Cowardly Turks.

Why should the Turks (or anyone else for that matter) do anything when they have us to do the heavy lifting for them?
The Coalition is a bunch of cheerleaders who will lead from behind and then second guess every play with no skin in the game.
When an Islamic nation whose internal politics are making them more strongly Islamic day by day refused to do Obama's heavy lifting against their religious brothers somebody is offended?
yeah , edrogen likes the way things are going I think , he's not going to fight isis .
From 1991...

Turkey's decision to let its territory be used as a second front in the air war against Iraq has deeply divided the Muslim country, with many people worried that they now face retaliatory strikes.


In general, Turks tend to be nervous about roles in Middle East disputes. Since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920's, they have sought neutrality, achieving it conspicuously during the eight-year war between Iraq and Iran. They know that historically they are not loved by Arabs, and so they strive, sometimes almost painfully, to avoid any action that could smack, however slightly, of an offense.

WAR IN THE GULF Turkey Turkey s Role in Air Assault Sets Off Fear of Retaliation - New York Times
If Turkey is headed in a direction by which they refuse to undertake military action against Islamic Extremist organizations, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate Turkey's position in NATO and its ties to Europe, including its aspirations for the EU, and to re-task monies that would otherwise have gone to investment-in and aid-to Turkey... for a start.
I first had the thought about a year or 2 ago Kondor when I heard about riots over some townsquare in Turkey . A guy that traveled a lot said that he goes to Turkey all the time and that turkey would never become hard Islamic again . I told him that I thought he was wrong . ------ just a little story , just saying !!
If Turkey is headed in a direction by which they refuse to undertake military action against Islamic Extremist organizations, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate Turkey's position in NATO and its ties to Europe, including its aspirations for the EU, and to re-task monies that would otherwise have gone to investment-in and aid-to Turkey... for a start.

Very scary.
If Turkey is headed in a direction by which they refuse to undertake military action against Islamic Extremist organizations, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate Turkey's position in NATO and its ties to Europe, including its aspirations for the EU, and to re-task monies that would otherwise have gone to investment-in and aid-to Turkey... for a start.

Very scary.
The prognosis... the reaction... or both?
If Turkey is headed in a direction by which they refuse to undertake military action against Islamic Extremist organizations, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate Turkey's position in NATO and its ties to Europe, including its aspirations for the EU, and to re-task monies that would otherwise have gone to investment-in and aid-to Turkey... for a start.

Very scary.
The prognosis... the reaction... or both?

Here's a couple of good articles about Turkey.

49 reasons why Turkey doesn 8217 t want to fight the Islamic State - The Washington Post

In Turkey it is better to be sorry than safe again - BURAK BEKD L

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