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That's fine, but your predictions aren't based no science is what I'm saying.

Saying "later on science will prove a snake can talk" isn't based on current science.

I'm not mocking you for your beliefs, just saying you have many that aren't backed by science and in fact are the opposite of science.

And how would you know that? Can you read my mind? Do you hold all scientific knowledge?

No, you can't..and you don't. So why is it you feel compelled to tell me what I believe?

Please correct me if the beliefs I stated you have are incorrect.

Are there things in the Bible that you don't believe happened?

Should I start listing all the things you believe that requires faith to believe because it's not backed by evidence ?

Have you not learned yet ?
Then I am saying you are not applying them.

And I am saying you are wrong.

They have never gotten it,that creationist have a model just like evolutionist.

What they refuse to believe that men of science believe in God and creation.

Oh they believe and know that men of science believe in God. But they LIE about it because it doesn't fit with the lies they tell about believers...i.e., they're stupid, they don't have a firm grasp of *science*, they're uneducated, etc. and so on.

How many times has it been pointed out and proven just in this thread that giants of the scientific world have faith in God and the Bible?

And yet how many times have the retards re-iterated that only uneducated fools believe in God and/or the Bible?
And how would you know that? Can you read my mind? Do you hold all scientific knowledge?

No, you can't..and you don't. So why is it you feel compelled to tell me what I believe?

Please correct me if the beliefs I stated you have are incorrect.

Are there things in the Bible that you don't believe happened?

Should I start listing all the things you believe that requires faith to believe because it's not backed by evidence ?

Have you not learned yet ?

None of my scientific views require faith. You can repeat over and over again that they do, but you'll still be wrong each time you repeat it.

No I learn by science, not by those who repeat the talking points of Bible bloggers.
You ignore the facts and lie about the rest, so really, what is the point? I haven't seen one person, ever, provide evidence that proves that the creation of the world did not occur exactly as the bible says.

Likewise, I haven't seen a shred of evidence that proves that we are descended from anything other than men, or that we mutated from some other creature.

When you get those duckies in a row, bring them to the party. Until then, I'll continue to hold you up as an example of someone who thinks "It's smart when I make assumptions about creation based upon nothing, but when you do it, you're stupid" is some sort of scientific proof that the bible is wrong.

That's better, pretend we aren't talking about your beliefs not being backed by science and turn your attacks back on science.

You have good timing. I think you know many of your beliefs go against science and that's fine, I just don't know why you're too insecure to admit it.

YWC is the same way.

You continue to avoid many of my questions and you attempt to change the subject all the time as to discredit believers., because you can't answer my questions it took someone else to provide an answer as to the nearest ancestor. But I am still waiting for the evidence to prove it so that neither of you have presented.
The parting of the Red Sea...perfectly reasonable:

"scientists have developed a computer simulation that offers an alternative, less miraculous explanation. Experts at the National Center for Atmospheric Research are hypothesizing that seven hours of 60 mph winds could have exposed miles of mud flats in the Red Sea, allowing the Chosen Ones to escape. "

Did Moses really part the Red Sea? - The Week

God works the way God works. Ultimately, it just comes down to whether or not you think everything is random . What a remarkable coincidence that a group of people who believed they had God in their midst, who were being pursued by a superior army, should benefit from *strong winds* that allowed them to escape and resulted in the conquest of the hostile troops...but hey, that's where your faith leads you. Mine takes me a different route. I believe the Bible.

You said your God separated the sea, that's not what your link says.

Which story are you going with?

God did separate the Red Sea.

God controls the winds.
No, but you can't predict what future science will be and then call it science like you're doing.

There's nothing in science that would lead someone to think that later on science will prove that a snake can talk, a man can live in a whale, a man can separate sea with his hands etc etc.

And that's perfectly fine, you believe in a supernatural being (God) who's powers are outside that of which science can measure. So you have beliefs in the supernatural, that is outside the natural science world.

See, this is where you fail. Of course I can "predict". That's what a HYPOTHESIS is. A prediction based upon current information.

And there's plenty in science that would lead someone to think that the stories of the bible are true. Of course, you need to actually know the bible and the accurate translations (serpent, not snake. Big fish, not whale, and God separated the sea, not Moses....) As long as you continue to lie about what the bible says, and to lie about what I believe, you won't get a serious, committed response from me. I have to wonder why people feel like they need to lie, though, if they are so certain they're correct. It seems to me that if you are right, you wouldn't need to lie about the opposition in order to make your point.

