Crash course: Your illustrated guide to the Tea Party saboteurs

A) No I'm not okay with them paying bonuses with taxpayer money. THAT'S WHY I WAS AGAINST TARP AND THE PHONY STIMULUS. DUH!

they are two different things. the taxpayer money had already bailed them out and then they tried to/did use it for bonuses. should this have been allowed or should obama have stopped it?

But it's pretty obvious now why Obama was all for it, because he got control of the businesses he bailed out. And don't give me any BS that Obama wasn't behind it. He voted for it as a US Senator and them pushed through a "Stimulus." Where are all those jobs Obama said the Stimulus would make? :lol::lol:


B) Where is your evidence they are just writing crap? They are REQUIRED to report it.

actually I think its awesome that the companies were called up to testify. because its going to decisvely prove if obamacare raises taxes for business or not. both sides have to put up or shut up. if/when the companies prove that it does raise tehir cost then the democrats will have a lot of back peddling to do and the closer to november it is, the worse it is for them.

This is why I avoid answering you, because you don't come anywhere close to reality.

It's deflection to point out Obama voted for Tarp and pushed the Stimulus?


That's all that needs to be said.

A) No I'm not okay with them paying bonuses with taxpayer money. THAT'S WHY I WAS AGAINST TARP AND THE PHONY STIMULUS. DUH!

they are two different things. the taxpayer money had already bailed them out and then they tried to/did use it for bonuses. should this have been allowed or should obama have stopped it?


B) Where is your evidence they are just writing crap? They are REQUIRED to report it.

actually I think its awesome that the companies were called up to testify. because its going to decisvely prove if obamacare raises taxes for business or not. both sides have to put up or shut up. if/when the companies prove that it does raise tehir cost then the democrats will have a lot of back peddling to do and the closer to november it is, the worse it is for them.

This is why I avoid answering you, because you don't come anywhere close to reality.

It's deflection to point out Obama voted for Tarp and pushed the Stimulus?


That's all that needs to be said.


the deflection was questioning the number of jobs saved since it has nothing to do with what we were discussing. glad to see you skipped the rest of my reply though and curiously skipped hte question about what obama should have done with the bonus money.
It is not only the Tea Party. It is my suspicion that those bastard Democrats infiltrated the highest level of the RNC through Michael Steele.

This proves extremism by the tea party???????? GEE, I WONDER WHERE THEY GOT THE IDEA OF PUTTING THE PRESIDENT WITH A SWASTIKA???????

I think we have a case of IT'S ONLY OKAY WHEN LIBERALS DO IT! Funny I don't recall liberals objecting to having swastika's on Bush's picture.

HYPOCRITES! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



The zombietime Hall of Shame
Those are pix of Op Chaos False Flag operatives doing what their MessiahRushie told them to do. :rofl:

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Now, those of you members of Operation Chaos in Indiana who have registered -- you're a Republican, and you have registered to vote in the Democrat primary on May 6 -- you probably knew it before I announced it today that the Democrat Party is going to be on the prowl looking for you, intimidating you into not showing up and not pulling off your attempted crossover. Now, this is very simple to combat. It's all you have to do on Election Day, as an Operation Chaos operative. When you vote that day, don't bathe! Don't take a shower the night before, and don't take a shower the day of the election. Don't shave.

In other words: no grooming. Go out and get a pair of beat-up jeans, maybe some Birkenstock sandals or whatever. Tell 'em you don't really know what Obama thinks about immigration but you love it when he talks. You just love it. You love "the future." You love "change," and you are sick of Bush. Get some anti-Bush bumper stickers and put 'em on your car. Get a "Bush Lied, People Died" button. Get a "Bush lied, people died" bumper sticker. Some wacko lib website is sure to have this type of merchandise available. If you have an SUV, that's okay. Show up in it. Make sure to get a bumper sticker that says "W is Still the President," and you're mad about that and you've had it with the Republicans any number of ways. Don't wear a wedding ring. There are any number of things that you can do, ladies and gentlemen. All you have to do is fool their template. You know, they're going to be trying to find you. You know who the Democrats and the liberals are; they judge people by the way they look. So if you show up and look like a liberal. You're not even going to arouse suspicion.

