Creator of Infamous Hockey Stick Graph Refuses to Turn Over Data to Court

Keep acting like the 5 year old brat with their hands over their years screaming.

And still nothing more than a weak logical fallacy in response. This is a scientific topic...actual science requires observed, measured, quantified data to support hypotheses...there is none that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

And as to acting like a 5 year old....I am afraid that is you dave. Adults admit when they can't support their side of an argument...5 year olds keep on howling what they believe without regard to any actual support for what they believe. You keep claiming there is evidence and that you have seen it....all the while being completely unable to bring even one small scrap of it here.

As for calling me a liar, fuck you.

Just calling it like I see claim to have done the research...if you had, one of two things would be happening here rather than your pathetically weak and impotent argument composed mostly of logical fallacies. had you done the research and paid attention to the literature you would:

A) realize that there is not the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural which case you would a) be a grown up and acknowledge that you also have not seen any or b) slink away because you know that continuing to take part in a discussion about evidence that you can't produce would just make you look more and more stupid with every post.

B) in an alternate universe operating on different physics, you might be able to provide observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting AGW over natural variability...although in that universe, this discussion wouldn't be happening with me, because I would have already seen the evidence and wouldn't be a skeptic...or at least as skeptical.

The date is out there.

No isn't...and continuing to behave like a 5 year old brat with your hands over your ears screaming that it is, isn't going to make your case. If it is there, and you have seen it, then bring a single piece of it here...since it isn't, you might try acting like an adult and admitting that you can't find it regardless of what you wish. That tactic is known as facing reality. Try it some time.

Your probl;em is you can see past your ignorance. There is plenty of data.

You can't grasp that the greenhouse effect is proven science.

You can;'t grasp that more CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warming temperature.

Yet you keep running through the streets screaming " OMG OMG OMG no data no data OMG OMG OMG"

Furthermore, you can't grasp the there are many factors that go into determining our climate.

What is causing our warming? I suspect you;ll tell me contrails or cell phones.
You really are an ignorant piece of shit..

Science is about data and observations which either prove or disprove the hypothesis. You keep babbling on about consensus and ignore the fact you have no observed empirical evidence to support your position. This tells me that you are a political hack and nothing more.. Be a good little left wing puke, take your schitck and fuck off or you can grow up and admit you don't know shit.


Ha ha ha ha ha.

You people are fucking morons.

You have empirical evidence to support your fantasy? Produce it...
So, Mann complied with the court order to turn over his data?

Given that it's all freely available on the internet, obviously yes.

Data Sources

So, why are you making the lunatic claim that Mann has withheld data? Yes, yes, a crazy guy writing on the PSI conspiracy blog said so, but do you have any evidence that isn't faked?

So why didn't Mann offer your B.S. website as " data"?
Mann's waiting for realdave to make it up and post it..
So why didn't Mann offer your B.S. website as " data"?

Stuff it, troll. You've been busted for lying about Mann, and now you're crying.

It won't matter, of course. You'll still keep lying. It's what commie cultists like you and Billy do. TheParty has told you to lie, so you lie.
I have a strong feeling that discovery is asking for more than just the (complete) data and methodologies for Mann 98,99. I bet the AR4 correspondence that Jones asked to be deleted is also there.

I must admit that I am impressed that the missing details have remained hidden for so long.
So why didn't Mann offer your B.S. website as " data"?

Stuff it, troll. You've been busted for lying about Mann, and now you're crying.

It won't matter, of course. You'll still keep lying. It's what commie cultists like you and Billy do. TheParty has told you to lie, so you lie.

So you're saying the court got it wrong and Mann turned over the data?

You Warmers live in an alternate reality
So, Mann complied with the court order to turn over his data?

Given that it's all freely available on the internet, obviously yes.

Data Sources

So, why are you making the lunatic claim that Mann has withheld data? Yes, yes, a crazy guy writing on the PSI conspiracy blog said so, but do you have any evidence that isn't faked?

