Court says Trump can continue policy requiring asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Court says Trump can continue policy requiring asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico

Court says Trump can continue policy requiring asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico | TheHill
05/07/19 ~ By Jacqueline Thomsen -
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ruled that the Trump administration can continue to enforce a policy requiring some asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their cases are processed. The ruling ( from the San Francisco-based appeals court places a stay on a preliminary injunction on the asylum policy issued by a lower court.
The panel of judges wrote in the opinion that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had shown that it was likely to suffer irreparable harm if the policy was halted because it “takes off the table one of the few congressionally authorized measures available to process the approximately 2,000 migrants who are currently arriving at the Nation’s southern border on a daily basis.”

Who would have thought that the 9th Circuit Court would make a decision in favor of President Trump's executive order regarding this immigration issue?
Remember when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats Leftists PANICKED when President Trump said he would send them all to Sanctuary cities.... Wanna bet, tonight they are breathing a sigh of relief. But not to worry people of the Left still can find something to whine about in their TDS.
Constitutionally, from a literalist perspective, it is the correct decision. Constitutionally the President, whomever sits in the Oval Office, has total authority over immigration issues. The lower court made the incorrect ruling because they ignored many precedents and because the judge(s) - (the original incorrect ruling was from a court in Hawaii, another Obama appointed judge, overturned) - who made that ruling are obviously political activists, proven by the ignoring of precedent and the clear language in the Constitution in coming to that political, not judicial, ruling.
By law, Mexico is the first country asylum seekers would come to. Because Mexico is no longer a humanitarian level crisis country, they are where Central American countries migrants, have to seek asylum.
International law says that asylum seekers must seek asylum in the first safe country. That would be Mexico. Further, if they wish to apply for asylum in the US, they need to apply at the US embassy or consulate in their home countries and wait. They can't just come into our country illegally. They are doing so because they know our ridiculous laws let them utter the word "asylum" and then live and work in the US for years until a court hearing they rarely show up at. 900,000 people have been ordered deported by a judge but are still at large.
Teddy Roosevelt Would’ve Agreed with Donald Trump on ...
Teddy Roosevelt Would've Agreed with Donald Trump on Immigration, Muslim Ban and Assimilation | People's Pundit Daily
Donald Trump has been called a xenophobe for proposing restrictions on immigration and Muslim migration, but even leftwing Teddy Roosevelt would've agreed.


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