Creator of Infamous Hockey Stick Graph Refuses to Turn Over Data to Court

The man behind the Climategate Scandal where he admitted in emails he would destroy the man made global warming fake data rather than have other scientists look at now in Contempt of Court. He sued Mark Styen, who called him out for his fake data.....and now, he is refusing to produce his data for the court....

Articles: Things Get Hot for Michael Mann

He did even worse; he launched a campaign of punitive lawsuits against anyone who criticized him. He has sued Mark Steyn, National Review Online, and climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball.

Mann shot himself in the foot with that last. For several years, Mann had refused to produce his data for the court (in support of his own case), claiming that it was “proprietary.” After missing a February 20th deadline, he now finds himself in contempt. Under Canadian law, the court is now required to dismiss the suit.

John O'Sullivan goes into detail:

"The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball… is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”


"Michael Mann, who chose to file what many consider to be a cynical SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) libel suit in the British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver six long years ago, has astonished legal experts by refusing to comply with the court direction to hand over all his disputed graph’s data. Mann’s iconic hockey stick has been relied upon by the UN’s IPCC and western governments as crucial evidence for the science of ‘man-made global warming.’

As first reported in Principia Scientific International (February 1, 2017), the defendant in the case, Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, had won “concessions” against Mann, but at the time the details were kept confidential, pending Mann’s response.

The negative and unresponsive actions of Dr Mann and his lawyer, Roger McConchie, are expected to infuriate the judge and be the signal for the collapse of Mann’s multi-million dollar libel suit against Dr Ball. It will be music to the ears of so-called ‘climate deniers’ like President Donald Trump and his EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt."

Mann has been waging lawfare against people who have rightly called him out on his deceptive practices, practices paid for with tax dollars and subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

In point of fact, the Gang Green, the radical environmental lobby promoting the global warming hysteria, has poured massiveamounts of money into the effort, far more than was spent by their opposition.

You claim it is fake so why the fuck do you want it?

If one of your denier buddies want to do research, get their own data. Fuck you people & your constant whining & never ending stupidity of science denial.

Your hero Tim Ball is NOT a climate scientist. He taught geography. He is a fossil fuel funded dumbass whose job is to dupe dumbassses like you.

MMGW deniers are the dumbest people on the planet who hate their children.
The man behind the Climategate Scandal where he admitted in emails he would destroy the man made global warming fake data rather than have other scientists look at now in Contempt of Court. He sued Mark Styen, who called him out for his fake data.....and now, he is refusing to produce his data for the court....

Articles: Things Get Hot for Michael Mann

He did even worse; he launched a campaign of punitive lawsuits against anyone who criticized him. He has sued Mark Steyn, National Review Online, and climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball.

Mann shot himself in the foot with that last. For several years, Mann had refused to produce his data for the court (in support of his own case), claiming that it was “proprietary.” After missing a February 20th deadline, he now finds himself in contempt. Under Canadian law, the court is now required to dismiss the suit.

John O'Sullivan goes into detail:

"The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball… is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”


"Michael Mann, who chose to file what many consider to be a cynical SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) libel suit in the British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver six long years ago, has astonished legal experts by refusing to comply with the court direction to hand over all his disputed graph’s data. Mann’s iconic hockey stick has been relied upon by the UN’s IPCC and western governments as crucial evidence for the science of ‘man-made global warming.’

As first reported in Principia Scientific International (February 1, 2017), the defendant in the case, Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, had won “concessions” against Mann, but at the time the details were kept confidential, pending Mann’s response.

The negative and unresponsive actions of Dr Mann and his lawyer, Roger McConchie, are expected to infuriate the judge and be the signal for the collapse of Mann’s multi-million dollar libel suit against Dr Ball. It will be music to the ears of so-called ‘climate deniers’ like President Donald Trump and his EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt."

Mann has been waging lawfare against people who have rightly called him out on his deceptive practices, practices paid for with tax dollars and subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

In point of fact, the Gang Green, the radical environmental lobby promoting the global warming hysteria, has poured massiveamounts of money into the effort, far more than was spent by their opposition.

