Couple say mother gave up Greek mystery girl to them


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Sure she did, wtf...


A poster of a girl, found living with a Roma couple in central Greece, is seen in the office of the Smile of the Child charity, which is taking care of the child as police search for her biological parents, in an Athens suburb.

Couple say mother gave up Greek mystery girl to them

13 hr ago |By Karolina Tagaris of Reuters

A Roma couple in Greece faces charges of abduction and procuring false documents after a 4-year-old girl with pale skin and blue eyes was found in their camp.

LARISSA, Greece — A Roma couple accused of abducting a mystery 4-year-old girl dubbed the "blonde angel" by Greek media told a court Monday that her biological mother willingly gave her to them as a baby because she could not look after the girl.

The discovery of the girl, known as Maria, has riveted Greece and prompted thousands of calls with leads from across the world as authorities try to track down her real parents, as DNA tests have shown she was not born to the Romas.

The case has raised questions about whether children are being stolen to order and whether the couple were part of a wider child trafficking ring — in addition to deepening mistrust between the Roma community and the Greeks.


Couple say mother gave up Greek mystery girl to them

They keep calling them Romany.
They are not Romany.

They are the remnants of al rashid bedu tribes that settled along Balkan trade routes during and after the crusades.
WTF is wrong with people?

Did they dye the kids hair to try to conceal her identitity? The bottom half of her braids are brown but the top is platinium blonde. Glad they got to this girl when they did, probably saved her from a lifetime of misery. Douchebags look like they were milking the system with kids that weren't all theirs. Hope they rot in jail.

" The woman had two different identification documents and other papers suggested the couple had up to 14 children, but six were registered as having been born within less than 10 months. They received 2,790 euros ($3,800) a month in child benefits, a police source told Reuters."

And there may be another kid in Ireland

"Meanwhile, in the Republic of Ireland, police on Monday removed a blue eyed, blonde haired seven-year-old girl from a Roma family.

Officials had gotten a tip-off that a young girl was living with the large family but looked nothing like her brothers and sisters, Ireland's Sunday World reported on Tuesday. The child has been taken into care while the investigation is ongoing, the paper reported."

American couple: Is mystery girl found in Roma camp our missing daughter? - World News
The couple are gypsies. They have been stealing kids and horses all over Europe for centuries.
Plenty of proverbs on this theme in many European languages.
These dirty Arabs are truly the scum of Europe.

Amongst these tribes we know of cannibal cults, mothers are selected from outside the tribe, then fed to the sons upon his first birthday!

These are people from the Al Rashid and Danakil tribes of the empty quarter.
They remain in the Balkans since the end of the crusades, they were the comissiary for the Muslim invaders.
Prior to Islam they were the slave traders in the area.
Slav is slave.
Today, they follow their traditions of human trafficking.

Their story is believable though.
Everyday people give me their kids to raise!!
We often chat about it at the playground, the bored housewives and me!!
These dirty Arabs are truly the scum of Europe.

Amongst these tribes we know of cannibal cults, mothers are selected from outside the tribe, then fed to the sons upon his first birthday!

These are people from the Al Rashid and Danakil tribes of the empty quarter.
They remain in the Balkans since the end of the crusades, they were the comissiary for the Muslim invaders.
Prior to Islam they were the slave traders in the area.
Slav is slave.
Today, they follow their traditions of human trafficking.

Their story is believable though.
Everyday people give me their kids to raise!!
We often chat about it at the playground, the bored housewives and me!!

IDK about the cannibal cults but there are some cultures that are little more than a boil on the ass of humanity. We have to get tough on them and say it's 2013 and no more of this backwards Bull shit. If we have to comb every gypsie community and test 10,000 kids and imprison the shitheads that do this, then that's what we should do as a global community. As far as the ME, evacuate the Jews and blow it up.
Dog bites man. In Europe, gypsies (Roma) have been stealing Euro-white children for hundreds of years. 30th or 40th -generation descendants of emigres from India and Pakistan, with a lot of admixture along the way, as I recall.
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