Creation and so forth

Lol. Everyone must die as we're not in Paradise anymore. I'm not wishing early death upon the atheists and sinners, but a few may die early due to chance, ill health, or circumstance. The main point is atheists dying is the only way to prove to them that I am right and they are wrong. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book.
Jeez you are obsessed with death. Are you doing OK?. I don't want to lose my BFF.
Can the almighty create a stone that he cannot lift?

If the creator sees everything in advance, then he does not have the ability to change anything.

If he was perfect, then why would he create anything else? Is he so imperfect?

Yes, when you talk about an omnipotent being you run into logical contradictions. You can't do much of anything with just words on a piece of paper.
In mainstream Science!, your own Minkowski-Einstein-"spacetime" terms, here's what "the Cosmic Background Radiation informs us" regarding any "massive matter / anti-matter annihilations which dominated the radiation era" and/or anything else hypothetically associated for that matter, "dummy":

Now take "The Big Bang theory" itself, being "the prevailing cosmological model explaining the existence of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution", or simply put, it's cause, again according to your own Science!, as that "E" and there you go.

Even Einstein would call the pair of you idiots. He'd say "You don't know wtf you're talking about!" and he'd be right.. even though he didn't either, as Tesla noted when he began ranting about time being capable of warping space and vice versa. "Nein, nicht, dummkopf! It's zee Aether I tells ya!"
Thank you for proving my point that you believe any response is a valid response.

When you can tell me where and how all that radiation came about let me know. Because the radiation emitted by the stars since the beginning of the universe is negligible compared to massive amount of cosmic background radiation that we can measure. Until then in my eyes you will remain an imbecile who thinks he talks as good game. Much like fort fun and the other militant atheist trolls.
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I am FTW as everyone here knows.

What about the surada and the atheists here? FTL.
The nearest abbreviation for FTW that I found in an urban dictionary that makes sense in this context is Fuck The World. That is a rather depressing attitude.
The nearest abbreviation for FTW that I found in an urban dictionary that makes sense in this context is Fuck The World. That is a rather depressing attitude.

Freedom That Lasts – Independent Baptist Church
Nov 28, 2021 · Want to be Biblically mentored through life’s issues? Independent Baptist Church offers Freedom That Lasts, a Christ-centered, Bible-based discipleship ministry. Come learn how you can win life’s battles through Jesus Christ. The group meets at 406 Boughton Road, Bolingbrook, every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m.
More games. He doesn't want to admit he's IFB,
You really want more games? I know Amazon technology and servers, so it wouldn't be that hard to. BOLO for a clue coming your way.

ETA: Dam. Just think if I had location histories lol.
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It is not known using logic, math, nor metaphysics by any discipline or person what happens prior to the first few picoseconds of the origin of the universe.
It can be known through logic. There are only two options; the universe began or the universe has always existed. By inspection we can eliminate the universe always existing (SLoT). We can also eliminate the universe being created from pre-existing matter by inspection (SLoT). Which leaves us with the only possible logical explanation. That the universe was spontaneously created from nothing. There's even an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.

It can be known through logic. There are only two options; the universe began or the universe has always existed. By inspection we can eliminate the universe always existing (SLoT). We can also eliminate the universe being created from pre-existing matter by inspection (SLoT). Which leaves us with the only possible logical explanation. That the universe was spontaneously created from nothing. There's even an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.

I'm very aware of vacuum fluctuations. There is also the Brane Theory in String Theory. But we still don't know the exact physical mechanism. We can only guess at possibilities.
I'm very aware of vacuum fluctuations. There is also the Brane Theory in String Theory. But we still don't know the exact physical mechanism. We can only guess at possibilities.
With respect to the universe being created from pre-existing matter or from nothing, what difference would that make?
With respect to the universe being created from pre-existing matter or from nothing, what difference would that make?
Makes no difference to me. I have no belief in it one way or the other.
Thank you for proving my point that you believe any response is a valid response.

When you can tell me where and how all that radiation came about let me know. Because the radiation emitted by the stars since the beginning of the universe is negligible compared to massive amount of cosmic background radiation that we can measure. Until then in my eyes you will remain an imbecile who thinks he talks as good game. Much like fort fun and the other militant atheist trolls.
Ah, so pissy personal attack and more mainstream spam about the CBR is really all you've got. Nothing pertaining to what you were supposedly responding to as usual. Sorry for the delay.. Just haven't managed to take you off ignore yet for some reason? But, since you can't respond to anyone reasonably, do run along, and be sure to collect all that "radiation emitted by the stars since the beginning of the universe" for us all to wow, weigh, contrast, and compare to actual things,.. "that we can measure",.. son.
Ah, so pissy personal attack and more mainstream spam about the CBR is really all you've got. Nothing pertaining to what you were supposedly responding to as usual. Sorry for the delay.. Just haven't managed to take you off ignore yet for some reason? But, since you can't respond to anyone reasonably, do run along, and be sure to collect all that "radiation emitted by the stars since the beginning of the universe" for us all to wow, weigh, contrast, and compare to actual things,.. "that we can measure",.. son.
I'm just giving you what you want. It's the level you seem to prefer to operate on.

Again... When you can tell me where and how all that radiation came about let me know. Because the radiation emitted by the stars since the beginning of the universe is negligible compared to massive amount of cosmic background radiation that we can measure.
Makes no difference to me. I have no belief in it one way or the other.
I wasn't asking what difference it makes to you. I was asking you what difference it makes to determining if the universe was or wasn't created from existing matter.

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