But if you show up looking clean-cut, buttoned-down conservative type, that's going to attract attention. Don't smile! You are not happy, unless you start talking about Obama. Other than that, you're not happy. You walk in there with a frown, your head's kind of hung over. Especially because you're a Hillary voter. You don't think she's got a prayer, but you believe in the electoral process and the Democrat process. We will have further advice and tips for those of you in Indiana as Operation Chaos continues and as the date of your primary, May 6th, approaches.

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Just to repeat, don't bathe, don't shave. Wear a tie-dyed T-shirt or some raggedy button-down shirt, blue jeans, sandals, get a button out there, says "Bush Lied, People Died," put that on the shirt and so forth, be unhappy, sulk, don't wash your hair, any of that, gotta look the part here because Democrats judge people the way they look, they do, and then they categorize based on the way they look.


That's the problem with you liberals you never were smart enough to figure out when Rush was making fun of you.
Hey meathead, I was tweaking YOU!!!!

Yet another example of the first quote in my sig.
LMAO. Speaking of fuck, what in the fuck are you talking about?

What does "butt fuckers" have to do with any of this?


Hey, I am just as confused as you are.

Now back on topic, what about all the spitting, screaming, and racial epithets that came out of teabagging events before you decided to go with the whole "liberal agitators" angle?

There is a $100,000.00 reward for any evidence of any of that and it is still uncollected. With all the reporters, cameras and etc, it seems no one has been able to provide any proof of racial epithets. The alleged spitting incident was later recanted by the alleged victim and as far as the screaming goes; have you ever seen footage of Code Pink rallies?Spreading more lies only weakens your argument regardless of which side of the debate you are on.
Malkin talked SPECIFICALLY about that picture in the linked article, the guy was a plant who hid the sign from her, but displayed it too a cameraman who was with him while he took the picture, from the linked article:
You do know there is a YouTube VIDEO of the event showing him standing right out in front on the steps with the sign in plain sight of everyone along side of the featured speakers and right next to her and holding the sign the whole time out in the open BEFORE she poses smiling with him, don't you!

He wasn't among a throng of Teabaggers, he was in front of the throng, on stage with the featured speakers.

So this is further proof that when CON$ervoFascists get caught lying they just keep on lying.

If that's true then produce the Youtube video.

If you had been on this messageboard longer you would have known I would never say there was a YouTube video if I couldn't produce it. Obviously I was hoping someone would still try to defend her and you came through earlier saying the sign was photoshopped. Thank you sucker.

As you can see he is right in front on the stage when the camera pans back at around the 17 minute mark and again at the 20 minute mark holding the sign in plain sight the whole time, next to the guy with the socialist sign that makes the O in Obama out of a hammer and sickle neither of whom were asked to leave the stage, and you see Malkin pose with him at the very end. He was a welcome guest on stage the whole time by every teabagger there.

[ame=]YouTube - Right Wing Anti-Stimulus Rally in Colorado[/ame]
Liberals never could debate honestly. They know if they do, they lose. Their ideas just don't hold up against honest debate. So, they smear.

The irony and hypocrisy of this statement is fucking unreal.

Some liberals smear therefore all liberals approve of smear tactics.

Did you vote for Obama and do you plan to do so again?

Ditto for Clinton. If so, don't give me your BS, you approve of smear tactics because you vote for the biggest users of those tactics.



First of all no I didn't vote for Obama or Clinton

Second if you honestly believe the only reason one would vote for Obama is because they approve of smear tactics you're a moron.

Third even if I did approve of smear tactics you're OP still reeks of hypocrisy.

In fact you're still trying to smear me now (as well as those who voted for Obama).

So thanks for proving my point.
The irony and hypocrisy of this statement is fucking unreal.

Some liberals smear therefore all liberals approve of smear tactics.

Did you vote for Obama and do you plan to do so again?

