Criminal investigation of Russia probe has top Dems in a frenzy.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
This is starting to get entertaining.

House committee chairs Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler release a joint statement criticizing Durham, accusing the DOJ of 'political revenge.'

This is starting to get entertaining.

House committee chairs Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler release a joint statement criticizing Durham, accusing the DOJ of 'political revenge.'

They did not do anything yet! What are they afraid of?
This is starting to get entertaining.

House committee chairs Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler release a joint statement criticizing Durham, accusing the DOJ of 'political revenge.'

Both are material witnesses in the manufacture of the dossier and received personal briefings from Steel while helping him sell it. They are in deep shit.. Potential prison time or a death sentence for treason.

Schumer and a few democrats in the senate are right there with them... Have you noticed Chuck is silent?
A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

The Iran/Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan/Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of US law.

On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane. The New York Times (12/25/92) reported this as “Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Averting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails ‘Cover-Up.'”

The attorney general for Bush who approved the pardons, William Barr, is now being nominated for the same position by Trump. Is this background relevant? Though current news columns are rife with speculation that Trump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates, the dominant US news wire service doesn’t seem to think so.

Triumph of Conventional Wisdom: AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr’s Record

The false implication is that Bush did not himself face intensifying investigations from Lawrence Walsh, who operated out of the Justice Department’s Office of Special Counsel. The misleading comparison is compounded by Tucker describing Trump as “breaking with the practice of shielding law enforcement from political influence” and ousting Attorney General Jeff Sessions for “not protecting him in the Russia investigation”—as if Barr didn’t have direct experience in the first Bush administration with imposing political influence on law enforcement to protect a president from investigation.
They are blatantly saying investigating Trump is good...investigating democrats is bad :auiqs.jpg:

Oh I need more popcorn!
This is starting to get entertaining.

House committee chairs Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler release a joint statement criticizing Durham, accusing the DOJ of 'political revenge.'

According to Nadler and Schiff regarding Obstruction of Rosenstein during the Mueller report, they both are obstructing Justice.
This is the branch that oversights the House to report Nadler and Schiffs Obstruction and undermining of Barr and Durhams investigations:
Make a Submission
Submit the Obstruction concern for review and investigations by the Dept that oversees Congressional ethics violations.
This is starting to get entertaining.

House committee chairs Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler release a joint statement criticizing Durham, accusing the DOJ of 'political revenge.'

According to Nadler and Schiff regarding Obstruction of Rosenstein during the Mueller report, they both are obstructing Justice.
This is the branch that oversights the House to report Nadler and Schiffs Obstruction and undermining of Barr and Durhams investigations:
Make a Submission
Submit the Obstruction concern for review and investigations by the Dept that oversees Congressional ethics violations.

Believe it or not, Trump has some pretty smart advisors around him that not
many people know about. ( besides his 'personal attorney' Rudy Giuliani) like Tony Shaffer, (the Able Danger whistleblower ) who's on his 2020
reelection board.
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I was wondering if this would happen.

It appears some 46 (or more) sealed indictments were just delivered to the the Federal District Court in DC. This is not an uncommon practice when delivering a report which is ending up in a criminal investigation prior to revealing the inquiry report...

Link when it becomes available..

Looking like the IG report will indeed come out tomorrow..
Good thing I stocked up on popcorn... this next week is going to be interesting...

I wonder who gets perp walked first?
Clapper sounds like the Nuremberg trial nazis, he's already given up Obama by saying "he was only following orders", which is an admission he knows he did wrong and it was wrong, but never advised against it nor alerted anyone, nor tell the truth when asked about it.
Minimum they got an admission of perjury, but come on, he admitted his treason. But really Excusing himself based on following Obama's orders=admitting fascism by the former administration.
[ I told you] THE RACE BAITING IN THE MEDIA AND Dem strategy=was to protect Obama from being prosecuted=pull out the ole race card they preped the masses for in hopes of a free keep out of jail card later.=protect their corruption tactic=deflect it to race=race baiting strategy 101.
Dems perfected it. It's what kept
Elijah Cummings from being removed and arrested as they used his PAST civils rights activism to keep his recent corruption (he was under investigation) on the down low. They drew out his investigation in hopes it would NATURALLY GO AWAY by retirement or health, and we see health might have been why it was delayed & laxed all along. We can't let people use fear and manipulation to obstruct justice, we got to nip it in the bud as it occurs or they will take advantage of their positions and of the law through such strategy as we see now.
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Clapper sounds like the Nuremberg trial nazis, he's already given up Obama by saying "he was only following orders", which is an admission he knows he did wrong and it was wrong, but never advised against it nor alerted anyone, nor tell the truth when asked about it.
Minimum they got an admission of perjury, but come on, he admitted his treason. But really Excusing himself based on following Obama's orders=admitting fascism by the former administration.
Clapper admitting treason will put them all under the bus... Nice of him to do it on national TV and without Miranda.. I love UN-coerced statements.. Nowhere to hide now..
Good thing I stocked up on popcorn... this next week is going to be interesting...

