'Counter Jade Helm' to monitor military exercises


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A team of volunteer civilians is organizing to monitor next week’s controversial “Operation Jade Helm 15” Pentagon training exercise, a new report says.

The grassroots “Counter Jade Helm” movement is keeping tabs on the major military drill across seven states, according to The Houston Chronicle.

The national initiative is organized by former Marine Pete Lanteri, 44, a New Yorker currently living in Arizona — a state hosting part of Operation Jade Helm when it launches on July 15.

The Phoenix resident founded the Counter Jade Helm Facebook page, currently boasting 6,000 members.

Lanteri also manages the group’s website and forum, which will host field reports on the military exercises from its volunteers.

“We’re going to be watching what they do in public,” he said.

“Obviously on a military base they can do whatever they want,” Lanteri added. “But if they’re going to trade on public land, we have a right as American citizens to watch what they’re doing.”

Lanteri noted his organization currently has about 200 people, with the largest unit in Arizona.

It is composed of former military and law enforcement personnel, along with regular concerned citizens.
Counter Jade Helm to monitor military exercises TheHill

Do you know what's more important than paying attention to state or federal legislation?

Conspiracy theories. Yep.
A team of volunteer civilians is organizing to monitor next week’s controversial “Operation Jade Helm 15” Pentagon training exercise, a new report says.

The grassroots “Counter Jade Helm” movement is keeping tabs on the major military drill across seven states, according to The Houston Chronicle.

The national initiative is organized by former Marine Pete Lanteri, 44, a New Yorker currently living in Arizona — a state hosting part of Operation Jade Helm when it launches on July 15.

The Phoenix resident founded the Counter Jade Helm Facebook page, currently boasting 6,000 members.

Lanteri also manages the group’s website and forum, which will host field reports on the military exercises from its volunteers.

“We’re going to be watching what they do in public,” he said.

“Obviously on a military base they can do whatever they want,” Lanteri added. “But if they’re going to trade on public land, we have a right as American citizens to watch what they’re doing.”

Lanteri noted his organization currently has about 200 people, with the largest unit in Arizona.

It is composed of former military and law enforcement personnel, along with regular concerned citizens.
Counter Jade Helm to monitor military exercises TheHill

Do you know what's more important than paying attention to state or federal legislation?

Conspiracy theories. Yep.

Scary as hell that some folks are just fine with this!!!

Fucking yikes!!!:boobies::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

blind bootlicking......................ghey

They may get tired of watching. Mostly, the army drives around in armored vehicles pretending to shoot at each other. It is pretty much what we used to do in the 3rd grade, but we only had bicycles.
Not seeing a problem with this.

They perceived a problem and devised a legal solution.

It's strange how the tides turn...during the Vietnam era, it would have been the liberals watching the watchers...now neo-Liberals are the new authoritarians.

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