The Abortionist Guide to America

If only you had aborted him you wouldn't have these problems. Or if he and his wife had aborted your granddaughter, think of how much better that would have been.

Better yet...if your mother had aborted you... there would have been no son or granddaughter for you to be inconvenienced by.

Wouldn't that have been for the best?
This is too much
His granddaughter is only 16 and already pregnant.

But enough about that, let's make a list of free states in the midst of this family crisis!
I think that list is in my first post. I called these free states those that do not have any have requirements other than those that effect the medical safety for the mother. These are states on west coast, Nevada, and the North East, 19 states.
There are 29 states that allow abortion but some have a lot of requirements like 24 hour waiting period, approval for minors, counseling and limits on type of abortions, etc. As long as they do not limit abortions less than 15 weeks, I listed them. There are 29 such states. The remaining 21 states ban all abortion accept those needed for health of the mother and some exclude rapes and incest.
Frankly, I would be more concerned that she would kill herself. She tried twice before. Oh, did I mention she's hooked on Meth. I've about decided to put her on a plane and send her back to her father in Atlanta. Just can't decide how to do that. If she's high, I don't know if I could get her through security and on the plane. Then again, I don't know if I could get on plane if she mas off the Meth.
A 16 year old pregnant meth-head….hmmmm, that doesn’t sound Leftist at all….remember when God was in our schools?
It's just a guess but the South will stay exactly where it is on abortion for years with abortion banned. I expect the law in Georgia to be loosen to 15 weeks, the same as Florida. In Florida the new 15 week law is very unpopular. However, 15 weeks is plenty of time to get an abortion and over 90% do. North Carolina could tighten but I don't think that will happen any time soon. The northeast is solid prochoice and that's not going change and neither is the west coast. In between Indiana looks like there is room to tighten the law. The situation in Arizona is very confusing.

Maybe, or maybe over time they'll get a little more emboldened. Who knows?
My 16 year old granddaughter is pregnant and says she going kill herself if she doesn't get an abortion. Although I've heard something like this before, I naturally prefer the former to later. Since we live in Washington State which is a free state, she will visit us and get an abortion. This got me thinking about where abortion was legal so I did a state by state search. And guess what , in most states an abortion is available without leaving your state..

29 states allow free access to abortion at least up to 15 weeks or more.
21 states completely outlaw abortion with the exception of health of the mother. Some of the states states allow an exemption for rape or incest but that often requires a court action.

The Bible Belt

There are few exceptions in the Bible Belt, that is the salve states. If you're not familiar with the term, this is Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Unless you can prove that you'll die if you don't have an abortion or that you're a victim of rape or incest as directed by court, then you're going have to travel to get an abortion. It is estimated that 50% of those in states that do not have accessed to abortion will not be able to travel. Texas allows you to get an abortion in the first 6 weeks which means you may be able to meet the deadline but most won't.

So where do you go if you live here in God's country. If you're in Texas, you can cross the border. Into Mexico. The Supreme Count of Mexico recently ruled unanimously that abortion was not a crime. You can also go to New Mexico which a free state but because it is rural state, you'll find it hard to find abortion clinics. Your best bet is probably Colorado, a free state that welcomes women seeking a choice in an abortion. For the rest of these states Florida, North Carolina, or Colorado are you're best bet.

Florida is a semi-free state meaning you can get an abortion up to 15 weeks

North Carolina.
Driving North, skip South Carolina, another slave state. In North Carolina it's most likely you will be welcome. I say most likely because there is a contingent of legislators seeking to take away a woman's right to choose, but the odds are they will fail in this state.

You will be welcome in Virginia but there is a movement to limit abortion to the first 15 weeks.

West Virginia
While abortion is legal in West Virginia, the state has several requirements before an abortion can be performed such as a waiting period, counseling, consent, and limitations on the type of abortions. Also there are few places you can get an abortion.

The Northeast
Driving North through the northeast abortions are available in every state. Pennsylvania does have a time limit but that will probably not be a problem.

The Midwest

Ohio like Texas has limited abortions to the first 6 weeks. So if you are local, you might get an abortion within this narrow window but for out of stators, they should probably go elsewhere.