You claim it is fake so why the fuck do you want it?

If one of your denier buddies want to do research, get their own data. Fuck you people & your constant whining & never ending stupidity of science denial.

Your hero Tim Ball is NOT a climate scientist. He taught geography. He is a fossil fuel funded dumbass whose job is to dupe dumbassses like you.

MMGW deniers are the dumbest people on the planet who hate their children.

I guess prosecutors never wanted Madoff's books, because, you know, they were fake.....

And Bill Nye is a Mechanical Engineer, not a scientist, doesn't stop your side from trotting him out every time you want to make a science point.

I think people who support bloated government spending with countless issued IOU's hate their children.
The man behind the Climategate Scandal where he admitted in emails he would destroy the man made global warming fake data rather than have other scientists look at now in Contempt of Court. He sued Mark Styen, who called him out for his fake data.....and now, he is refusing to produce his data for the court....

Articles: Things Get Hot for Michael Mann

He did even worse; he launched a campaign of punitive lawsuits against anyone who criticized him. He has sued Mark Steyn, National Review Online, and climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball.

Mann shot himself in the foot with that last. For several years, Mann had refused to produce his data for the court (in support of his own case), claiming that it was “proprietary.” After missing a February 20th deadline, he now finds himself in contempt. Under Canadian law, the court is now required to dismiss the suit.

John O'Sullivan goes into detail:

"The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball… is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”


"Michael Mann, who chose to file what many consider to be a cynical SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) libel suit in the British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver six long years ago, has astonished legal experts by refusing to comply with the court direction to hand over all his disputed graph’s data. Mann’s iconic hockey stick has been relied upon by the UN’s IPCC and western governments as crucial evidence for the science of ‘man-made global warming.’

As first reported in Principia Scientific International (February 1, 2017), the defendant in the case, Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, had won “concessions” against Mann, but at the time the details were kept confidential, pending Mann’s response.

The negative and unresponsive actions of Dr Mann and his lawyer, Roger McConchie, are expected to infuriate the judge and be the signal for the collapse of Mann’s multi-million dollar libel suit against Dr Ball. It will be music to the ears of so-called ‘climate deniers’ like President Donald Trump and his EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt."

Mann has been waging lawfare against people who have rightly called him out on his deceptive practices, practices paid for with tax dollars and subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

In point of fact, the Gang Green, the radical environmental lobby promoting the global warming hysteria, has poured massiveamounts of money into the effort, far more than was spent by their opposition.

You claim it is fake so why the fuck do you want it?

If one of your denier buddies want to do research, get their own data. Fuck you people & your constant whining & never ending stupidity of science denial.

Your hero Tim Ball is NOT a climate scientist. He taught geography. He is a fossil fuel funded dumbass whose job is to dupe dumbassses like you.

MMGW deniers are the dumbest people on the planet who hate their children.

Mann's education:
Education A.B. applied mathematics and physics (1989), MS physics (1991), MPhil physics (1991), MPhil geology (1993), PhD geology & geophysics (1998)[1]

So what qualifies him as a climatologist?
The hockey stick graph that really counts and gives rise to all the rest.


And it too is wrong. Simple graphs are the products of simpletons.

"We are living in a paradoxical time of population growth. In the media, there have been alarming reports asking how the world will be able to deal with a much larger population in years to come. The challenges are real, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, whose population is expected to double by 2050 and possibly quadruple by 2100. At the same time, we have been experiencing the most rapid decline in global population growth ever.

But how can we reconcile those two facts: a rapid expansion of total population numbers with a fast slowdown of population growth? Here is an analogy from the world of cars: imagine you are driving on a German motorway, where speed limits are notoriously non-existent. You are cruising at 160km/h (100m/h) but soon you cross the border into France, where 130 km/h is the limit. You are still driving very fast, though substantially slower than before. Now you switch to a regional road, driving at 80km/h, and now you slow down further to 50 km/h as you enter into a town. Meanwhile, someone else is still driving at 160 km/h on that Autobahn.

