Crazy Aunt Maxine Says Hillary Should Have Fired Comey But Trump Wasn't Allowed To


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Jul 21, 2009
This video is self-explanatory.

One of President Donald Trump’s fiercest critics during his short time in the White House has been Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). Waters also famously said of recently fired FBI Director James Comey that he had “no credibility” following a January classified briefing on Russian hacking. So, now that Trump has fired Comey, where does Waters stand on what should have happened to the ex-FBI chief?

During an MSNBC interview this afternoon, Waters did her best to strike the delicate balance of condemning the president for canning a man she’s mercilessly slammed by tying everything to the Russia investigation, an investigation that Comey was involved in.

Telling host Peter Alexander that she didn’t necessarily agree with Trump’s decision to fire Comey, Waters nevertheless said she would have recommended that Hillary Clinton terminate the FBI head if she would have won the election.

“So she should have fired him but he shouldn’t have fired him?” Alexander asked. “This is why I’m confused.”

Waters gave the following answer to the NBC News correspondent:

“You’re not confused. If the president is implicated in an investigation, the President of the United States who has a history of firing people who get close to him and his allies — like [Michael] Flynn, and like Miss [Sally] Yates — he will fire them if he believes somehow they’re getting too close to him in these investigations… I believe that the President of the United States should not have done this in the middle of an investigation. That’s it.”

They would then go on to discuss whether or not Waters felt a special prosecutor was necessary for the Russia investigations, with Waters kind of jumping back and forth a bit on that subject as well. (She eventually said there should be one.)

‘I’m Confused’: Peter Alexander Challenges Maxine Waters for Saying Hillary Should’ve Fired Comey
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i heard it on the radio today. she couldnt give a straight answer, it was as if a rodent was struggling trying to escape from one of her body parts while she was trying to answer the simple question
This video is self-explanatory.

One of President Donald Trump’s fiercest critics during his short time in the White House has been Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). Waters also famously said of recently fired FBI Director James Comey that he had “no credibility” following a January classified briefing on Russian hacking. So, now that Trump has fired Comey, where does Waters stand on what should have happened to the ex-FBI chief?

During an MSNBC interview this afternoon, Waters did her best to strike the delicate balance of condemning the president for canning a man she’s mercilessly slammed by tying everything to the Russia investigation, an investigation that Comey was involved in.

Telling host Peter Alexander that she didn’t necessarily agree with Trump’s decision to fire Comey, Waters nevertheless said she would have recommended that Hillary Clinton terminate the FBI head if she would have won the election.

“So she should have fired him but he shouldn’t have fired him?” Alexander asked. “This is why I’m confused.”

Waters gave the following answer to the NBC News correspondent:

“You’re not confused. If the president is implicated in an investigation, the President of the United States who has a history of firing people who get close to him and his allies — like [Michael] Flynn, and like Miss [Sally] Yates — he will fire them if he believes somehow they’re getting too close to him in these investigations… I believe that the President of the United States should not have done this in the middle of an investigation. That’s it.”

They would then go on to discuss whether or not Waters felt a special prosecutor was necessary for the Russia investigations, with Waters kind of jumping back and forth a bit on that subject as well. (She eventually said there should be one.)

‘I’m Confused’: Peter Alexander Challenges Maxine Waters for Saying Hillary Should’ve Fired Comey

Maxine Waters: I Can See The Russians Voting from my house.
This is why the left is fucked and can't do shit...just look at all these threads over the past year by the left, you needed a score card on when they loved Comey hated Comey.

Trump retweets Rosie O'Donnell on Comey firing: 'We finally agree on something'

All this proves is the simple fact that Democrats are only good at the following

  • Whining
  • Bitching
  • Complaining
  • Causing chaos

This is why the Democrats will keep losing elections.
The American public doesn't give a shit if Whoopie Goldberg thinks this is a coup, they don't give a shit if Hollywood thinks Trump is a big meanie, they don't give a shit what Chuck Schumer or Maxine Waters thinks about this.

They want to give Trump a chance to fix all of the crap Obama screwed up.
Obamacare is almost dead, as Trump correctly told us as soon as the took office. Aetna just pulled out of two more states and will be out of Obamacare completely by the end of the year.
It has to be replaced. It can't be fixed anymore.

The voters want for the media and the whining liberals to lay the fuck off and let the man do his damned job.
If they don't.....they will pay a massive price for it in the next two elections, I promise you.

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