Abortion in Indiana is legal now but it might not stay that way as it's a red state. Abortions are available in 1st and 2nd trimester but there are a number requirements plus not all procedures are legal.

Illinois is free state

Missouri is a state to avoid. Practically all abortions are illegal including rape and incest. However, Illinois is only a few hours drive from St. Louis.

North and South Dakota
Skip both states as abortions are illegal

Iowa is a free state allowing abortions into the 2nd trimester.

I would call Nebraska a free state as Abortions are available up to 20 weeks

Colorado is free state

New Mexico
New Mexico is a free state.

In Wyoming all abortions are illegal with exception of rape or incest.

I would call Montana a free state even though there are some restrictions. The state allows abortions up to 20 weeks.

All abortions illegal

All abortions illegal

The law is unclear but with Arizona surrounded by free states, New Mexico, California, Nevada, and Mexico where abortions are widely available, most of the residents will be able access a clinic.

Nevada is a free state

California is a free state

Oregon is free state

Washington is a free state

Hawaii is free state

Alaska is a free state although there are few restrictions

This is almost like defining free and slave states pre-Civil War. Worth noting that many of these states lead the country in infant mortality rates. Too bad these states don't care about a child once it comes out of the womb.

I would try to convince a woman to have the baby. However I respect the fact that they have to make the choice. They have to live with that decision. I do not.
So basically your 16 y/o granddaughter is pregnant & coercing her grandparents into providing her a way to murder her baby.
This made you so happy that she wants to butcher your grandchild, you felt providing a list where committing infanticide might be easiest or toughest was in order.


It is not murder you asshole. Take your shit and shove it up your ass.
Granted most kids don't know much about geography or history or math but they did learn how to put a freaking condom on a banana. Maybe a pregnant sixteen year old who says she wants to kill herself needs counseling more than she needs an abortion.
Strange that liberals don't care much about the condition of abortion clinics or the skill of minimum wage technicians. They had health inspections in Philadelphia for pizza parlors but not abortion clinics. By the time somebody finally died, they checked Gosnel's clinic and called it a "house of horrors".
It's adorable you're following the latest Dim talking point by comparing pro-life to slavery. Once the meme is put out there you parrot it like the good little drone you are.

I guess the Hitler/Nazi thing has worn a little thin, uh? Is this a threat to our democracy? :lol:

Oh course, you have no sensitivity or understanding of how comparing pro-life to slavery is perceived. That sails right over your head. :(

Red states are fascist states. Women have the right to make the decision. Any state that refuses to accept this in a fascist state. Using the point of a gun to force a woman to have a baby is un-American.

You are not pro-life. Being pro-life means that you care about a child after it is out of the womb. Blue states are pro-life while red states are not. Red states have the highest infant mortality rates in the country. In these states, babies are at higher risk of dying because these states do not offer any help to the mother. Biden's increase in the child tax credit lifted millions of children out of poverty. Republicans blocking a renewal of this plunged these children back into poverty. Romney has offered a proposal to provide monthly payments to women with children however despite making it less sweeping, he has only 2 Republicans supporting his weak proposal. This is how pro-life Republicans are. Republicans use fetuses to play politics and nothing else.
Strange that liberals don't care much about the condition of abortion clinics or the skill of minimum wage technicians. They had health inspections in Philadelphia for pizza parlors but not abortion clinics. By the time somebody finally died, they checked Gosnel's clinic and called it a "house of horrors".

Blowing more smoke on the issue.
Blowing more smoke on the issue.

