Criminal Justice Reform - The Pit

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
First off, we need to expedite appellate review. This serves the purposes of (1) prompt justice and (2) making sure the defendant was fairly tried. Next, we need to limit habeas actions. Third, all legal appeals should be completed within 3 years of conviction; all habeas actions should be completed within 6 years of conviction. Unless the 6 year limiting rule is stayed by a judge for cause (e.g., new evidence), then on day 2,173 following conviction the judgment and sentence become permanent and no longer subject to review, except upon the showing of extraordinary circumstances. One the judgment is permanent, the next step to expeditiously execute justice is to execute the sentencing.

We can grade all the offenses and treat them accordingly. Death sentences should be carried out within five days of the judgment becoming permanent and unassailable. For non-death sentences for serious felonies that result in life in prison, they get The Pit, and they get it within 5 days of the judgment going permanent. What I envision here is a sizeable pit that is seemingly bottomless. Think Mel's hole. In fact, the current owners of Mel's home may be willing to make a little extra scratch by contracting it out to the state and federal corrections department. See Mel's Hole - Wikipedia

We could dig the holes out too. Or, we can use technology to locate deep undergrown caverns, then use explosives to remove the top layers of earth to expose the deep subterranean hole. Whatever, it is just a detail. Then we take the lifers upon execution of their sentences and throw their asses into the pit. Will the fall kill them, or will the ultimate result of being left in the pit kill them (dehydration, starvation)? Who cares. They are going to die eventually anyway. No human is immortal.

This is REAL punishment. I can hear the criminals talk among themselves now. "No bro!! Don't break into Goldstein's Jewelry!! You end up in Da Pit!!!" LOL!! Imagine the stink that will emanate from all those cretins rotting down there!! And you have to endure it and the dark and the forces of nature, pretty much alone, until you succumb. This is a punishment that will lead to a breakthrough correction of anti-social behavior.

Here is the controversial part of my plan. We must acknowledge that some people are more valuable to society than others. Most white collar criminals, for example, can be re-educated and made into productive workers, even if only through a program of indentured servitude. Others, however, have very little, if any, value to society. These are the car jackers, smash and dashers, etc... We are never going to, for example, lose the cure for cancer from some dope dealing gang banger going into the pit. Remember, it is not a death sentence, but it may accelerate their transcendence into the hereafter.

Unless the white collar convict is Patrick Bateman, then he or she just gets some hard time and incidentals (don't drop the soap!). We can make these people into something upon release, regardless of skin color. They have education and skills. Therefore, they are far superior to gang bangers. Essentially, the pit would be reserved for uneducated, unemployed scum bags who rob, kill, steal, abuse children, rape, etc... I would throw entitlements fraud into this category too. We can hash it out later. I think they main point is that if you cannot add to society, then society does not need you. We can put up with cripples, retards, and Democrats, right up until you commit a serious felony. Then you get the pit.

Some of you may have moral objections. This is fine. There is always going to be objections. I have no problem with this. Some may have political objections yet have no morals (Democrats). I say to you, Democrats, that your world paradigm is an illusion and you had better not commit a serious felony because if you do then you are going into the fucking pit!

tl/dr: fuck around and find out

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