Crazy Uncle Biden in Germany: America is "an embarrassment" & its trade policies "self-defeating" ⠀

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Biden's right.

You're an embarrassment too.
Wow, I am sure your first grade teacher is impressed by your wit.

No, it's God's honest truth, mang. Every thing you represent for and hold dear, is an embarrassment to this country, the ideals it was founded on, and those who sacrificed their lives just so that you could grow up to be such an embarrassment.

"immigration made the 20th century the american century. we need to continue that tradition...this is the choice that every american must support an inclusive society or shut the door and wither in isolation" - Biden

Bullshit. We had mass immigration from Europe for the industrial revolution when we needed more people for jobs. We don’t need third world trash to be imported since most of those jobs have long since evaporated. What jobs are going to be filled with tens of millions of third world immigrants?
Biden's right.

You're an embarrassment too.
Wow, I am sure your first grade teacher is impressed by your wit.

No, it's God's honest truth, mang. Every thing you represent for and hold dear, is an embarrassment to this country, the ideals it was founded on, and those who sacrificed their lives just so that you could grow up to be such an embarrassment.

Not really. It is nothing but circular reasoning. I suppose I would give you a D+ for effort.
Biden's grandpa Eugene Finnegan used to have a saying: THIS TOO SHALL PASS! WE WILL BE BACK! America will be back as the alpha dog on the world stage!
I see meat puppet taught uncle Joe well. Another apologizist speech how bad ole America and Americans are. Fuck him.
You know, Creepy Uncle Joe, speaking of 'an embarrassment': No wonder child trafficking is so BIG with DemonRATS!

there's not a single challenge that america can meet alone. LITERALLY. this is not hyperbole. NATO has always been the platform through which we respond to crisis!
Sorry bout that,

  1. Run Joe run!
  2. Please run Joe pretty please and win nomination too!
This is the most intelligent post I have read from you.

Too bad you're not bright enough to grasp the actual meaning.

But then, if you had more intelligence than bacteria on a toilet seat, you wouldn't be a Marxist.... :dunno:
You're a loon who apparently is so dense that you think anyone who disagrees with you is a Marxist. Tell your nursing home nurse to up your medication, maybe it's a serotonin issue.

Not at all, you're the only Marxist here...dumbass.
Biden's grandpa Eugene Finnegan used to have a saying: Joe, never fight with your brother in public, fight in private. That's what america should do, my friends!
there is only one commander in chief on the world stage right now and that's joe biden!
Should Touchy-Feelie Joey ever become president his biggest challenge would be recruiting 8-10 year old interns.
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