an interesting perspective​

Pro Lifer: Well the mother should just give the baby up for adoption if she doesn’t want the baby
Me: So who will adopt the baby?
PL: I don’t know there’s lots of couples who want to adopt
Me: Do you know any couple who is waiting to adopt?
PL: Um well not personally but like I know there’s lots of people waiting to adopt.
Me: Do you know what a domestic adoption costs?
PL: I don’t know. $15,000 maybe?
Me: The average cost of domestic adoption in the United States is $70,000 if you go through a private agency.
PL: Oh I didn’t realize it was that much
Me: Yep it’s really expensive. It can be more if you want a newborn straight from the hospital. Up to $120,000.
PL: We’ll all life is precious.
Me; it really is. I’ve adopted through foster care and am currently a licensed foster parent. Would you be interested in becoming a foster parent yourself?
PL: Oh no I couldn’t do it.
Me: Why not?
PL: It would just be too much for me right now.
Me: Why is that?
PL: It would be too hard to handle all the issues that came with it.I’ve heard horror stories.
Me: Yep it can be extremely difficult. But what if I told you that you were required by law to become a foster parent?
PL: what?
Me; what if you had to become a foster parent by law?
PL: they would never do that. That would never happen.
Me; Well, if a woman is forced to bear a child she doesn’t want, and she goes ahead and has that child, someone has to care for the child either through adoption or foster care. You have to do one of those two things.
PL; But I don’t want any more kids.
Me: So you don’t want someone forcing you to have a child in your home that you don’t want or aren’t able to care for?
PL: no, that’s not my job to raise someone else’s child.
There it is, folks. Have the baby, but we don’t want anything to do with it afterwards”
Abortions Depot - Act now and get your abortion at a 10% discount. Agree to sell your aborted baby's body parts and earn extra CASH! You may even qualify for a government funded abortion. Get rid of your baby at no cost to you.
Too bad these states don't care about a child once it comes out of the womb.
Why would you think they don’t “care” about the child….because decent grown adults don’t think they should raise the children of indecent grown adults?

an interesting perspective​

Pro Lifer: Well the mother should just give the baby up for adoption if she doesn’t want the baby
Me: So who will adopt the baby?
PL: I don’t know there’s lots of couples who want to adopt
Me: Do you know any couple who is waiting to adopt?
PL: Um well not personally but like I know there’s lots of people waiting to adopt.
Me: Do you know what a domestic adoption costs?
PL: I don’t know. $15,000 maybe?
Me: The average cost of domestic adoption in the United States is $70,000 if you go through a private agency.
PL: Oh I didn’t realize it was that much
Me: Yep it’s really expensive. It can be more if you want a newborn straight from the hospital. Up to $120,000.
PL: We’ll all life is precious.
Me; it really is. I’ve adopted through foster care and am currently a licensed foster parent. Would you be interested in becoming a foster parent yourself?
PL: Oh no I couldn’t do it.
Me: Why not?
PL: It would just be too much for me right now.
Me: Why is that?
PL: It would be too hard to handle all the issues that came with it.I’ve heard horror stories.
Me: Yep it can be extremely difficult. But what if I told you that you were required by law to become a foster parent?
PL: what?
Me; what if you had to become a foster parent by law?
PL: they would never do that. That would never happen.
Me; Well, if a woman is forced to bear a child she doesn’t want, and she goes ahead and has that child, someone has to care for the child either through adoption or foster care. You have to do one of those two things.
PL; But I don’t want any more kids.
Me: So you don’t want someone forcing you to have a child in your home that you don’t want or aren’t able to care for?
PL: no, that’s not my job to raise someone else’s child.
There it is, folks. Have the baby, but we don’t want anything to do with it afterwards”
“There it is, folks. Have the baby, but we don’t want anything to do with it afterwards”

Cool story Tard….all nonsensical but cool nonetheless. Prolifers want the child to have a chance at life…cool stories aside, it’s just that simple.
Ask any foster child if they would have rather been murdered before birth.
I understand. Sorry if I came across harshly. I feel for your entire family. Obviously, your granddaughter has some serious issues. Abortion may be the best option in this situation, I don't know. My objection is the hyperbole used by the Left (i.e. Slavery, Free States, Nazism, etc).

There are principled people on both sides. The Left always seems to resort to this hyperbole when things don't go their way. Maybe present your side factually, without the drama and hyperbole and you can convince more people. It's a thought. When people like Obama state abortion is a Constitutional Right as if it is a self-evident fact, is another example of the lying to make a point. That may be Obama's opinion or wish, but it is not fact. The Supreme Court just made a determination that abortion was not a Constitutional Right. It's called a legal opinion. Your Free State/Slavery metaphor clearly rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, me included. Maybe another approach would have been more helpful.
Hyperbole is the fuel that these threads run on, fascist states, demo-natzies, baby killers, houses of horrors, liberal scum, birthers, snowflakes, rednecks, liberal loons, etc....

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