Cruising For Cruz


Sep 23, 2010

Wouldn’t it be a kick if Democrats called Senator Cruz’s Canadian birth certificate a forgery!

The flap over Ted Cruz’s dual citizenship is a reminder of the game liberals are suiting up for in an effort to claim Barack Taqiyya was eligible all along.

Dual citizenship

The question of Barack Taqiyya’s Indonesian citizenship is not connected to his birthplace. The only thing I can say is that Ted Cruz said he would renounce his Canadian citizenship. To the best of my knowledge Barack Taqiyya never renounced his Indonesian citizenship.

I want to revisit Taqiyya’s possible duel citizenship at birth.

Back in 2008 & 2009 some of the challenges focused on Barack Taqiyya's citizenship through his father; a Kenyan, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his son’s birth, thus making him a dual citizen. Eligibility-doubters can make the case that says the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born even today.

A few years ago it occurred to me that there might be some proof of Barack Taqiyya's birthplace in British Embassy records from 1961. Barack Taqiyya's father may very well have thought he was doing a good thing by giving his son dual citizenship. Logically, his parents would have registered him at the British Embassy. If so, there is a good chance that some staff members might still be alive. I can’t believe that a white American woman showing up with a black baby was commonplace at the time. The same is true of American Embassy personnel. They would remember it. Before black racists jump on my speculation such an event could not have been all that common in 1961.

None of the above holds up if Barack Taqiyya was born in Hawaii. There are some legitimate doubts about that claim.

Aside from embassy records the truth can also be found in Mrs. Obama’s port of entry records when she returned from Kenya.

NOTE: Mama Obama’s passport file was lost years ago, or so the public was told. I know Democrats; so public records better be found before they are “lost” if they have not disappeared since 2009.

This much is known. A pregnant Mama Obama went to British East Africa in 1961 traveling on an American passport issued in her name only. If she gave birth while there —— as her husband’s relatives claim —— she had to go to the American Embassy for documentation in order to bring her newborn baby to the US. It’s as simple as that.

If Mrs. Obama did NOT enter British East Africa carrying an infant she could not take a baby out when she left without first going to the American embassy to file the proper paperwork. In those days no one could show up at an American port of entry carrying an undocumented infant. Today, she could enter from Mexico carrying undocumented quintuplets and no one would question her. In 1961 some kind of document was the only way she could get past customs and immigration IF SHE RETURNED CARRYING AN INFANT. In fact, I don’t think she could board a plane or a ship without the proper documentation.

And, I doubt if she flew non-stop from Kenya to Hawaii in 1961. I don’t know which airline she flew when she left Africa, but it is probably out of business anyway, or changed owners several times. Airline records from 1961 are probably non-existent. Not so with government records. It’s only a matter of locating her port of entry when she returned.

On the plus side, in 1961 there can’t be too many women coming in from Kenya then changing planes for Hawaii. That should narrow the search. She might have returned on a ship. That would narrow the search even further.

Were it only a matter of finding records controlled by the present government in Kenya you can be sure that Barack Taqiyya had those records destroyed by now. That’s why nobody is bothering to look for the hospital records where Barack Taqiyya’s paternal grandmother said she witnessed his birth. Granny Obama has since been told to button her lip.

The dual citizenship thing might not standup in court, but if embassy records prove that Barack Taqiyya was born in British East Africa those records will also prove he is lying about being born in Hawaii.

The hard truth

Barack Taqiyya’s records are his to control. He does not have to release anything. The records from American ports of entry are public records. British Embassy records are beyond the reach of American investigators.

Once Barack Taqiyya surrounded himself with the experienced liars he dug up from the Clinton administrations they surely got their hands on any damaging files. And let’s not forget that the Department of State is in charge of embassy records. That meant Hillary Clinton and the rest of those liars had four years to destroy to destroy everything. There is not a chance the truth will ever come out after that.

Ultimately, the American people have no say in anything. Not even with the votes they cast on election day as rigged elections show. The government does as it pleases in all things. The government can say Taqiyya was eligible while Cruz is not, and there is not a damn thing Americans can do about it

Finally, this is the real question regarding Cruz and Taqiyya. Were both parents American citizens at the time their sons were born? The answer is no in both cases.

I recently learned that Cruz’s father was not naturalized until after Ted was born. Barack Taqiyya’s father never became a US citizen. Both had American mothers. As much as I cruise for Cruz, I would be a hypocrite if I said he is eligible while Taqiyya was not. When all is said and done I hope he runs for the presidency and let the chips fall where they may.
Sixty or so years ago UN-lovers tried to sell the idea that everyone in the world should vote in America’s presidential elections. That was probably the first UN public relations campaign to sell global government. Interestingly, open borders and illegal campaign contributions from foreigners is achieving the very thing the UN was after six decades ago.

I don’t recall anyone saying that Americans should vote in foreign elections. Jeffrey Lord’s great piece asks:

Should all Americans have the right to vote in Mexico?

In Iran and Iraq?

How about Venezuela, Cuba, Canada, and China?


And if not, then shouldn’t Americans — citizens of the only country in the world built not on an ethnic identity but an idea — have the right to vote in every other country on the globe?

After all, well aside from the fact that America gives billions in foreign and military aid to all manner of countries around the globe, the fact is that America’s entire population — all of it — is made up of immigrants or the descendants of immigrants from every country in the world.

Lord goes on to address dual citizenship. I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with his conclusions:

If you wish to be an American — and you are here legally — then be one. Not an American with dual citizenship — but an American alone.


Senator Cruz’s rejection of his Canadian citizenship was forthright:

Because I was a U.S. citizen at birth, because I left Calgary when I was 4 and have lived my entire life since then in the U.S., and because I have never taken affirmative steps to claim Canadian citizenship, I assumed that was the end of the matter,” he added. “Now The Dallas Morning News says that I may technically have dual citizenship. Assuming that is true, then sure, I will renounce any Canadian citizenship. Nothing against Canada, but I’m an American by birth and as a U.S. Senator, I believe I should be only an American.​

Good for Senator Cruz.

But the Cruz example shouldn’t stop with Senator Cruz.

No one in America should be allowed to hold dual citizenship — anywhere.

If you want to come to America — come. Legally.

And when your hand goes up to take the oath of American citizenship — hand in the passport of your country of origin.

Abolish Dual Citizenship
By Jeffrey Lord on 8.22.13 @ 6:09AM
The Ted Cruz kerfuffle: Should Americans have Mexican citizenship?

The American Spectator : Abolish Dual Citizenship
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