But I know you aren't right, and I know you lie, and I know the motivation behind you isn't to speak or find the truth, it's to obfuscate, to ridicule, and to discredit. Not because you're correct, but because you hate. And that hatred comes straight from satan.

Why don't you read the story of the Fall with that in your mind? Satan is the great know how the serpent got Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge? He lied to her. He told her #1, it wouldn't kill her (he was lying) and #2, if she ate it, she would be as powerful as God.

So why do you lie to and about believers in order to get them to set aside their faith?

Serpent and snake are the same thing.

Which again I'm sure you knew that, but it would be better to childishly insult me and make personal attacks rather than come to agreement with me about your beliefs not being based on science.

Did a snake have legs ?
Please correct me if the beliefs I stated you have are incorrect.

Are there things in the Bible that you don't believe happened?

Should I start listing all the things you believe that requires faith to believe because it's not backed by evidence ?

Have you not learned yet ?

None of my scientific views require faith. You can repeat over and over again that they do, but you'll still be wrong each time you repeat it.

No I learn by science, not by those who repeat the talking points of Bible bloggers.

All of your scientific views that fly in the face of the Bible require faith.

The scientific view that we have descended from some animal that is not human, for example. There's no evidence of that. But you believe it. That's faith.
Yeah, you were being sarcastic when you repeatedly state that scientists say chimps are our nearest ancestor, you should take the commandment about lying more seriously.

Believe me I do have fun with it. In the real world people don't say T-Rex mooed and ate grass and that a pair of elephants can fit in a shoebox. I only get that from you. :laugh2:

They say we are related to chimps because of DNA similarity,how many times must I say this before you understand whats being said ? I am asking you what did humans evolve from their DNA must be much closer then the chimp by your reasoning.

Another lie, you said science says chimps are our ancestors, which is either flat out ignorance or a lie. I think it's ignorance.

I've given you links, and you ignored them. So please stop asking me for links. The links I provide have the scientific answers, so if you actually want a scientific answer to your question (which you don't) go back and read the links.

If we are related to chimps since they came first are they our ancestors ?
The parting of the Red Sea...perfectly reasonable:

"scientists have developed a computer simulation that offers an alternative, less miraculous explanation. Experts at the National Center for Atmospheric Research are hypothesizing that seven hours of 60 mph winds could have exposed miles of mud flats in the Red Sea, allowing the Chosen Ones to escape. "

Did Moses really part the Red Sea? - The Week

God works the way God works. Ultimately, it just comes down to whether or not you think everything is random . What a remarkable coincidence that a group of people who believed they had God in their midst, who were being pursued by a superior army, should benefit from *strong winds* that allowed them to escape and resulted in the conquest of the hostile troops...but hey, that's where your faith leads you. Mine takes me a different route. I believe the Bible.

You said your God separated the sea, that's not what your link says.

Which story are you going with?

You fault us for having faith but not yourself,hmm what do we call people who do such things ?
I said God separated the sea, with intent, specifically at Moses' command. I haven't changed my story. I don't know what you think I mean when I say God did it, I didn't say he came down and waved a wand...Moses is the one who used his staff, and God obliged.

The information I provided was to prove that scientifically, it's certainly feasible it happened.
Please correct me if the beliefs I stated you have are incorrect.

Are there things in the Bible that you don't believe happened?

Should I start listing all the things you believe that requires faith to believe because it's not backed by evidence ?

Have you not learned yet ?

None of my scientific views require faith. You can repeat over and over again that they do, but you'll still be wrong each time you repeat it.

No I learn by science, not by those who repeat the talking points of Bible bloggers.

Lets keep it simple,if there is no creator how did life begin ?

Does the evidence confirm life creates life ?

Is there any evidence that supports life began naturally ?

You seem to keep mocking the thought of creation so if you avoid this question it seems your view is based off of faith.
You ignore the facts and lie about the rest, so really, what is the point? I haven't seen one person, ever, provide evidence that proves that the creation of the world did not occur exactly as the bible says.

Likewise, I haven't seen a shred of evidence that proves that we are descended from anything other than men, or that we mutated from some other creature.

When you get those duckies in a row, bring them to the party. Until then, I'll continue to hold you up as an example of someone who thinks "It's smart when I make assumptions about creation based upon nothing, but when you do it, you're stupid" is some sort of scientific proof that the bible is wrong.