I wonder who gets perp walked first?
The October surprise.
McCabe, Stzrok, Ohr, Comey, Rice and Brennan come to mind.
Mueller certainly should at least be subpoenaed by the Senate again for when he knew what.
Rosenstein and Weissman. Hillary Clinton hopefully.
Clapper sounds like the Nuremberg trial nazis, he's already given up Obama by saying "he was only following orders", which is an admission he knows he did wrong and it was wrong, but never advised against it nor alerted anyone, nor tell the truth when asked about it.
Minimum they got an admission of perjury, but come on, he admitted his treason. But really Excusing himself based on following Obama's orders=admitting fascism by the former administration.

Yea, Clapper should check out how the defense "just following orders" worked out for the Nuremberg Defendants after WWII.

(For you poor souls educated in a public school in a rotting Northern city run by Democrats for half a century---the Nuremberg Defendants are many of Hitler's key assistants and officers. They were hung---after a fair trial.)

Good thing I stocked up on popcorn... this next week is going to be interesting...

I wonder who gets perp walked first?
The October surprise.
McCabe, Stzrok, Ohr, Comey, Rice and Brennan come to mind.
Mueller certainly should at least be subpoenaed by the Senate again for when he knew what.
Rosenstein and Weissman. Hillary Clinton hopefully.
Mueller has to be questioned, because:
1) he broke 28 CFR Section 45.2 of the law when he did not recuse himself
2)because he knew the context of Trump merely discussing Muellers conflicts as a reason for removal was legitimate and even required then his continued investigation of obstruction was not just wrong it might be illegal in protection of his own wrong doing in not recusing himself and being compromised to hire Clinton's people.
WHICH WOULD ALLOW ASKING MUELLER ABOUT CLINTON'S ROLE IN THOSE HIRINGS OBSTRUCTING AND TAKING OVER HIS INVESTIGATION. IT opens up much questioning in further perameters to get to even bigger crimes of abuse of power, and threats and compromises that go with that from further up the ladder.
REMEMBER OBAMA WANTED TO BE KEPT UPDATED MIGHT tie into obstruction and or cohersion, if part of manipulating the 2018 mid term elections by extending the narrative then that is even a larger scope proving my point that this is not a legitimate majority congress.
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Clapper sounds like the Nuremberg trial nazis, he's already given up Obama by saying "he was only following orders", which is an admission he knows he did wrong and it was wrong, but never advised against it nor alerted anyone, nor tell the truth when asked about it.
Minimum they got an admission of perjury, but come on, he admitted his treason. But really Excusing himself based on following Obama's orders=admitting fascism by the former administration.

Yea, Clapper should check out how the defense "just following orders" worked out for the Nuremberg Defendants after WWII.

(For you poor souls educated in a public school in a rotting Northern city run by Democrats for half a century---the Nuremberg Defendants are many of Hitler's key assistants and officers. They were hung---after a fair trial.)

THEY WON'T BE HANGED or in front of a firing squad, however fairs fair, they caused domestic terrorism by their acts so they should be housed with other terrorists in Gitmo if that's still open. Brennan will feel at home there with some of his pals from regions he sold out his country to.
Tables rapidly turning
Corrupt Dems only entity on planet that when an illegality is unearthed they don’t deal with that but rather launch a witch hunt into how the unearther found out.
This is starting to get entertaining.
Criminal investigation of Russia probe has top Dems in a frenzy

And here I thought the Dims were still just in a TIZZY.

Now they have moved on into the FRENZY stage.

By year's end I expect they'll be in the APOPLEXY stage! :21:
This is starting to get entertaining.

House committee chairs Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler release a joint statement criticizing Durham, accusing the DOJ of 'political revenge.'

Had Bush spied on "Born in Kenya" Obama like that, Stalinist democrats would have already built the scaffolding for the public executions
Clapper sounds like the Nuremberg trial nazis, he's already given up Obama by saying "he was only following orders", which is an admission he knows he did wrong and it was wrong, but never advised against it nor alerted anyone, nor tell the truth when asked about it.
Minimum they got an admission of perjury, but come on, he admitted his treason. But really Excusing himself based on following Obama's orders=admitting fascism by the former administration.
[ I told you] THE RACE BAITING IN THE MEDIA AND Dem strategy=was to protect Obama from being prosecuted=pull out the ole race card they preped the masses for in hopes of a free keep out of jail card later.=protect their corruption tactic=deflect it to race=race baiting strategy 101.
Dems perfected it. It's what kept
Elijah Cummings from being removed and arrested as they used his PAST civils rights activism to keep his recent corruption (he was under investigation) on the down low. They drew out his investigation in hopes it would NATURALLY GO AWAY by retirement or health, and we see health might have been why it was delayed & laxed all along. We can't let people use fear and manipulation to obstruct justice, we got to nip it in the bud as it occurs or they will take advantage of their positions and of the law through such strategy as we see now.
Clapper is now starting every sentence with the phrase, "Obama told me to...."

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