Crooked Hillary Apparences. Come On. WTF?

Apparently failing CBS announced former secretaries Crooked "let's assassinate the dude who runs Libya for no apparent reason" Hillary, Madeleine "500,000 dead Iraqis is okay to pacify Bibi" Albright and Colin "Iraq has mobile mass destruction labs" Powell will appear on a CBS broadcast, Oct. 7. These disgusting neocons not serving life in prison is one thing, but celebrating these Hitlers is another! Very sad!

Dear Baby Jebuz. You are awake?
Camp, no offense, but did you graduate from a community college with C average?
Apparently failing CBS announced former secretaries Crooked "let's assassinate the dude who runs Libya for no apparent reason" Hillary, Madeleine "500,000 dead Iraqis is okay to pacify Bibi" Albright and Colin "Iraq has mobile mass destruction labs" Powell will appear on a CBS broadcast, Oct. 7. These disgusting neocons not serving life in prison is one thing, but celebrating these Hitlers is another! Very sad!
Listen J.E.D. if that is your real name. Say something intelligent and or controversial or get out of my thread, punk with that tranny fucking avatar!
Well Toro, as we all know, Crooked Hillary should be incarcerated for life... Small issue of Brock Hussaine Obama judges and a Swamp infested DOJ, etc., and stuff blocking justice.
Apparently failing CBS announced former secretaries Crooked "let's assassinate the dude who runs Libya for no apparent reason" Hillary, Madeleine "500,000 dead Iraqis is okay to pacify Bibi" Albright and Colin "Iraq has mobile mass destruction labs" Powell will appear on a CBS broadcast, Oct. 7. These disgusting neocons not serving life in prison is one thing, but celebrating these Hitlers is another! Very sad!

I mean really, what does he need besides a fucking tissue?
You are not laughing, you are bawling like the punk you are!

Snourer is your real name?

Is that all you got punk? I bet you are a limp-wristed, semi-transgender, butthurt Crooked Hillary supporter. M-I-RITE? ;) :p

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Holy shit...Folks the sick fucks in that pic were way worse than Hitler. It is funny Crooked Hillary is not wearing a giant smock covering her NHL hip pads for when she falls from time to time.
Kadafi was a miserable POS. but he was contained. Overthrowing dictators over there hasn't worked out well.

But OZERO needed a way to run guns to Al Nusra or whatever those Rag Head Fucks are called. Who are allied to AlQueda...........but they called them Freedom Fighters...............They are worse than Assad..............who they wanted to kill off and create another Vacuum.........

Obama ran Foreign policy like he was selling Vacuum Cleaners as well as Bush..............

Politicians are good at one thing ...........LOSING WARS.
Apparently failing CBS announced former secretaries Crooked "let's assassinate the dude who runs Libya for no apparent reason" Hillary, Madeleine "500,000 dead Iraqis is okay to pacify Bibi" Albright and Colin "Iraq has mobile mass destruction labs" Powell will appear on a CBS broadcast, Oct. 7. These disgusting neocons not serving life in prison is one thing, but celebrating these Hitlers is another! Very sad!

I mean really, what does he need besides a fucking tissue?

Maybe a good meal. I hear eating a bullet is filling.
Listen J.E.D. if that is your real name. Say something intelligent and or controversial or get out of my thread, punk with that tranny fucking avatar!
Why would I ruin a perfectly retarded thread by an unintelligible loon by posting something intelligent? :dunno:
Apparently failing CBS announced former secretaries Crooked "let's assassinate the dude who runs Libya for no apparent reason" Hillary, Madeleine "500,000 dead Iraqis is okay to pacify Bibi" Albright and Colin "Iraq has mobile mass destruction labs" Powell will appear on a CBS broadcast, Oct. 7. These disgusting neocons not serving life in prison is one thing, but celebrating these Hitlers is another! Very sad!

I mean really, what does he need besides a fucking tissue?

Maybe a good meal. I hear eating a bullet is filling.
Listen J.E.D. if that is your real name. Say something intelligent and or controversial or get out of my thread, punk with that tranny fucking avatar!
Why would I ruin a perfectly retarded thread by an unintelligible loon by posting something intelligent? :dunno:

Rehetorical Question?

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