Global population growth is following a similar path. Even though we are still growing at a high rate the slowdown has already started and we will never revert to the high speed we had in the past. We have already passed two historical peaks of global demography a few decades ago:

  • In 1968, we reached the relative peak in global population growth rate. Then, the world grew at a record 2.09 percent – adding 73.2 million to a world population of 3.54 billion. This historical peak was part of a seven-year high-growth period – from 1966 to 1972 – and the only time in recorded history when the world’s population grew above two percent. I was also born at that time.
  • In 1988, just before the fall of the Berlin wall, we reached the absolute peak in global population growth (i.e. in the number of people added). The world gained almost 93 million people and since then world population growth has been declining also in absolute terms."
The Rapid Slowdown of Population Growth

Hey Westwall- quit being such a Dick by screwing up liberal snowflake Konradv's world view with your dumb facts. If he were interested in the truth and facts he'd be a conservative. He doesn't need you pointing out that his world view is wrong. Now apologize to him and while you're at it, as punishment, you need to tell him Hillary would have won if Russia didn't change his vote.

Figure 1: Northern Hemisphere temperature changes estimated from various proxy records shown in blue (Mann 1999). Instrumental data shown in red. Note the large uncertainty(grey area) as you go further back in time.


Figure 2: Original hockey stick graph (blue - MBH1998) compared to Wahl & Ammann reconstruction (red). Instrumental record in black (Wahl 2007).

Figure 3: Global surface temperature change over the last five centuries from boreholes (thick red line). Shading represents uncertainty. Blue line is a five year running average of HadCRUT global surface air temperature (Huang 2000).

Figure 4: Northern Hemisphere annual temperature reconstruction from speleothem reconstructions shown with 2 standard error (shaded area) (Smith 2006).


Figure 5: Global mean temperature calculated form glaciers. The red vertical lines indicate uncertainty.


Figure 6: Composite Northern Hemisphere land and land plus ocean temperature reconstructions and estimated 95% confidence intervals. Shown for comparison are published Northern Hemisphere reconstructions (Mann 2008).

What evidence is there for the hockey stick?

Solid evidence from many sources that the hockey stick is real.

This is huge......

Many hundreds of peer-reviewed papers cite Mann’s work, which is now effectively junked. Despite having deep-pocketed backers willing and able to feed his ego as a publicity-seeking mouthpiece against skeptics, Mann’s credibility as a champion of environmentalism is in tatters.

Yep, all of the sheep who jumped on the bandwagon to get funding have found themselves in the middle of the ocean without a life jacket.
The man behind the Climategate Scandal where he admitted in emails he would destroy the man made global warming fake data rather than have other scientists look at now in Contempt of Court. He sued Mark Styen, who called him out for his fake data.....and now, he is refusing to produce his data for the court....

Articles: Things Get Hot for Michael Mann

He did even worse; he launched a campaign of punitive lawsuits against anyone who criticized him. He has sued Mark Steyn, National Review Online, and climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball.

Mann shot himself in the foot with that last. For several years, Mann had refused to produce his data for the court (in support of his own case), claiming that it was “proprietary.” After missing a February 20th deadline, he now finds himself in contempt. Under Canadian law, the court is now required to dismiss the suit.

John O'Sullivan goes into detail:

"The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball… is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”


"Michael Mann, who chose to file what many consider to be a cynical SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) libel suit in the British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver six long years ago, has astonished legal experts by refusing to comply with the court direction to hand over all his disputed graph’s data. Mann’s iconic hockey stick has been relied upon by the UN’s IPCC and western governments as crucial evidence for the science of ‘man-made global warming.’

As first reported in Principia Scientific International (February 1, 2017), the defendant in the case, Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, had won “concessions” against Mann, but at the time the details were kept confidential, pending Mann’s response.

The negative and unresponsive actions of Dr Mann and his lawyer, Roger McConchie, are expected to infuriate the judge and be the signal for the collapse of Mann’s multi-million dollar libel suit against Dr Ball. It will be music to the ears of so-called ‘climate deniers’ like President Donald Trump and his EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt."