Ditto for Clinton. If so, don't give me your BS, you approve of smear tactics because you vote for the biggest users of those tactics.



First of all no I didn't vote for Obama or Clinton

Second if you honestly believe the only reason one would vote for Obama is because they approve of smear tactics you're a moron.

Third even if I did approve of smear tactics you're OP still reeks of hypocrisy.

In fact you're still trying to smear me now (as well as those who voted for Obama).

So thanks for proving my point.

Shall we rewind:

The irony and hypocrisy of this statement is fucking unreal.

Some liberals smear therefore all liberals approve of smear tactics.

So who brought it first? YOU. You don't approve of smear tactics? :lol:

I simply batted it back.

And I'm sorry if you vote for someone you are voting for what they stand for. If they smear, then you are voting for smears yourself.

That goes for Clinton and Obama.
More evidence:

Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic.
Jason Levin, creator of Crash The Tea Party!, said Monday the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate tea party events for April 15—tax filing day, when tea party groups across the country are planning to gather and protest high taxes.

Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies

Like I said, liberals can't debate honestly.

They have to smear and use scortched earth tactics. Because they fear honest debate and protest.
And I'm sorry if you vote for someone you are voting for what they stand for. If they smear, then you are voting for smears yourself.

That goes for Clinton and Obama.

Who did you vote for?
Like I said, liberals can't debate honestly.

They have to smear and use scortched earth tactics. Because they fear honest debate and protest.

Seems to me the only ones who fear honest debate are the ones that tried to drown out debate in the Town Hall meetings.
You do know there is a YouTube VIDEO of the event showing him standing right out in front on the steps with the sign in plain sight of everyone along side of the featured speakers and right next to her and holding the sign the whole time out in the open BEFORE she poses smiling with him, don't you!

He wasn't among a throng of Teabaggers, he was in front of the throng, on stage with the featured speakers.

So this is further proof that when CON$ervoFascists get caught lying they just keep on lying.

If that's true then produce the Youtube video.

If you had been on this messageboard longer you would have known I would never say there was a YouTube video if I couldn't produce it. Obviously I was hoping someone would still try to defend her and you came through earlier saying the sign was photoshopped. Thank you sucker.

As you can see he is right in front on the stage when the camera pans back at around the 17 minute mark and again at the 20 minute mark holding the sign in plain sight the whole time, next to the guy with the socialist sign that makes the O in Obama out of a hammer and sickle neither of whom were asked to leave the stage, and you see Malkin pose with him at the very end. He was a welcome guest on stage the whole time by every teabagger there.

[ame=""]YouTube - Right Wing Anti-Stimulus Rally in Colorado[/ame]

He's way over in the corner. The only reason the camera man knew he was there is he is helping him in this scheme.

Give me a break! :lol::lol::lol:
Like I said, liberals can't debate honestly.

They have to smear and use scortched earth tactics. Because they fear honest debate and protest.

Seems to me the only ones who fear honest debate are the ones that tried to drown out debate in the Town Hall meetings.

You mean like My Senator (Ohio) who would only allow Union thugs at his meeting.

Like I said, liberals can't debate honestly.

They have to smear and use scortched earth tactics. Because they fear honest debate and protest.

Seems to me the only ones who fear honest debate are the ones that tried to drown out debate in the Town Hall meetings.

You mean like My Senator (Ohio) who would only allow Union thugs at his meeting.


Or our local representatives (all Obama-supporting Democrats) who made dang sure they would have only fawning adorers at their meetings, and who never seem to be available to any of the rest of us. I guess that's one way to avoid having any conscience--you make sure you don't hear any criticism and see to it that any critics who attempt to be heard are thoroughly demonized.

And some of our brethren here are not only not frightened at how dangerous that is and/or are not disgusted by that, but they condone it and even participate in it.
Like I said, liberals can't debate honestly.

They have to smear and use scortched earth tactics. Because they fear honest debate and protest.

