Crimea, the horrors of occupation - doesn't anyone care any more?

America's war weary malaise must really suck for people who like explosions.
What America did in Iraq and Afghanistan was exposed and no one cared. Why would Crimea be any different?
America's war weary malaise must really suck for people who like explosions.


Russia needs to go stir up a new provacative front somewhere else. It must be very frustrating to plan a strategy of that size, of bleeding the US's military strength and Treasury, only to find that the average American has an attention span focus of like 5 days tops.

Maybe N. Korea could act up again? Another announcement of more nukes technology in Iran? Some more chemical weapons in Syria? Another group of girls taken in Africa? [girls just the same age and ethnicity of the Obama's strike a particular chord...]

[cue Dick Cheney calling Obama "the weakest president ever"] Some Russian allies might surprise you. I'm leaning towards money being the true despot waging war on being discovered.


If people haven't figured out we are being baited by Russia and her allies by now, they never will. Really? An invasion right after the Olympics? That's like the Benghazi thing happening on 9-11. Those old internal power-structure schemes used to work back in the day. But now we have the internet and people get informed at lightening speed. And they come to conclusions on their own with the same speed. Those antics remind me of children's level of sophistication in getting the bad attention that they want.

Personally, I'm glad we have a Kumbaya president right now. Can you imagine the state of affairs if we had a war-mongering GOP idiot like McCain in his place? I don't know about you, but I'd like our economy to recover just a little more before we enter WWIII...
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It boils down to what the liberal media cares about. It was hard to find a story about Nazi atrocities back in the 30's while they were systematically killing Jews and Russia was our friend while FDR called Stalin "uncle joe". The liberal media sent news "anchor" Brian Williams to Russia but it wasn't about covering the strained relationship with the US or Russia's sudden aggressiveness. It was about throwing softball questions at a traitor.
You could show pics of Chicago that hint it's a great place to live....
As well as in any other major city in US, but beneath the glamor of Crimea lies the hidden dictator with his rape rooms, torture chambers, eating live lobsters and plotting to destroy American freedoms. Right?
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The Crimeans are quite happy to be back as Russian. Their taxes went down enormously and they certainly have more freedom than if the EU imposed their domination.
WeeWee, I am not blaming nor defending anyone
By all means, let's invade and go to war with Russia. Since the test ban treaty, neither Russia or us have had a chance to see if our nuclear weapons are still in working order.
What the Russian savages are doing in Crimea must be exposed, our media hides the facts: This is terrible, we must help Crimea! - Crimea, the horrors of occupation
Send your prayers to and your donations to ....

Yep considering Crimea was part of the Russian ssr and gifted to the Ukrainian ssr by Khrushchev in 1954

Crimea became part of Ukraine in the first place. Moscow transferred the peninsula—which is connected to the Ukrainian mainland by a narrow isthmus—to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1954.

It’s often said that Premier Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea as a “gift” to his adopted country.
You could show pics of Chicago that hint it's a great place to live....
As well as in any other major city in US, but beneath the glamor of Crimea lies the hidden dictator with his rape rooms, torture chambers, eating live lobsters and plotting to destroy American freedoms. Right?

No, behind all that lies a leader in cahoots with several other America-hating nations trying to stir up sentiments in the American public to spur our leaders to enter a war as our economy struggles to recover.

Look, I don't blame them for hating and wanting revenge on Bush/Cheney America. We could solve all of our world-perception issues with one swoop: turn Dubya, Bush Sr. & Dick Cheney & the rest of their gang over to the Hague for prosecution. But these men are too powerful.... Only as long as everyone agrees they are. Perhaps their army will have an attack of conscience...? Maybe after a few more Edward Snowdens step forward to tattle we can fashion some irons for these folks? The world would love us for it. So much less expensive to stay out of a war for awhile and build back an economic infrastructure nearly bled to death by outsourcing to China...

...hey! China is another of Russia's allies..

And so the insane wheel of stupid banana hording monkeys keeps spinning around.. As chunks of pack ice around the poles break away, hurricanes and tornados grow exponentially...freak cold and heat snaps push infrastructures around the world to the breaking point..

Carry on monkeys with your monkey business. It's like throwing your feces into the wind just to spite it...

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