Cover-Up Confirmed: Former US atty says top levels of DOJ, FBI making 'political decisions' not to probe Bidens


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I love democrats on this board. They DEMAND absolute proof Biden did stuff but then are complete gullible idiots when it comes to Democrats alleging Trump made love to Sasquatch. Biden got millions from China? Prove it they say. Allegations Trump colluded with Russia? No proof? Jan. 6th was a Inserection because they say so, but they ignore the Democrat incited race riots of 2020. And so it goes.
I love democrats on this board. They DEMAND absolute proof Biden did stuff but then are complete gullible idiots when it comes to Democrats alleging Trump made love to Sasquatch. Biden got millions from China? Prove it they say. Allegations Trump colluded with Russia? No proof? Jan. 6th was a Inserection because they say so, but they ignore the Democrat incited race riots of 2020. And so it goes.
That's because Dems are dishonest to their core and blatant double standards is the bedrock of their party.
I saw that interview. Tolman was clearly disappointed at how blatantly political the DOJ had become. The DOJ is NOT upholding the LAW.

Tolman expressed his concern over the alleged transactions, saying, "If you can't identify what the business of those 25 LLCs are, then what you have is a shell game to move money."
Gowdy argued that if the roles were reversed and similar allegations were leveled against the Bush, Romney, or Trump families, there would be a "guarantee" of D.C. media interest.

There are threats to the US democracy, the deep state and the biased MSM.
Biden warned that White Supremacists are the biggest threats we face ... again, it turns out he's right.

This dude has been on the outside since 2009.

How the fuck does he know what is going on at the DOJ
Zionist Fascism is a form of "white" supremacism that seeks to off all unChosen whites....
I love democrats on this board. They DEMAND absolute proof Biden did stuff but then are complete gullible idiots when it comes to Democrats alleging Trump made love to Sasquatch. Biden got millions from China? Prove it they say. Allegations Trump colluded with Russia? No proof? Jan. 6th was a Inserection because they say so, but they ignore the Democrat incited race riots of 2020. And so it goes.
I don't demand absolute proof to start an investigation. I demand enough proof to show probable cause. For instance the DOJ seems to have enough proof to be investigating Hunter Biden. Something that kind of blows the premise of the OP out of the water.

My problem, as is the problem with honest people. ( Note I don't use the word Democrats), people who argue in good faith. Is that several people who seem to have several companies, who do business with people in other nations. Including nations like China does not constitute probable cause.

If it would, thousands of successful people should be investigated. Including by the way Trump and his entire family. Who had those businesses during his presidency. And who have been accused of more than a few very questionable transaction, prior, during, and after he left the oval office.

That by itself does not constitute probable cause. If Ivanka Trump during the time that she was an advisor to the president gets her patents approved by the Chinese when there is a trade delegation in Beijing I can look at this as being suspicious. I can however not articulate a crime here. At that point I can't claim that the DOJ should look into it.

Now however, al of a sudden, you guys want an inference be reason enough to not just investigate but prosecute.

How do you know he doesn't?

Oh, I forgot - You're smarter than guys who have been in the DOJ for years and would know about informants and whistleblowers.

I asked a question.

Can you answer the question?

And he was a part of the DOJ for a mere 3 years ending 14 years ago.
Trying to figure out the story here, given this former prosecutor is just talking out his ass without any actual knowledge of what is and isn't being investigated.

God, I hate cable news so much.
Zionist Fascism is a form of "white" supremacism that seeks to off all unChosen whites....
You have got it spot on .
Pick on any definable group which is far from spotless historically ( any and every one of them !! ) .
Then use the chosen group as a Deflection .

Then , every time they flog you the despicable White Man narrative it means that the real problem --- Khazarian Mafia who are all Jewish is never mentioned , and for one huge reason -- because it will be deemed anti semitic Hate speech . Taboo .
It's a brilliant ploy and has served the Khazarians for thousands of years and most profitably the last 1200 .

Mind Control Chapter One , but 90% of our not very bright species are Gullible -- and they never spot the scam .
Particularly if the CIA directed narrative is based on ridicule and pitched in terms of it being Conspiracy .
You have got it spot on .
Pick on any definable group which is far from spotless historically ( any and every one of them !! ) .
Then use the chosen group as a Deflection .

Then , every time they flog you the despicable White Man narrative it means that the real problem --- Khazarian Mafia who are all Jewish is never mentioned , and for one huge reason -- because it will be deemed anti semitic Hate speech . Taboo .
It's a brilliant ploy and has served the Khazarians for thousands of years and most profitably the last 1200 .

Mind Control Chapter One , but 90% of our not very bright species are Gullible -- and they never spot the scam .
Particularly if the CIA directed narrative is based on ridicule and pitched in terms of it being Conspiracy .

Farrakhan documented all the slave boats were owned by people with Jewish names and existed long before 1600, because they were selling slaves to Ukraine...
You asked me a question about what SOMEONE ELSE knows, dumbass.


Why don't you ask HIM if you want to know?

I am asking you why you blindly trust what this guy has to day.

If you need to wait for your party masters to give you the answer, I do not mind waiting.
I am asking you why you blindly trust what this guy has to day.

He's an expert, unlike those liars and traitors Blinken and Biden got to sign that bogus 'disinformation' letter.

...And given the choice between a proven professional and a sociopathic / pathological lying, Constitution / Law-violating, corrupt. Criminal, influence-peddling, incestuous, vagina-grabbing, compromised child sniffing / groping / trafficking, old white supremacist, I'll take the former over Biden...or you.

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