Couple discriminated against by Kim Davis marries


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
The ceremony was held last night on the courthouse lawn right in front of Kim Davis' office. Good for them. A lawsuit against Kim Davis by the couple is still ongoing.

Couple Who Sued Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Marry

Doesn't Kim Davis understand?

The point of government is not to ensure the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum number of people, but instead we must have a government that limits institutional participation according to the well-meaning decisions of Christian bureaucrats who are acting in accordance with a pre-modern text that says things like:

Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

These people are using government to enforce a barbaric, pre-modern, morally primitive text on the rest of the world. If we believed in the barbaric traditions that come mostly from the Bible, Kim Davis would not have a job. She would be a domestic servant in the home, under the man's authority.

(Wow. Just wow. Why have we given these fucking morons so much power over our lives. They know not what they do)

It is not government's job to decide the good life. This job is done by the market, which should guarantee maximum choice and institutional participation. If citizens don't like gay marriage, than let them vote with their feet and not attend gay weddings. But it is emphatically not government's job to impose a narrow vision of "The Good Life" on citizens. And it's not my job to tell my neighbor how to live or who to marry. As long as he doesn't fuck with my property or privacy, he or she or it should have maximum freedom.

The government should be a minimalist libertarian state that maximizes freedom by handing out contracts to consenting adults. It is the individual's choice to decide how to live. It's called freedom. Let each individual stand before God on their own. We don't need a nanny state that places a Christian bureaucrat at the foot of every bed.
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Doesn't Kim Davis understand?

The point of government is not to ensure the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum number of people, but instead we must have a government that limits institutional participation according to the well-meaning decisions of Christian bureaucrats who are acting in accordance with a pre-modern text that says things like:

Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

These people are using government to enforce a barbaric, pre-modern, morally primitive text on the rest of the world. If we believed in the barbaric traditions that come mostly from the Bible, Kim Davis would not have a job. She would be a domestic servant in the home, under the man's authority.

(Wow. Just wow. Why have we given these fucking morons so much power over our lives. They know not what they do)

If you're going to quote the Bible be sure to include where homosexuality is an abomination.
I wish them many more years together! Cheers to the happy couple!

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