Couple discriminated against by Kim Davis marries

So you...... do not understand either science or that simply because something is traditional doesn't not make it moral. Got it.

I understand science just fine. I just disagree with most of the ideas that it is used to promote. I believe that Tradutions exist for a reason and withoit overwhelmong proof to the contrary there is no reason to ever change them.
I wish them a horrible divorce when that time comes. if anyone deserves it

other than that who give a crap about these losers?

Still bitter over losing your favorite mashed potato/ice-cream scoop in your divorce settlement?

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This breaks the laws of nature
Since nature, by way of heterosexuals creates homosexuals, obviously not. You have the mistaken belief that sex is about reproduction, and it is not.
Homosexuality is a mental illness
I agree but so is retardation and we don't outlaw their lifestyles. Let the Faggots be Faggots & move on.
Retardation is not a mental illness.
No, but it is the result of a defect in the brain.
This breaks the laws of nature
Since nature, by way of heterosexuals creates homosexuals, obviously not. You have the mistaken belief that sex is about reproduction, and it is not.
Homosexuality is a mental illness
Nope, it is nothing of the kind. It is a sexual orientation, and we have many beyond heterosexuality. You are also irrational, and ignoring science.
That's queer propaganda.
No my little infant, it's science, and considering your sexuality I would not throw stones if I were you.

It's all politics. There is no scientific data proving that homosexuals are emotionally well adjusted. All the evidence points in the opposite direction.
So you...... do not understand either science or that simply because something is traditional doesn't not make it moral. Got it.

I understand science just fine. I just disagree with most of the ideas that it is used to promote. I believe that Tradutions exist for a reason and withoit overwhelmong proof to the contrary there is no reason to ever change them.
Wife beating, letting infants and the old die in the snow, child rape, slavery, religious wars, child brides and marriage, all traditions, and not good ones. If you want to worry about the species reproducing, worry about the 20% of heterosexuals who do not first, not the 2% of the population who are homosexuals.

Your morality needs account for the human condition and be rational then, since you have no other basis. So far, you got nothin'.
Since nature, by way of heterosexuals creates homosexuals, obviously not. You have the mistaken belief that sex is about reproduction, and it is not.
Homosexuality is a mental illness
Nope, it is nothing of the kind. It is a sexual orientation, and we have many beyond heterosexuality. You are also irrational, and ignoring science.
That's queer propaganda.
No my little infant, it's science, and considering your sexuality I would not throw stones if I were you.

It's all politics. There is no scientific data proving that homosexuals are emotionally well adjusted. All the evidence points in the opposite direction.
That is entirely untrue. And the more they are accepted by society, the better their mental health gets. That's perfectly understandable. Outsiders have always had a tougher row to hoe and you are nothing suffering because you mentality is on the way out, fast and in a big way.
That is entirely untrue. And the more they are accepted by society, the better their mental health gets. That's perfectly understandable. Outsiders have always had a tougher row to hoe and you are nothing suffering because you mentality is on the way out, fast and in a big way.
So, we hope to see some improvement soon in the tone and content of your posts.
That is entirely untrue. And the more they are accepted by society, the better their mental health gets. That's perfectly understandable. Outsiders have always had a tougher row to hoe and you are nothing suffering because you mentality is on the way out, fast and in a big way.
So, we hope to see some improvement soon in the tone and content of your posts.
Since I'm not gay I wouldn't hold your breath that I will start posting the lies you live by anytime soon...
Wife beating, letting infants and the old die in the snow, child rape, slavery, religious wars, child brides and marriage, all traditions, and not good ones.

The only one I find unacceptable is chold rape. Beyond that there's nothibg wrong with any of the others.

If you want to worry about the species reproducing, worry about the 20% of heterosexuals who do not first, not the 2% of the population who are homosexuals.

A large portion of that 20% who don't/won't reproduce are related to our immortal society and the lack of ability to find acceptable partners to reproduce with.

Your morality needs account for the human condition and be rational then, since you have no other basis. So far, you got nothin'.

No. Morality superceeds the human condition. It is the benchmark against which humanity is judged.
Wife beating, letting infants and the old die in the snow, child rape, slavery, religious wars, child brides and marriage, all traditions, and not good ones.

The only one I find unacceptable is chold rape. Beyond that there's nothibg wrong with any of the others.
Nuff said. You lack all rational and ethical basis for judgment.

In clinical terms, you are a sociopath:

"Sociopaths tend to be nervous and easily agitated. They are volatile and prone to emotional outbursts, including fits of rage. They are likely to be uneducated and live on the fringes of society, unable to hold down a steady job or stay in one place for very long. It is difficult but not impossible for sociopaths to form attachments with others. Many sociopaths are able to form an attachment to a particular individual or group, although they have no regard for society in general or its rules. In the eyes of others, sociopaths will appear to be very disturbed. Any crimes committed by a sociopath, including murder, will tend to be haphazard, disorganized and spontaneous rather than planned."
How to Tell a Sociopath from a Psychopath

And do tell, why does only child rape bother you?
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Wife beating, letting infants and the old die in the snow, child rape, slavery, religious wars, child brides and marriage, all traditions, and not good ones.

The only one I find unacceptable is chold rape. Beyond that there's nothibg wrong with any of the others.

If you want to worry about the species reproducing, worry about the 20% of heterosexuals who do not first, not the 2% of the population who are homosexuals.

A large portion of that 20% who don't/won't reproduce are related to our immortal society and the lack of ability to find acceptable partners to reproduce with.

Your morality needs account for the human condition and be rational then, since you have no other basis. So far, you got nothin'.

No. Morality superceeds the human condition. It is the benchmark against which humanity is judged.


Who cares if that child is left out in cold to die?! Just don't rape it first.

Are you touched?

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