Couple Leave Decision to Have an Abortion up to Online Voting…


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — A Minneapolis couple is preparing for the arrival of their first child. That is, unless internet voters decide they should have an abortion instead.
Pete and Alisha Arnold have created a website called, where they’ve been posting updates on Alisha’s pregnancy since September. But this site is unlike any other expectant parent’s blog: this site has a poll that asks viewers, “Should we give birth or have an abortion?”
In an interview with, the Arnolds said they were unsure if they wanted to be parents. After two miscarriages, they said they launched the site to put the choice in voter’s hands.
“Voting is such an important part of who we are as a people,” Pete Arnold told the website. “Here’s a chance where people can be heard about whether they are pro-choice or whether they are pro-life, and it makes a difference in the real world.”
The Arnolds said in the interview that they are taking the poll seriously and that it was not a prank, but the final vote isn’t binding. The poll closes on December 7, two days before the end of the 20th week of pregnancy and their last chance to get an abortion.
Despicable. Asking strangers to the couple to vote up or down on abortion turns what should be the supreme moral dilemma of any woman's life into something akin to a craps game played with the whole planet. I dunno if these two should have this child, but I am 100% certain they are not fit to raise it if they do.

Amazes me how completely vacant some humans are of any morality at all.
They should have the baby.... and give it to parents that actually want the child. These two should never, ever be parents.

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