Mann has been waging lawfare against people who have rightly called him out on his deceptive practices, practices paid for with tax dollars and subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

In point of fact, the Gang Green, the radical environmental lobby promoting the global warming hysteria, has poured massiveamounts of money into the effort, far more than was spent by their opposition.

You claim it is fake so why the fuck do you want it?

If one of your denier buddies want to do research, get their own data. Fuck you people & your constant whining & never ending stupidity of science denial.

Your hero Tim Ball is NOT a climate scientist. He taught geography. He is a fossil fuel funded dumbass whose job is to dupe dumbassses like you.

MMGW deniers are the dumbest people on the planet who hate their children.

Moron.....he is suing another scientist......the data is part of the court case and it is also good science to allow other scientists to review your work..which he refused to do even before this...
Anybody who would rely on a mere 1000-2000 years of data to declare major planet climate shift is a fool.

Actually it's only 100-200 years of direct data. The rest is implied data. and even the direct data sources and methods have changed, requiring "correction" to the values.
The man behind the Climategate Scandal where he admitted in emails he would destroy the man made global warming fake data rather than have other scientists look at now in Contempt of Court. He sued Mark Styen, who called him out for his fake data.....and now, he is refusing to produce his data for the court....

Articles: Things Get Hot for Michael Mann

He did even worse; he launched a campaign of punitive lawsuits against anyone who criticized him. He has sued Mark Steyn, National Review Online, and climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball.

Mann shot himself in the foot with that last. For several years, Mann had refused to produce his data for the court (in support of his own case), claiming that it was “proprietary.” After missing a February 20th deadline, he now finds himself in contempt. Under Canadian law, the court is now required to dismiss the suit.

John O'Sullivan goes into detail:

"The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball… is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”


"Michael Mann, who chose to file what many consider to be a cynical SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) libel suit in the British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver six long years ago, has astonished legal experts by refusing to comply with the court direction to hand over all his disputed graph’s data. Mann’s iconic hockey stick has been relied upon by the UN’s IPCC and western governments as crucial evidence for the science of ‘man-made global warming.’

As first reported in Principia Scientific International (February 1, 2017), the defendant in the case, Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, had won “concessions” against Mann, but at the time the details were kept confidential, pending Mann’s response.

The negative and unresponsive actions of Dr Mann and his lawyer, Roger McConchie, are expected to infuriate the judge and be the signal for the collapse of Mann’s multi-million dollar libel suit against Dr Ball. It will be music to the ears of so-called ‘climate deniers’ like President Donald Trump and his EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt."

Mann has been waging lawfare against people who have rightly called him out on his deceptive practices, practices paid for with tax dollars and subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

In point of fact, the Gang Green, the radical environmental lobby promoting the global warming hysteria, has poured massiveamounts of money into the effort, far more than was spent by their opposition.

You claim it is fake so why the fuck do you want it?

If one of your denier buddies want to do research, get their own data. Fuck you people & your constant whining & never ending stupidity of science denial.

Your hero Tim Ball is NOT a climate scientist. He taught geography. He is a fossil fuel funded dumbass whose job is to dupe dumbassses like you.

MMGW deniers are the dumbest people on the planet who hate their children.

I guess prosecutors never wanted Madoff's books, because, you know, they were fake.....

And Bill Nye is a Mechanical Engineer, not a scientist, doesn't stop your side from trotting him out every time you want to make a science point.

I think people who support bloated government spending with countless issued IOU's hate their children.
Tim Ball has a Ph.D., in Historical Climatology from the University of London!

Sent from my iPhone 25S GT Turbo
Thread summary:

A kook website made up a crazy story about Dr. Mann, and all the deniers fell for it.

Kooks, you did notice that the PSI story just made a lot of crazy claims and didn't back them up at all, right? Oh wait, none of you even read the story. You just saw a headline and BELIEVED. That's why your masters appreciate your service as Useful Idiots.