So why didn't Mann offer your B.S. website as " data"?
Mann's waiting for realdave to make it up and post it..

mamooth is going to rescue his Messiah by running into court and showing the judge the website
So why didn't Mann offer your B.S. website as " data"?

Stuff it, troll. You've been busted for lying about Mann, and now you're crying.

It won't matter, of course. You'll still keep lying. It's what commie cultists like you and Billy do. TheParty has told you to lie, so you lie.

So you're saying the court got it wrong and Mann turned over the data?

You Warmers live in an alternate reality
they have too

what other choice do they have
So why didn't Mann offer your B.S. website as " data"?

Stuff it, troll. You've been busted for lying about Mann, and now you're crying..

Looks like you are the one crying hairball..."stuff it troll"? That sounds like a deer in the headlights response didn't see that coming and don't have a rational response so you fling some dung instead. Your typical knee jerk reaction.
Precisely what "missing details" would those be Ian?

Why do you expect me to answer your questions when you typically refuse to respond to my pointed inquiries?

If the details are missing, how would I know what they are?

Climategate 1.0 was eight years ago so the specifics are getting fuzzy but one area that stands out is attachments to emails. The emails were released but that did not include the attachments. Much of the controversy over Paleo data involved which versions of datasets we're being used. ie- the long running feud between McIntyre and Briffa over releasing Siberian treering data and identification. McIntyre knew a 'bait and switch' was going on but couldn't prove it until the Journal Phil Trans B finally forced Briffa to release the data years later. At which point the Climate Team said it was 'old news' and ignored the transgression.
I have a strong feeling that discovery is asking for more than just the (complete) data and methodologies for Mann 98,99. I bet the AR4 correspondence that Jones asked to be deleted is also there.

I must admit that I am impressed that the missing details have remained hidden for so long.
Mann has used the tactic of Sue and then drag it out until the funds of your opponent run out and they quit. He picked two fights that have ample funds to defend themselves and the guts to kick him in the nut sack repeatedly.

Mann did not expect the court to make him show the Data, Methods, and communications in order to prove he was maligned and that the statements made about him were untrue. Now he is ordered to do so and he is screaming like a little bitch and refuses to comply with the courts order to produce.

In Canada, this results in the charge of deception to create malicious court actions (both civilly and criminally). Mann's refusal to produce the information has made him a criminal, guilty of deception to create malicious court actions. A couple of my friends in Canada tell me he could be required to pay all attorney fees, all court costs, and be required to pay punitive damages (all of which have been asked for in this case). He will be labeled a liar and barred from any further court actions on the matter. Mann is FUCKED as this can now be used as legal precedent in the Styne case as well.
I have a strong feeling that discovery is asking for more than just the (complete) data and methodologies for Mann 98,99. I bet the AR4 correspondence that Jones asked to be deleted is also there.

I must admit that I am impressed that the missing details have remained hidden for so long.
Mann has used the tactic of Sue and then drag it out until the funds of your opponent run out and they quit. He picked two fights that have ample funds to defend themselves and the guts to kick him in the nut sack repeatedly.

Mann did not expect the court to make him show the Data, Methods, and communications in order to prove he was maligned and that the statements made about him were untrue. Now he is ordered to do so and he is screaming like a little bitch and refuses to comply with the courts order to produce.

In Canada, this results in the charge of deception to create malicious court actions (both civilly and criminally). Mann's refusal to produce the information has made him a criminal, guilty of deception to create malicious court actions. A couple of my friends in Canada tell me he could be required to pay all attorney fees, all court costs, and be required to pay punitive damages (all of which have been asked for in this case). He will be labeled a liar and barred from any further court actions on the matter. Mann is FUCKED as this can now be used as legal precedent in the Styne case as well.

Yup. Mann is the new Al Gore. Except that Gore actually did win a Nobel Prize.
I have a strong feeling that discovery is asking for more than just the (complete) data and methodologies for Mann 98,99. I bet the AR4 correspondence that Jones asked to be deleted is also there.

