Covenant Marriage

Usually the man leads to felonious assault, the man is usually committing adultery.
I have nothing to forgive husband for, we've been married 36 years. Forgiveness is one most crucial, but I don't think Johnson knows anything about it. If only I could have my husband to quit smoking. All republican states.
Have you been taking English composition classes from Kamala "Word Salad" Harris? BTW, AZ has a democrat Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General as well as a republican congress--so it can hardly be considered to be a republican state. It is considered a swing state. Carry on.
Have you been taking English composition classes from Kamala "Word Salad" Harris? BTW, AZ has a democrat Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General as well as a republican congress--so it can hardly be considered to be a republican state. It is considered a swing state. Carry on.
Have you been checking your "free" Maga decoder ring? AZ went dem ONE TIME from 1952 to 2020, and that was Slick. But never let facts get in the way of your Maga Alternate Reality
No special benefits. It's none of the governments business. You got married for the legal benefits? I didn't.
Oh please!! What is this, some cut off your nose to spite face. half baked anti government codswallop? Of course we got married for the financial and benefits and legal protections, at least in part. I am sure that most people do. Because we are married, my wife in on my employer based health care plan at no extra cost. If I die, she gets my state pension continuing in her name, my social security and all of my assets tax free.

In addition while we don't have kids, kids that have two legally married parents in the home do better than others and being married raised the probability that the couple will stay together. There is a problem in this country with too many kids in single parent homes.

Furthermore, when a woman has a child and is married, there is a legal presumption of parental rights bestowed upon her partner, even if her partner is another woman. This way, if something happens to one parent the child still has a nother legal parent and does not become a ward of the state, or in the custody of some mean aunt who they don't know.

Your hair brain idea would only exacerbate that situation by removing that legal bond AND doing away with all tangible benefits

You did not answer all of my questions, most likely because you do not have answers:

Who supports this “government out of marriage “ stuff and why?

Who decides who can get married to who and what is the criteria?

As I said, none of you people really understand what you are advocation for, or have thought through the consequences. You’re trying to fix something that isn’t broken and have no idea why or how.
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Have you been checking your "free" Maga decoder ring? AZ went dem ONE TIME from 1952 to 2020, and that was Slick. But never let facts get in the way of your Maga Alternate Reality
Sure that is why Goldwater didn't carry AZ in 1964. Are you charging Trump rent? He is living in your empty head.
The problem might be if you're gay or you want OUT of a marriage. And if it wasn't for the state, you're right to marry would be limited by priests ministers imans and rabbis
And poor parents would be marrying their young daughters without consent to the highest bidder who might be old enought to be her father. Actuall, that still happens on occaision in some shit hole red states
What party is in the Governor's mansion in AZ? One time? 1964, 2022. That's two. Have you researched your assertions. AZ is considered a swing state, moron.
Moron. Ariz went dem is presidential election ONE TIME between in 70 years. You misstated that AZ was not a red state. Don't try to "white wash" your maga lies now, Sidney

your're not only a focking liar, but a poor one at that. GTFO adios
The problem might be if you're gay or you want OUT of a marriage. And if it wasn't for the state, you're right to marry would be limited by priests ministers imans and rabbis

I could have my neighbor marry me. Does it really bother you that the state not be involved?
If you believed that, you wouldn't vote for politicians who advocate for government control and definition of marriage.

So, you're lying again.

I'm pretty sure Vermin Supreme would allow me to marry whoever I want.
I'm a one-issue voter.

If you're not anti-marriage, you won't get my support.
Oh please!! What is this, some cut off your nose to spite face. half baked anti government codswallop? Of course we got married for the financial and benefits and legal protections, at least in part. I am sure that most people do. Because we are married, my wife in on my employer based health care plan at no extra cost. If I die, she gets my state pension continuing in her name, my social security and all of my assets tax free.

I never said one should not marry.

In addition while we don't have kids, kids that have two legally married parents in the home do better than others and being married raised the probability that the couple will stay together. There is a problem in this country with too many kids in single parent homes.

Again, I never argued people shouldn't marry.

Furthermore, when a woman has a child and is married, there is a legal presumption of parental rights bestowed upon her partner, even if her partner is another woman. This way, if something happens to one parent the child still has a nother legal parent and does not become a ward of the state, or in the custody of some mean aunt who they don't know.

People who never marry get custody of their children. Happens all the time.

Your hair brain idea would only exacerbate that situation by removing that legal bond AND doing away with all tangible benefits

You did not answer all of my questions, most likely because you do not have answers:

Who supports this “government out of marriage “ stuff and why?

Me. Because I do not believe I should have to get the state's permission to marry.

Who decides who can get married to who and what is the criteria?

Whoever decides to marry.

As I said, none of you people really understand what you are advocation for, or have thought through the consequences. You’re trying to fix something that isn’t broken and have no idea why or how.

And oddly I've addressed my postion.
The left before this week.........





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