Criminal referral issued on Comey, McCabe, Lynch,Clinton,Strzok and Page

You can't have one standard for the Clintons and another for everybody else. That's what's made the country so frustrated when. I heard Chuck Schumer crow on the Senate floor how a judge had to sign on this. This particular judge was Bill Clinton's nominee for 1993.
11 Congressmen out of 288 Republicans in Congress? Less than 4%.

Get that cell ready, again, one more time........
11 Congressmen out of 288 Republicans in Congress? Less than 4%.

Get that cell ready, again, one more time........

But no protection this time from the inside, aren’t you glad that maybe we will have a fair investigation into this finally.
Maybe they will appoint a anti Hillery/Obable investigation team, that way it will be fair. Kinda like the Trump haters investigation of Trump.

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Facts are the Republicans own worst enemy!

Comparing presidential administrations by arrests and convictions: A warning for Trump appointees

11 Congressmen out of 288 Republicans in Congress? Less than 4%.

Get that cell ready, again, one more time........

But no protection this time from the inside, aren’t you glad that maybe we will have a fair investigation into this finally.
Maybe they will appoint a anti Hillery/Obable investigation team, that way it will be fair. Kinda like the Trump haters investigation of Trump.

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Yes! Finally, at last. They'll get the whole unvarnished yet truthful story out that will fulfill any potential Imperialist Fascist's wildest fantasy of finally catching and jailing that diabolical debutante and master criminal, Hillary, oh, and her cohorts.

Donnies gonna make sure of it, you can believe that too.

All well and good but:

A). It is still a matter for Jeff Session to ACT ON (and there seems to be a lot of resistance to pursuing this).

B). If the GOP indicts these people and prosecutes them, you can bet the GOP has sealed their fate in winning the Mid-terms handily. Question is whether the GOP wants to win and are they dragging this out past that point?

C). At best, justice proceeds far too slowly in this country.
This type of activity is good cover for the Prez and puts Sessions in a bad
position. He doesn't act...Trump can fire his ass and nobody will say anything.
The problem becomes the waiting game to get a new AG confirmed. He would
need to fire Rosenstein also and put the #3 in charge to protect the DOJ from

But he would have ample reason to fire both of them for refusing the requests
from Congress, and nobody can argue that point
You can't have one standard for the Clintons and another for everybody else. That's what's made the country so frustrated when. I heard Chuck Schumer crow on the Senate floor how a judge had to sign on this. This particular judge was Bill Clinton's nominee for 1993.
You are so right.
Investigating the Clinton foundation forever and giving the Trump foundation a pass until the Trump foundation came up on criminal charges.

Complaining about Mrs. Clinton having her own email account the way Michael Flynn did. Shameful. That for Flynn it was OK even though he was working at the DOD and actually did give away classified information to foreign governments.

Then complaining that Hillary destroyed documents the way the Trump Company did? Outrageous.

They should treat Hillary the same exact way.
11 Congressmen out of 288 Republicans in Congress? Less than 4%.

Get that cell ready, again, one more time........

But no protection this time from the inside, aren’t you glad that maybe we will have a fair investigation into this finally.
Maybe they will appoint a anti Hillery/Obable investigation team, that way it will be fair. Kinda like the Trump haters investigation of Trump.

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Yes! Finally, at last. They'll get the whole unvarnished yet truthful story out that will fulfill any potential Imperialist Fascist's wildest fantasy of finally catching and jailing that diabolical debutante and master criminal, Hillary, oh, and her cohorts.

Donnies gonna make sure of it, you can believe that too.

along with repealing health care and a 2000 mile long fence ...

Of course I agree it should be done................and we'll see..............via the IG report they can KEEL HAUL McCabe.........very easily.........

Plenty on the others..............we shall see....................or is everyone tied to the den of thieves in powerful positions in this country........
That was just the tip, there is a lot more to come from the IG.

They better hurry. Only 6.5 more months until the midterms, and when the Dems get control of those committee chairs, it will those 11 clowns, along with about 40 others that will be getting to explain some things in front of those committees, right before they are censured, and or expelled from Congress for malfeaseance of office.

You morons will be crying like little bitches then.

And just think about it for a minute. Because the Democrats will control the purse strings, and the budgets, meaning Trumps Presidency, I'm sure the orange man will have no problems making deals with his new found buddies in the House, to make those 11 ass clowns life really uncomfortable for the remainder of their short stays in office.

They better hurry. Only 6.5 more months until the midterms, and when the Dems get control of those committee chairs, it will those 11 clowns, along with about 40 others that will be getting to explain some things in front of those committees, right before they are censured, and or expelled from Congress for malfeaseance of office.

You morons will be crying like little bitches then.

And just think about it for a minute. Because the Democrats will control the purse strings, and the budgets, meaning Trumps Presidency, I'm sure the orange man will have no problems making deals with his new found buddies in the House, to make those 11 ass clowns life really uncomfortable for the remainder of their short stays in office.
Heard them say they had the presidential election in the bag too...........nobody is listening to you echo chamber anymore.

They better hurry. Only 6.5 more months until the midterms, and when the Dems get control of those committee chairs, it will those 11 clowns, along with about 40 others that will be getting to explain some things in front of those committees, right before they are censured, and or expelled from Congress for malfeaseance of office.

You morons will be crying like little bitches then.

And just think about it for a minute. Because the Democrats will control the purse strings, and the budgets, meaning Trumps Presidency, I'm sure the orange man will have no problems making deals with his new found buddies in the House, to make those 11 ass clowns life really uncomfortable for the remainder of their short stays in office.

LOL, you've been spouting this shit since Obama won and yet SINCE he won the Repubs have been kicking your asses. With your record of being wrong you'd be better served to just shut up until it happens. By the way the even if you win both houses there is nothing you can do to stop the IG report or what Sessions can do with it.

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