Cover-Up Confirmed: Former US atty says top levels of DOJ, FBI making 'political decisions' not to probe Bidens

This is a monumental problem on the right.

They actually think that one guy says a ting on the internet is equivalent to X conspiracy theory is true. Whatever this guy says is not relevant, one guy making assertions amounts to a fart in a tornado.

Bing evidence to the table though I doubt most on the right even understand what that word even means.
He's an expert, unlike those liars and traitors Blinken and Biden got to sign that bogus 'disinformation' letter.

...And given the choice between a proven professional and a sociopathic / pathological lying, Constitution / Law-violating, corrupt. Criminal, influence-peddling, incestuous, vagina-grabbing, compromised child sniffing / groping / trafficking, old white supremacist, I'll take the former over Biden...or you.

3 years at the DOJ makes him an "expert"?

You need to ask your party masters for a better answer, that one makes no sense at all
It's amazing how fast the Biden Crime family grew. From 2019 to 2023. I think they're getting bigger than Clinton!

Best be careful what you say about them, you might just get disk-apeared
Prove it doesn't, or stop your argumentative, whiny-assed, 'I'm on my period today', irritable bitching.

You may be in the mood for it, but I'm not.


Who is bitching besides you?

Weird how all you snowflakes mistake being mocked for bitching.
Trying to figure out the story here, given this former prosecutor is just talking out his ass without any actual knowledge of what is and isn't being investigated.

God, I hate cable news so much.
How did those 51 former intel guys all know a laptop they never saw was Russia disinformation, Simp?

Last I heard they had lied. I guess we can assume this guy is too.

I don't demand absolute proof to start an investigation. I demand enough proof to show probable cause. For instance the DOJ seems to have enough proof to be investigating Hunter Biden. Something that kind of blows the premise of the OP out of the water.

My problem, as is the problem with honest people. ( Note I don't use the word Democrats), people who argue in good faith. Is that several people who seem to have several companies, who do business with people in other nations. Including nations like China does not constitute probable cause.

If it would, thousands of successful people should be investigated. Including by the way Trump and his entire family. Who had those businesses during his presidency. And who have been accused of more than a few very questionable transaction, prior, during, and after he left the oval office.

That by itself does not constitute probable cause. If Ivanka Trump during the time that she was an advisor to the president gets her patents approved by the Chinese when there is a trade delegation in Beijing I can look at this as being suspicious. I can however not articulate a crime here. At that point I can't claim that the DOJ should look into it.

Now however, al of a sudden, you guys want an inference be reason enough to not just investigate but prosecute.

If Biden had family members who received millions from China or Ukraine, while Joe was Vice President OR President of the United States, that would be probably cause. Couple that with Joes assertions that he knows nothing of his son's business dealings and its probable cause of a cover up.
I don't demand absolute proof to start an investigation. I demand enough proof to show probable cause. For instance the DOJ seems to have enough proof to be investigating Hunter Biden. Something that kind of blows the premise of the OP out of the water.

My problem, as is the problem with honest people. ( Note I don't use the word Democrats), people who argue in good faith. Is that several people who seem to have several companies, who do business with people in other nations. Including nations like China does not constitute probable cause.

If it would, thousands of successful people should be investigated. Including by the way Trump and his entire family. Who had those businesses during his presidency. And who have been accused of more than a few very questionable transaction, prior, during, and after he left the oval office.

That by itself does not constitute probable cause. If Ivanka Trump during the time that she was an advisor to the president gets her patents approved by the Chinese when there is a trade delegation in Beijing I can look at this as being suspicious. I can however not articulate a crime here. At that point I can't claim that the DOJ should look into it.

Now however, al of a sudden, you guys want an inference be reason enough to not just investigate but prosecute.

At least Ivanka Trump had actual products of her own, that she was trying to get trademarked.
So what products were these Biden LLCs selling? it better be something more than political influence, or is it not worth finding out?
Biden warned that White Supremacists are the biggest threats we face ... again, it turns out he's right.

Did this guy present any evidence or is this more accusations, allegations and innuendo?

We’ve had weeks of this “looks like” “appears to” and “could be”. Or are they just presenting this guy in place of evidence?

Time to put up or shut up

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