Seems to me the only ones who fear honest debate are the ones that tried to drown out debate in the Town Hall meetings.
When you have the facts on your side, you argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, you argue the law. When you have nothing on your side, you smear your opponent.

Yep, pretty cut and dried. If you guys had a leg to stand on, you'd argue what you had correct. But we all know you got nothing but character assassination. Hell, you've got people trying to manufacture events in an attempt to give your side's position even a limited amount of truthiness, even if it's ultimately a lie.

That speaks to desperation.
Did you vote for Obama and do you plan to do so again?

Ditto for Clinton. If so, don't give me your BS, you approve of smear tactics because you vote for the biggest users of those tactics.



First of all no I didn't vote for Obama or Clinton

Second if you honestly believe the only reason one would vote for Obama is because they approve of smear tactics you're a moron.

Third even if I did approve of smear tactics you're OP still reeks of hypocrisy.

In fact you're still trying to smear me now (as well as those who voted for Obama).

So thanks for proving my point.

Shall we rewind:

The irony and hypocrisy of this statement is fucking unreal.

Some liberals smear therefore all liberals approve of smear tactics.

So who brought it first? YOU. You don't approve of smear tactics? :lol:

I was simply paraphrasing your argument which was some liberals smear therefore all liberals like smearing.

And I'm sorry if you vote for someone you are voting for what they stand for. If they smear, then you are voting for smears yourself.

So no one ever votes for the lesser of two evils they always agree with whatever the candidate does ... OK.
This whole "The Tea Party has been infiltrated" argument would look a lot more reasonable if it weren't for the fact that Rush, Sean, Coulter, Beck, etc weren't skating close to using pretty much the same dialogue you see on these signs.

And the folks here on the boards claiming the Tea Party has been infiltrated lose a lot of credibility when you look back at what they post. It isn't hard to believe that some of these shots are legit when you look at the posts of some of the more vocal tea party supporters on this board.
More evidence:

Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic.
Jason Levin, creator of Crash The Tea Party!, said Monday the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate tea party events for April 15—tax filing day, when tea party groups across the country are planning to gather and protest high taxes.

Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies

Like I said, liberals can't debate honestly.

They have to smear and use scortched earth tactics. Because they fear honest debate and protest.

Yeah unlike you who uses blanket statements and other such logical fallacies.
You do know there is a YouTube VIDEO of the event showing him standing right out in front on the steps with the sign in plain sight of everyone along side of the featured speakers and right next to her and holding the sign the whole time out in the open BEFORE she poses smiling with him, don't you!

He wasn't among a throng of Teabaggers, he was in front of the throng, on stage with the featured speakers.

So this is further proof that when CON$ervoFascists get caught lying they just keep on lying.

If that's true then produce the Youtube video.

If you had been on this messageboard longer you would have known I would never say there was a YouTube video if I couldn't produce it. Obviously I was hoping someone would still try to defend her and you came through earlier saying the sign was photoshopped. Thank you sucker.

As you can see he is right in front on the stage when the camera pans back at around the 17 minute mark and again at the 20 minute mark holding the sign in plain sight the whole time, next to the guy with the socialist sign that makes the O in Obama out of a hammer and sickle neither of whom were asked to leave the stage, and you see Malkin pose with him at the very end. He was a welcome guest on stage the whole time by every teabagger there.

[ame=]YouTube - Right Wing Anti-Stimulus Rally in Colorado[/ame]

You are seriously attempting to convince anyone with more than half a brain that this was not a set up?





Little 'nazi sign', easily hidden and I notice he's the only one not chanting 'no more pork', and he has his little sign turned exactly right for the camera. And, the camera guy was filming the speakers the entire time..... until suddenly he pans out. Jeeeez, it wasn't even a professional camera person. Any real camera operator would have been panning the crowd and interspersing with the speakers. IF he was legitimate - because he would have been looking FOR the DAMNED SIGNS. He clearly knew exactly where that guy was, and waited for him to position himself then panned out.

Pathetic. What is really pathetic though is that anyone is dumb enough not to see it for what it clearly is.

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