Couple discriminated against by Kim Davis marries

Doesn't Kim Davis understand?

The point of government is not to ensure the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum number of people, but instead we must have a government that limits institutional participation according to the well-meaning decisions of Christian bureaucrats who are acting in accordance with a pre-modern text that says things like:

Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

These people are using government to enforce a barbaric, pre-modern, morally primitive text on the rest of the world. If we believed in the barbaric traditions that come mostly from the Bible, Kim Davis would not have a job. She would be a domestic servant in the home, under the man's authority.

(Wow. Just wow. Why have we given these fucking morons so much power over our lives. They know not what they do)

If you're going to quote the Bible be sure to include where homosexuality is an abomination.
And also draw a cartoon of people riding on dinosaurs in crayon and post it
Doesn't Kim Davis understand?

The point of government is not to ensure the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum number of people, but instead we must have a government that limits institutional participation according to the well-meaning decisions of Christian bureaucrats who are acting in accordance with a pre-modern text that says things like:

Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

These people are using government to enforce a barbaric, pre-modern, morally primitive text on the rest of the world. If we believed in the barbaric traditions that come mostly from the Bible, Kim Davis would not have a job. She would be a domestic servant in the home, under the man's authority.

(Wow. Just wow. Why have we given these fucking morons so much power over our lives. They know not what they do)

If you're going to quote the Bible be sure to include where homosexuality is an abomination.
If one is going to quote the bible understand that it's legally and constitutionally irrelevant – and thankfully so.
I wish them a horrible divorce when that time comes. if anyone deserves it

other than that who give a crap about these losers?
In a way you gotta feel bad for these conservatives. They live in a scary world they no longer recognize. They are confused, depressed, sometimes they feel lost and don't know where they are anymore...

Wait a minute, do we need to build nursing homes for conservatives?! Omg I found the answer! :rofl:
The rejection of men is what made these two homosexual
two fugly bull dykes got married whoopie doo

You wouldn't do the one on the right? Dude, I'd totally tongue that musty asshole.
Keep it up and ignoreland is in your future. I just ate

Just imagine. They probably have some of those hairy 70's style bushes. Probably looks like a bag of chipped ham grew an afro. How'd you like to shove a fist into that jungle?
Imagine the savage bush her 4th husband has to hack through to be able to make her make this face:

two fugly bull dykes got married whoopie doo

You wouldn't do the one on the right? Dude, I'd totally tongue that musty asshole.
Keep it up and ignoreland is in your future. I just ate

Just imagine. They probably have some of those hairy 70's style bushes. Probably looks like a bag of chipped ham grew an afro. How'd you like to shove a fist into that jungle?
Imagine the savage bush her 4th husband has to hack through to be able to make her make this face:

She's nasty too
two fugly bull dykes got married whoopie doo

You wouldn't do the one on the right? Dude, I'd totally tongue that musty asshole.
Keep it up and ignoreland is in your future. I just ate

Just imagine. They probably have some of those hairy 70's style bushes. Probably looks like a bag of chipped ham grew an afro. How'd you like to shove a fist into that jungle?
Imagine the savage bush her 4th husband has to hack through to be able to make her make this face:


It's not her fault she's been through so many marriages. She was born an insufferable c*nt.

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