...
Would the basket of free shit have more free shit in it if fewer people were extracting free shit from the free shit basket?
(I feel like the Cat In The Hat...trying to get a message across to second graders.)

I noticed YOU didn’t answer the question . Which I knew you wouldn’t .

Why? Cause your another dumb ass righty rube spewing righty talking points like a mindless parrot . And for the 1000th time this year we have another inane “socialism” thread started by a yard who doesn’t even know the meaning of the word !
Obviously you don’t know how immigration works . When you immigrate you are not eligible for needs based programs . You need a sponsor who is financially responsible for you. Usually family aka. Chain immigration.

And those “low skilled” immigrants are some of the hardest workers we have . Ana there’s also high skilled immigrants .

Check the history of America . You always need that hard working immigrant class to prop up the rest of the economy. Their kids move up the economic ladder.


"Low skilled" citizens, (if they're white) are, in the eyes of the left: beneath contempt. Yet when they are brown people from some shithole country, they get the benefit of the doubt and their social standing is immediately raised to "hard working". So much for equality.

Not sure what you mean exactly by "needs based programs" but I'm sure it's just some tricky language to distract from the fact that immigrants are a net drain on the economy, even if they're not immediately eligible for food stamps, there's plenty of exceptions for that rule which is why in 2015, 76% of immigrant families received some kind of government aid. I doubt those statistics have changed much in three years.
Everybody knows the basket of free shit is only so big...Just think Lefties, if you stood by your countrymen, those people you count on, you may have even more free weed to smoke from that basement in mama’s house.
In other words, social programs are good as long as those "darkies" don't benefit -- this is nothing new

All of that "socialist this" and "socialist that" talk is just shit people say when they think "Darkies" are benefitting from the same social programs they themselves feel they "DESERVE"

Even if the immigrants were crackers from poland, allowing millions of them to flood the nation will strain the capabilities of federal assistance programs and forever put a nail in the coffin of ideas the left supposedly holds dear like universal healthcare.
No, because those "crackers" from Poland are considered white the minute they get here -- you can try to arbitrarily throw Poles under the bus as a way to claim this aint over race -- but I see thru it

People always try to throw poles under the bus -- unless they are some "darkies" around to throw under the bus first...
But who will vote for free shit if the shitty people aren't brought in?
Obviously you don’t know how immigration works . When you immigrate you are not eligible for needs based programs . You need a sponsor who is financially responsible for you. Usually family aka. Chain immigration.

And those “low skilled” immigrants are some of the hardest workers we have . Ana there’s also high skilled immigrants .

Check the history of America . You always need that hard working immigrant class to prop up the rest of the economy. Their kids move up the economic ladder.


"Low skilled" citizens, (if they're white) are, in the eyes of the left: beneath contempt. Yet when they are brown people from some shithole country, they get the benefit of the doubt and their social standing is immediately raised to "hard working". So much for equality.

Not sure what you mean exactly by "needs based programs" but I'm sure it's just some tricky language to distract from the fact that immigrants are a net drain on the economy, even if they're not immediately eligible for food stamps, there's plenty of exceptions for that rule which is why in 2015, 76% of immigrant families received some kind of government aid. I doubt those statistics have changed much in three years.

“Needs based” = welfare programs . Shit for poor people .

As for these stats on immigrants. They are mostly bullshit . Counting public schooling as as welfare . Or public sponsored health insurance . Which a shitload of people are on cause no one offers health insurance at work outside union or higher paying jobs.
But who will vote for free shit if the shitty people aren't brought in?

Only citizens can vote .

Aren't they making it legal for illegals to vote in Boston? And of course, even if it's not legal, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Either way, these people make babies that then vote eventually, to the determent of America.
But who will vote for free shit if the shitty people aren't brought in?

Only citizens can vote .

Aren't they making it legal for illegals to vote in Boston? And of course, even if it's not legal, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Either way, these people make babies that then vote eventually, to the determent of America.

You mean non citizens voting for school committee? What’s the big deal. Should they not have a say on who’s in charge of their kids education?
Everybody knows the basket of free shit is only so big...Just think Lefties, if you stood by your countrymen, those people you count on, you may have even more free weed to smoke from that basement in mama’s house.
In other words, social programs are good as long as those "darkies" don't benefit -- this is nothing new

All of that "socialist this" and "socialist that" talk is just shit people say when they think "Darkies" are benefitting from the same social programs they themselves feel they "DESERVE"
If they need help help them, but probably around half of them can work. If you can't find a job now, you're not looking.

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