Crazy Anti-Trumpers Call Him "Unfit To Be President"


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Strange world we live in. I suppose maybe I would think Trump was "unfit to be president" too,

IF >>

1. I was a Muslim appeaser (AKA “ass-kisser”)

2. I supported Mexican, Chinese, et al imperialism, raiding the US economy for hundreds of Billions$$$.

3. I was OK with European countries suckering the US into paying their share of NATO costs.

4. I didn't mind the world ripping us off in unfair trade deals.

5. I was OK with losing industry for the sake of the highest corporate tax worldwide, and strangling business regulations.

6. I was willing to endanger Americans' lives, by having gun-free zones.

7. I was willing to perpetuate the scam/myth of police brutality.

8. I was willing to cave in to the demands of every minority group who said "Boo!"

9. I was willing to allow millions of illegal invaders to steal millions of American jobs, and give them sanctuary to do it.

10. I thought that bowing, groveling, and paying other countries to like us, was a good idea.

11. I thought that letting LGBT nutjobs marry, and join the military made any sense.

12. I thought that acting "presidential phony" was better than being a REAL guy, and like all of us who voted for him.

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