Crazy puppy at feeding time

Kiki Cannoli

Have you met my shadow?
May 27, 2011
Any insight as to how to get my little girl settled at feeding time?

She has improved immensely. It is somewhat obvious to us that she was accustomed to fighting for her eats. I believe she now understands that the bowl and its contents are hers and nothing will take her meal away.

However, its the getting the bowl onto the floor without causing a kibble rainstorm that is still an issue. She'll sit and wait but as soon as I bendover she is a fruitloop. No matter how consistent and stern I am.

Thanks in advance.
Try teaching her to sit and stay.

Once she can learn those two things it shouldn't be a problem to get her to wait for you to put the food down.

You just have to make sure that you make her do as you wish. If she doesn't do it. Correct her. Tell her to sit and stay. Only put the food down when she's obeying then and only then. If she's a smart pooch she'll catch on.

A clicker and treats would be an aid in this situation as well.
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