I must admit that I am impressed that the missing details have remained hidden for so long.
Mann has used the tactic of Sue and then drag it out until the funds of your opponent run out and they quit. He picked two fights that have ample funds to defend themselves and the guts to kick him in the nut sack repeatedly.

Mann did not expect the court to make him show the Data, Methods, and communications in order to prove he was maligned and that the statements made about him were untrue. Now he is ordered to do so and he is screaming like a little bitch and refuses to comply with the courts order to produce.

In Canada, this results in the charge of deception to create malicious court actions (both civilly and criminally). Mann's refusal to produce the information has made him a criminal, guilty of deception to create malicious court actions. A couple of my friends in Canada tell me he could be required to pay all attorney fees, all court costs, and be required to pay punitive damages (all of which have been asked for in this case). He will be labeled a liar and barred from any further court actions on the matter. Mann is FUCKED as this can now be used as legal precedent in the Styne case as well.

Yup. Mann is the new Al Gore. Except that Gore actually did win a Nobel Prize.
Mann was found in contempt on Tuesday this week (found guilty of ethical misconduct). The court will hand down its rulings on what Mann will be required to pay and what the damages are going to be next month.

Mann will be unable to sue anyone in Canada on this topic again and his credibility as a witness in any cases will be ZERO. Mann shot himself in the feet on this now. He is now labeled a liar and untrustworthy. Many of us knew that already but it is now a matter of court record. A precedent that is going to nuke all of his suits in the US now-convicted of intentional deception and malicious prosecution. LMAO So much for being an ethical scientist..
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Just a reminder that temperature adjustments have made the warming look smaller, so the denier conspiracy theory about adjustments is flagrantly dishonest and stupid.

The two sides are completely different. The rational people are scrupulously honest. The deniers almost always lie,

Just a reminder that temperature adjustments have made the warming look smaller, so the denier conspiracy theory about adjustments is flagrantly dishonest and stupid.

The two sides are completely different. The rational people are scrupulously honest. The deniers almost always lie,

Making the the warming of the 1930 disappear and exaggerating today's warming are not ethical or warranted changes... You keep posting this Karl Et Al lie and we are tired of showing you a liar..
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ooks like you are the one crying hairball..."stuff it troll"? That sounds like a deer in the headlights response didn't see that coming and don't have a rational response so you fling some dung instead. Your typical knee jerk reaction.

You're lying about Mann. You know it, we know it, everyone knows it.

None of the denier cultists has been able to show any evidence backing up their kook claims about Mann. They're all lying. They all know they're lying, they know we know, but they still lie.

Why? Because that's what their cult expects of them. They'd rather humiliate themselves by telling such stupid lies than not bleat along with the rest of the cult sheep. That's how devoted to the cult they are.

If any of the liars wishes to claim they're not lying, then they should prove it by posting the evidence to back up their loopy claims. You know, the exact same claims that they made 3 years ago, and just recently repeated almost word-for-word. Given that 3 years have passed, they don't have the excuse that it's "too recent". So they should post that evidence. If they're not lying, it should be easy for them to do. If they are lying, they'll just scream and cry at me now.
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making the the warming of the 1930 disappear and exaggerating today's warming are not ethical or warranted changes... You keep post this lie and we are tired of showing you a liar..

That's another reason why the world now correctly defines you as the fanatical acolyte of a liars' cult. Whenever you're presented with actual data that debunks your corrupt religious beliefs, you auto-deny it, screaming that reality is a conspiracy against you.

That's not just done by those as openly crazy as Billy and SSDD. Even the deniers who feign rationality now rely almost exclusively on the tactic of invoking their conspiracy theory whenever they see data that contradicts their religious beliefs.
You're lying about Mann. You know it, we know it, everyone knows it.

No hairball...what everyone knows is that once again, you are trying to defend the indefensible..and excuse the inexcusable...
No hairball...what everyone knows is that once again, you are trying to defend the indefensible..and excuse the inexcusable...

So, chickenshit, where's your evidence about Mann refusing a court order?

Oh look, you don't have any.

That's because it's a fictional story. All deniers are expected to repeat that lie, so you repeat it.

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