That's better, pretend we aren't talking about your beliefs not being backed by science and turn your attacks back on science.

You have good timing. I think you know many of your beliefs go against science and that's fine, I just don't know why you're too insecure to admit it.

YWC is the same way.

You continue to avoid many of my questions and you attempt to change the subject all the time as to discredit believers., because you can't answer my questions it took someone else to provide an answer as to the nearest ancestor. But I am still waiting for the evidence to prove it so that neither of you have presented.

I've answered your questions a dozen times on this board with links, then you ignore the links.

So I'm done wasting my time finding links, reading them and posting them when you don't read them. Don't pretend like you want an answer.
They say we are related to chimps because of DNA similarity,how many times must I say this before you understand whats being said ? I am asking you what did humans evolve from their DNA must be much closer then the chimp by your reasoning.

Another lie, you said science says chimps are our ancestors, which is either flat out ignorance or a lie. I think it's ignorance.

I've given you links, and you ignored them. So please stop asking me for links. The links I provide have the scientific answers, so if you actually want a scientific answer to your question (which you don't) go back and read the links.

If we are related to chimps since they came first are they our ancestors ?

No, that's not how it works at all.

Men believe in science, God, and the Bible, yet do not believe in creationism and do believe in evolution. You droids want to insist that your beliefs somehow validate creationism and invalidate evolution.

Why is this so hard for you to accept that others believe in Jesus Christ and His Word as passionately as you do but not in your pseudo-science and pseueo-biblical beliefs?
Yeah, you were being sarcastic when you repeatedly state that scientists say chimps are our nearest ancestor, you should take the commandment about lying more seriously.

Believe me I do have fun with it. In the real world people don't say T-Rex mooed and ate grass and that a pair of elephants can fit in a shoebox. I only get that from you. :laugh2:

They say we are related to chimps because of DNA similarity,how many times must I say this before you understand whats being said ? I am asking you what did humans evolve from their DNA must be much closer then the chimp by your reasoning.

Another lie, you said science says chimps are our ancestors, which is either flat out ignorance or a lie. I think it's ignorance.

I've given you links, and you ignored them. So please stop asking me for links. The links I provide have the scientific answers, so if you actually want a scientific answer to your question (which you don't) go back and read the links.

Who are you calling a liar ? Who is ignorant ?

published in early 2007 challenges this notion.

Published in PLoS Genetics, the article suggests that the human-chimpanzee split may have been about four million years ago, around the time when Lucy, a bipedal relative of humans, was running around. Just last year, another paper described evidence of interbreeding between proto-humans and proto-chimpanzees more recently than 5.4 million years ago, an event that would not be uncommon when two populations are slowly splitting into two distinct species.

“Someone told me that human beings have been around for only 60 thousand years. This is shorter than I thought. Is this true? Where did we come from?” » Scienceline

Why don't you educate yourself before you call people liars.
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That is your opinion unsubstantiated by any empirical data, critical thinking, or other valid criteria, koshergirl.

Just because you believe as you do does not make it fact.

Another lie. I never said my belief makes anything fact.

I said what I believe in IS true, and it is. Truth can exist even before it's "proven". For example, germs and viruses have always caused illness...even when the accepted *science* supported another theory.

The earth has always been a globe (a round thing, as it is described in the bible), despite what the *science* supported.

So you see, the truth exists regardless of the *science*. Sometimes it takes the science a little bit to catch up.
That's better, pretend we aren't talking about your beliefs not being backed by science and turn your attacks back on science.

You have good timing. I think you know many of your beliefs go against science and that's fine, I just don't know why you're too insecure to admit it.

YWC is the same way.

You continue to avoid many of my questions and you attempt to change the subject all the time as to discredit believers., because you can't answer my questions it took someone else to provide an answer as to the nearest ancestor. But I am still waiting for the evidence to prove it so that neither of you have presented.

I've answered your questions a dozen times on this board with links, then you ignore the links.

So I'm done wasting my time finding links, reading them and posting them when you don't read them. Don't pretend like you want an answer.

Men believe in science, God, and the Bible, yet do not believe in creationism and do believe in evolution. You droids want to insist that your beliefs somehow validate creationism and invalidate evolution.

Why is this so hard for you to accept that others believe in Jesus Christ and His Word as passionately as you do but not in your pseudo-science and pseueo-biblical beliefs?

Why do you lie about what we believe? I haven't heard anyone say they don't accept that others can't believe in Christ and science...can you link that?
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