That PSI piece has a bunch of whoppers. For example, it claims Mann sued Ball under SLAPP, which is incorrect. Mann sued Ball for libel. If the article gets something so basic so totally wrong, why would you trust it?

Seriously, why are all you deniers so damn gullible?
The American Stinker and Gateway Pundit???

You cannot be serious.

Apparently there is no such contempt of court ruling. These stories are spurious according to Michael Mann's lawyer. He is in full compliance with all court orders issued

Also, the law suit is about libel and slander. The court is not ruling whether climate change is real.

Lord but you people are gullible.
Last edited:
Thread summary:

A kook website made up a crazy story about Dr. Mann, and all the deniers fell for it.

Kooks, you did notice that the PSI story just made a lot of crazy claims and didn't back them up at all, right? Oh wait, none of you even read the story. You just saw a headline and BELIEVED. That's why your masters appreciate your service as Useful Idiots.

That PSI piece has a bunch of whoppers. For example, it claims Mann sued Ball under SLAPP, which is incorrect. Mann sued Ball for libel. If the article gets something so basic so totally wrong, why would you trust it?

Seriously, why are all you deniers so damn gullible?
That has to be the dumbest post on this website ever. Mann sued for libel because his data was called bullshit. And he is now in contempt of court because he refuses to prove his case. Because yes, his work is bullshit.
Next stop after every lawyer involved on both sides for the past 6 years hands him a bill for their services - criminal trial for misusing public funds to create fake science.
That has to be the dumbest post on this website ever. Mann sued for libel because his data was called bullshit. And he is now in contempt of court because he refuses to prove his case. Because yes, his work is bullshit.
Next stop after every lawyer involved on both sides for the past 6 years hands him a bill for their services - criminal trial for misusing public funds to create fake science.

Whatever the topic, you can count on the hairball to say the stupidest thing possible, and to always try and defend the inexcusable and indefensible. She has a first class seat on the AGW crazy train and is doomed to ride it right over the cliff being to stupid to read the very clear handwriting on the wall.
That has to be the dumbest post on this website ever. Mann sued for libel because his data was called bullshit. And he is now in contempt of court because he refuses to prove his case. Because yes, his work is bullshit.
Next stop after every lawyer involved on both sides for the past 6 years hands him a bill for their services - criminal trial for misusing public funds to create fake science.

Whatever the topic, you can count on the hairball to say the stupidest thing possible, and to always try and defend the inexcusable and indefensible. She has a first class seat on the AGW crazy train and is doomed to ride it right over the cliff being to stupid to read the very clear handwriting on the wall.
dude, I'll never understand the catwoman.
Thread summary:

A kook website made up a crazy story about Dr. Mann, and all the deniers fell for it.

Kooks, you did notice that the PSI story just made a lot of crazy claims and didn't back them up at all, right? Oh wait, none of you even read the story. You just saw a headline and BELIEVED. That's why your masters appreciate your service as Useful Idiots.

That PSI piece has a bunch of whoppers. For example, it claims Mann sued Ball under SLAPP, which is incorrect. Mann sued Ball for libel. If the article gets something so basic so totally wrong, why would you trust it?

Seriously, why are all you deniers so damn gullible?

I suggest you actually look at the Court ruling there little mammy. It is YOU who are the kook.
The American Stinker and Gateway Pundit???

You cannot be serious.

Apparently there is no such contempt of court ruling. These stories are spurious according to Michael Mann's lawyer. He is in full compliance with all court orders issued

Also, the law suit is about libel and slander. The court is not ruling whether climate change is real.

Lord but you people are gullible.


If one of your denier buddies want to do research, get their own data. Fuck you people & your constant whining & never ending stupidity of science denial.

Your hero Tim Ball is NOT a climate scientist. He taught geography. He is a fossil fuel funded dumbass whose job is to dupe dumbassses like you.

MMGW deniers are the dumbest people on the planet who hate their children.
The only denial comes from AGW propagandists, their subsidized advocates and the sheeple who lap up the BS.
There is plenty of science refuting and debunking AGW alarmism. Problem is you'll never know about it if you continue to rely on MSM and other left wing propagandists.

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